little kids at X-men...WTF???

Awww, shucks Sqrl… Thanks!
We just got back from Pokemon, and I took Angkins daughter with us…they were excellent. Maybe people need to take the kids out MORE, that way they are cool about the whole thing, instead of acting like they are in Disneyland.
Just a thought (I dont get movie kickbacks :wink: )

Even more off topic - how about people who wear too much cologne/perfume to the movies… YUCK!

I went to see Gone In 60 seconds at the theatre about a month ago, and these high school kids just wouldn’t shut up. There was a group of 7 of us and we all said (not loudly but politely) please be quiet and they just kept carrying on. So when the most obnoxious kid leaned forward in his seat, I took my bubble gum and dropped it behind him as he was leaning back and it stuck to his shirt. Throughout the rest of the movie, he squirmed around it ground into his Tommy Hilfiger shirt quite nicely. I know it was cowardly and non-confrontational, but it was better than having to kick the asses of some immature(not that I’m mature)testosterone charged teen agers. I figured this story might inspire others to take the same route.

I went to Road Trip the week after it opened with some friends. In front of us was about 15 children, between about 7 and 11. Apparently, they were having a party, and before the movie started, they were making a LOT of noice. Well, a security gaurd, and I guess the adult in charge, came hurrying into the theatre, shushed the kids, gave the little girls some popcorn, and then the AIC left! She left 15 small children alone!
So, there is a lil bit of full frontal nudity, lots of innuendo, and other sexually explicit material in that movie. I just kept thinking about those kids in front of me. Why were they allowed to come and watch this movie, alone no less. It made me very uncomfortable.

Wow. Those are some bad stories. BTW, lest anyone think I’m attacking all parents indiscriminately, let me say that I appreciate very much those parents who are responsible enough to make movie watching enjoyable for both the kids and the rest of the audience. It’s the ones that aren’t like you that piss me off.

I remembered another story from the same movie. About halfway through the show, a little 8 or 9 year old girl came wandering in, looking lost. My sister asked her if she needed help, and she said no. Apparently, her mom and aunt had dumped her and her little brother in another movie and told them to find them when their movie was out. So now the kids’ movie was out and they were looking for their family - with well over an hour left to go! She wasn’t scared because she said they do this all the time. That’s just not right, people!

I think it also depends on the kid. I remember as a child watching old B horror flicks with my mom and laughing…especially at one featuring giant ants that ate people alive…but I couldn’t watch Star Wars because I was TERRIFIED of Darth Vader.

My mom’s an aid at an elementary school, and all these little second graders talk about watching South Park and Wrestling…da’hell? When I was in second grade, I was still watching Sesame Street!

Allright, you called down the thunder of the Angry Guy and now you got it!

I love going to the movies. I am a movie super phreak, and I hate it when some asshole (or gaggle of assholes) ruins the movie for me!

Take for example the second time I went to see X-men. There was some bitch running her mouth behind me. Several people had told her “Sshhhh!” and “Do you mind?!” but to no avail. I had to bust out a movie quote on her:

“Look lady, I’m all for conversation, but could you shut up for a minute?”

Hey skinny greasy goth boyfriend stood up, I stoop up.
Some other guy said (rightly):
“Will you two shmucks sit down or go outside and settle this?”
I said “Let’s go,”
He sat down, so I sat down, I asked if they were going to shut up, they just ignored me.
But they ignored me quietly, and that was fine by me.

As far as the laser pointers are concerned, I used to live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This one theatre I went to used to have a security guy in the theatre, who would look up into the crowd with some glasses that would allow him to see bright points of red light when one was used. He would immediately eject an offender from the theatre if he saw a laser pointer being used, and rumor had it that the cops in front would cite the offender with disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. Misdemeanors punishable by fines of up to $75 apiece!
That’s what I’m talkin’ 'bout!

When I was there, it was an ARMED GUARD. He was a big black guy who had a “Fuck with me and that’s yo’ ass” look on his face.
What is this country coming to?

Anyway, it was good to see that the laser pointer assholes got what they deserved. I had to douse a guy in coke once to get him to stop. I warned him 3 times that if he didn’t knock it off, he was gonna be one wet motherfucker. I got tossed out, so did he. Everyone applauded.
It was the third time I saw “The Matrix” on opening day.

Needless to say, people that are inconsiderate of others in a movie theatre forfeit their rights to an enjoyable experience altogether.

I hope we all do our part to get those assholes out of there, be it if they are talking to a friend in the theatre loud enough to be heard, talking on a cell phone constantly, have a squalling rug monkey, a laser pointer or are otherwise being an inconsiderate prick/bitch.

Ok, what I really hate is the fact that I have a friend who–unfortunately–has a really loud laugh. Not only that, but he’s kind of a happy guy; he laughs a lot. I really like going to the movies with him, but at the same time I always feel like somebody is being bothered by his laugh. Nobody has ever said anything outright, but sometimes I think I can hear the people near us talking. I mean, even I find it kind of obnoxious in the context of a cinema. Do you think it would be ok if I asked him to wear a gag?

Myrr, don’t feel bad. In EVERY theater, there’s the obligatory ‘loud laugh’ guy. It’s a freaking given. One of my friends and I figured this out a few years ago, and he decided that if there’s no other ‘loud laugh’ guy, he’ll sub for him. And boy, does he ever. I don’t go to movies with him anymore.


Is it just me or does it sound like this belongs in the Very Vaguely Creepy thread? It’s just creepy that someone would leave kids of that age in a public place by themselves like that.

Thanks everybody for not flaming me to a crisp on my first Pit thread.

Lexicon, I want to go to the movies with you.

I detest the cocky assholes who insist on MST3King every movie they see. Every time something tickles their fancy about a movie, they shout it loud enough for all to hear, as if anyone wants to endure their unsolicited stupidity.

I saw the Matrix in a cavernous NYC movie theater. In the back was one of these interactive unclefuckers shouting at the top of his lungs, “SWALLOW THE BLUE PILL! FUCK THE RED PILL! COME ON, NEO! DON’T BE A PUSSY!”

Though there was this funny guy in the audience when I saw X-Men. When Wolverine had his little car accident, he yelled, “I’m ok…I’ll walk it off.” Something about that was very amusing.

But what really spits out my semen are those stupid, stupid people who get vocally excited that they have figured out the secret plot of a movie after it has been made painfully obvious. About two seconds before the end of The Usual Suspects, this morbidly obese woman practically went into septic shock, shouting “Verbal is Keyser Soze!” Whoop dee fucking doo. She must have been the last person on earth to figure that out, and the loudest one too. Same deal with Fight Club.

I’ve never flipped out in a movie theater because I am usually too concerned with enjoying the movie I have paid for and not ruining the experience more for others. But next time I’m gonna waste the motherfuckers. At least no one ruined Rules of Engagement for me.


You know, I’ve attended hundreds, if not thousands, of movies, and never once had someone who was deliberately assholish, a la Maeglin’s friend in “The Matrix.” Maybe there’s some Canadian thing going on here. Or maybe I’m insanely lucky.

I mean, you’ve got your horrid kids and your loud laughers, but deliberate MST3K’ing a new release is a different thing entirely.

Maeglin said:

Well, except for the director, of course.

My sister and I Mstied The Phantom Menace, but when we went, it wasn’t crowded, and we would only whisper-VERY quietly.
No one heard us…it was only an occassional comment.

Seems like we have two seperate topics here. What are age appropriate movies, and how inconsiderate people can be at the movies.

Regarding the first issue…

Some movies are borderline for kids. My 7 and 10 year old did see the X-Men, but then again, they don’t freak out at movies. It almost worries me because they don’t freak out while watching movies (“Umm… aren’t you nervous honey? The big T-Rex is chasing that guy…” “Mom, it’s just a movie. Relax!”). South Park, I would say, not for kids. My nephews got to watch Austin Powers when they were under the age of 10. I didn’t approve. They also watched Anaconda. Again, nothing I would let my kids watch. You have to know your own kids, and know where to draw the line. Some movies should never be watched by kids, IMHO, and some movies… well… depends on the kid.

Regarding inconsiderate people at movie theatres…

I don’t take my kids to the theatre because I can’t find a sitter. If I don’t have a sitter, I don’t go to the movies. This might explain why I only get to one or two movies a year. The only exceptions are when I’m taking the kids TO a movie that I’ve decided they can watch (usually a child oriented cartoon). They misbehave, and I’m taking them out to the lobby (thankfully, due to training and lot of threats before we leave, I never actually have to take them out, but I’m fully prepared to). All children have the potential to act up at the theatre, or anywhere else, but only inconsiderate parents LET them act up. And my night out at the movies is to get away from my kids for the evening, not to listen to yours. If I wanted to hear screaming, crying, and the jingling of baby toys, I would have just stayed at home and saved myself $40.

Incidentally, some friends of mine from back home who have a young child have a perfectly workable solution for seeing movies without incurring the expense of a sitter: they go to the drive-in. If you have one in your area, you can see movies out, and if your child acts up, he or she disturbs only you.

You know, that honestly is a pretty good solution. I would actually try it, but unfortunately KC does not have any decent drive-in’s to speak of.

lunasea, you crazy body of moonlit water you! If you are ever in town, look me up and we can go to the movies and have some fun.

I once threatened one jackass because he insisted on flashing the fucking thing in my eyes. I told him if he continued, HE could pay the ER visit for the seizure I was about to have. He apologized and felt so rotten that he put the pointer away.

This works best on 1 on 1 situations.


Great, now you’ve ruined it for me :slight_smile:

BTW: It’s his sled.