A friend of mine is getting married in the fall and she has asked me to do a reading at the ceremony. She is under the somewhat mistaken impression that because I was an English major and I read a lot that I have a backlog of instantly attainable appropriate ideas at my fingertips…
Her guidelines are vague, which doesn’t help. She says “anything at all,” whether it’s poetry or fiction or non fiction. She would appreciate something humorous or at least lighthearted/charming vs “deep and and meaningful and Biblical.” She said I could do a preface of my own, or not. Explain the piece and why I chose it, or not. Up to me. She mentioned our shared love of David Sedaris…
I can’t think of anything David Sedaris wrote that would be remotely appropriate to read during a wedding ceremony, especially on the subject of love. Perhaps I am wrong? Do I have to go read all his books again? Or can I just skip David Sedaris? But where to look?
Any resources or suggestions any of you have would be helpful. I really don’t know why I said yes; it was a moment of weakness brought on by the pitcher of margaritas we were drinking and I forgot all about it til a couple of weeks ago when she reminded me, all giddy, of how excited she is to hear what I select…