little kids at X-men...WTF???

I was reading the X-men thread and at least 2 people mentioned bringing their 4 year olds. One child was actually begging her mom to leave. I can’t believe that this person is so selfish that a movie is more important than your kid. Then she has the nerve to say she feels bad. Obviously you didn’t or you would have stood up and left. Get a fucking babysitter if you want to see it that bad. I did.
Children this young do not understand that the things on the screen aren’t real. I went to see the movie and it made me jump a couple of times. I wouldn’t let my kid watch this over my dead body. It is pg-13 dammit. Why don’t you let your kid be a kid?

“Mommy I’m scared, can we go home now?”
“No honey, Mommy wants to stay. Don’t be afraid of the man stabbing the girl.”

I’m beyond expecting parental resposibilty from parents these days, especially at the movies. I saw a woman bring a group of 10 yr olds to the South Park film. Some idiot brought an infant (an infant, fer chissakes!) to a late show of ‘Independence Day’.

The worst was a family of 4 who came to see ‘Sixth Sense’. They arrived late to crowded show and found that they could not all sit together. The poor daughter, maybe 8 or 9, ends up sitting next to me. At some scenes, I swear the kid is shaking in her chair. At one point(when the little boy is visited in his room by the vomiting ghost), this kid gets up and runs screaming for the exit! I’m sure she’s seeing a therapist by now.

Personally, I didn’t think X-Men was all that bad, though 4 years may be borderline. But nothing annoys me more at a movie than a nearby kid. When I saw Perfect Storm a while back <<sound of finger being shoved down throat>>, there was a couple with a toddler. The man held it for the first 30 minutes or so, it yabbering away the whole time, then he handed it to her so he could go get popcorn. She spent the last 3/4 of the movie out in the hall with the kid while he sat on his fat ass and had a good old time. Luckily, she didn’t miss much, but what a bastard! Even ignoring the stupidity of bringing a kid that age to a movie, the least he could do is help out just a touch. Pissed me right off.

I had a very similar experience when I went to see X-Men. I was sitting behind a couple who had brought their young child to see the movie. He was about 5 years old and at many points in the movie was clutching his dad. His dad merely shrugged him off because he wanted to see the movie. His mom wasn’t much help either, and tried to calm the kid but wouldn’t take him out of the movie. The kid finally had to face backwards with his head to back of the chair for quite a while. The kid wasn’t an X-Men fan; he was terrified of Wolverine! The kid obviously didn’t even want to see the movie in the first place. If the dad really wanted to go see it, he should have let mom & sonny go and check out Chicken Run or another more suitable movie playing in the same building while he watched it. Why make him watch the movie? Or, as Smeghead mentioned, just have gotten a babysitter.

The problem are the whole families that go to the movies in packs. I went to see X-men Friday night, and there was a family of about 6 there, including a baby who couldn’t have been more that 2. The stupid kid ‘sang’ through the first half of the movie, and then started crying. Did these idiots remove the kid from the theater? NO. I was really getting angry, and about to yell “Shut UP!”, but the kid quieted down. It annoyed the hell out of me, and I didn’t enjoy the movie as much as I could have because of that kid.
The absolute worst though, that I have ever seen was a mother and 2 little girls, maybe 7 and 9, when I went to see Son of Sam last summer. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Before they kids started crying, I heard one ask to go home. Know what the mother said? “Be quiet and watch the movie!” She also snuck potato chips in for them, and all I heard was crinkle-crinkle-crunch, but that’s another thread.

When I went to see X-men, I got caught in front of some capital IDI idiot freshmen. They couldn’t decide if they wanted to shut up or not, and on top of that, they yelled several times during the movie. This was my favorite theatre, a small artisan one that I wanted my money to go to. I gave up the multiplex experience so I could help them. And I get stuck in front of goat felching, hamster squicking idiots. Bah.

I took my kids to see it.

Ted is 9, and Frankie will be 5 in september. They loved it. We are big Xmen fans in my house, and at the only parts that were over the top (when the man turned into water, and when wolverine punched his claws through his shoulders to free himself) I merely reached over and covered his eyes. Those scenes MIGHT have bothered him later, but I doubt it. I was impressed at the movies lack of gory violence. They obviously knew it would be necessary to keep it relatively clean so people could bring their kids to it.

This is a live action version of a cartoon… who exactly did you expect to see there? My parents were certainly not interested in it. My kids have been dying to see it since we first heard it was coming out.

And for the record, my kids didnt sing, cry or talk at the movie.

I would NOT however bring my kids to something like Sixth Sense (and the kids didnt sit with the parents - thats an awful story!) or Perfect Storm… or anything that didnt interest them. And Son Of Sam??? What were they thinking??? I saw small children recently at Shaft! I am sure the kids were big fans though…

I feel really bad for those of you whose movies are ruined by thoughtless parents with disruptive children. It is a true shame that a few of those make the rest of us look bad.

My kids go to movies all the time, and I have never got so much as a dirty look.In the last couple of months: Viva Rock Vegas, Chicken Run, The Kid, X Men, (there is more, but I forget) and we are off shortly to see Pokemon 2000.

I agree whole heartedly with the idea of parents being cognizant of the rating system as well–and probably more importantly–the enjoyment of the OTHER people who are paying way too much money to see a film. It’s annoying, distracting and gives you that funny feeling that you’re more concerned about a child than the parent is.
That said, I will freely admit that I took my four-soon to be five-year old to X-Men. He loved it. Now, we don’t have ultra-violent things bombarding him at home–so he’s not de-sensitized. But he is growing up in a house with a dad and brother who love comic books. We did not take him because we wanted to go and wouldn’t get a babysitter.
I read lots of reviews, checked out web sites and snooped around before making the decision. He would have been very disappointed not to have been allowed to go, but if I wasn’t sure he would like it and behave himself, he wouldn’t have gone. None of us would. As it was, he sat through the whole thing and loved it. Not because of the violence, but because the characters were so cool to him. I also know my son. He understands, yes even at his age, that these are actors and that there’s lots of special stuff going on to make the movie seem real.
He loves to watch those shows about movie stunts and it really gives him an idea of the work that goes into making something on film look real.
Like I said before–I agree 100% with your points. But since I was one of the people on the other thread who mentioned taking a little kid, I thought I’d explain my circumstances. If he had looked even remotely upset at any point, I’d had left then. If he’d had asked to go–you bet your ass we would have. And I expect other parents to treat their kids with that same respect.
I took him to the movie because he wanted to go and understood what it was about. I don’t regret it. He hasn’t had nightmares, but wishes very much that he had a friend like Kitty who could walk through walls. In fact, when she walked through the door he said, “They did that on the computer, right?”
I WAS a bad parent and took my oldest to see Jurassic Park when he was little. It was too intense, even for a dinosaur lover like him. I admit that it was a bad call on my part. We left the minute it got too much for him. I vowed I wouldn’t do it again.

Okay, you got me, I confess–I once took an infant to the movies. It was Clint Eastwood’s Pale Rider, we were so desperate to get out of the house, and at 3 weeks old, she slept through the whole thing like an angel.

And I have also done my share of jiggling a bored toddler out in the hallway while the rest of my party watches the movie (something with Richard Dreyfuss in it)–sometimes you just balk at the prospect of paying a babysitter, and you tell yourself, “Maybe she’ll sleep through this one, too.”

And I have also sat there in horror, watching other people’s young children be terrified by a movie that their idiot parents brought them to see. The most notable one, for me, was Gremlins, way back when. Here’s this audience full of schoolchildren watching a kitten being put in the microwave.

I was also personally acquainted with someone who allowed their 9 and 11-year-old kids to see Alien. I thought, “Geez.”

Steven Spielberg was quoted as saying that he wouldn’t allow his own kids to see Jurassic Park. He was absolutely right. Bonzo was 6 when it came out at the theaters, and we told him, “We don’t care how many of your buddies have already seen it, we don’t think you can handle it.” We went around and around, but we held the line. So then, after it came out on video, I rented it, watched it, and had to tell him, “Nope, sorry, it’s still too scary for you.” I mean, the scene with the kids trapped in the car had ME pausing it and taking a few deep breaths before proceeding (“it’s only a movie, it’s only a movie…”)

So, after all that, I went in to his 2nd grade classroom one day to do a Parent Helper thing, and there was a substitute teacher getting ready to let them watch it as an afternoon activity. I expressed my extreme doubts, and she said vaguely, shrugging, “Well, I haven’t seen it myself, but my son said it was good, and he thought it would be OK for them to watch it.”

I said, “How old is your son?”
She said, “Sixteen.”
Two minutes later I was down in the office, protesting, and they ended up watching The Love Bug instead.

It wasn’t until he was in the 4th grade that he was allowed to watch it, at home (not in a darkened theater), on video (on a small screen, that tends to minimize the emotional impact), with me sitting there next to him holding the remote, my finger on the Pause button.

And to this day, La Principessa has never been allowed to watch it, not even with me sitting there holding the remote.

Bonzo is sitting here playing Playstation, and when he saw what we were talking about here just now (“little kids going to see X-Men”) he noted, “Oh, yeah, it was definitely too scary for little kids, Wolverine stabbed like 80 people, man.”

When my bf and I went to see “Rules of Engagement,” there was a woman with a tiny infant some rows ahead of us-- couldn’t tell if she was otherwise alone or not, but I think that was definitely a case of “can’t find a sitter.” We were surprised that someone would bring a child to that particular movie; then again, aside from one or two whimpers the baby was well-behaved, and probably slept through the whole thing.

On the other hand, a bunch of us went to see “What Lies Beneath” on Friday, and my best friend found herself sitting next to a kid who was chattering throughout, but was absolutely old enough to know better. I think he was with his mother, who from what I could hear was chatting with him instead of telling him to hush, for the most part. Talking during movies is just plain infuriating-- it’s great when the audience reacts to a scary or funny moment, but do me a favor and keep your long-winded chats to yourself until the credits are rolling, thanks!

I’ve been reading about a lot of people in this thread complaining about people bringing kids to movies where they cry or sing or whatever. And about punk college kids making comments and noises. And about people talking through the movie. There are two very good ways to handle this.

  1. Stand up, get out of your seat, and ask the people to stop doing whatever it is they’re doing. Most of these people are making noise because they feel they can get away with it. If you ask them to stop, they usually will. Maybe it’s just that I’m 6’2", 215 lbs. and use phrases like “fuck” and “that straw up your ass”, but after I’ve asked someone to be quiet once, I’ve never had another problem.

  2. Ask for your money back. You can make a serious case to the theater manager that some talking baby, or, worse, goofy drunk frat boys, have ruined your moviegoing experience. Let the theater know. They will most likely give you passes to another show, for free. And, while this doesn’t hurt them much (most theater revenue does not comes from ticket sales, which is why they’re so willing to give you free tickets), if enough people complain regularly enough, they will fear the loss of their real moneymaker, concession sales. So they’ll keep a closer watch on things, and maybe even start warning parents away from movies with stong content if they’ve got their younguns with them.

That said, most theater owners are pretty decent people, who have a pretty good sense of customer service and actually enjoy movies, too. You let them know how much your experience sucked, and they’ll try to put it right and prevent it from happeneing in the future. But, if you just keep your mouth shut, your rights as a moviegoer will get trampled on.

I have had several people removed from the theatre because of their noisy kids. One couple and their three kids in particular I had removed on two separate occasions.

The first one was at the Star Trek movie that had the borg in it. I don’t remember its name but I didn’t think it was that good of a movie. Anyway, the kids (all under the age of six) were screaming (literally about once every five minutes and it was loud), playing with a set of car keys that had bells on it (literally), and fighting with eachother (not the two year old but the fourish and fivish year old). The first time they were sitting right in front of me on the opening night of that movie. Anyway, I asked them to control their kids. Most everyone in the theatre was hushing them. Several other people asked them to control their kids. Well, they didn’t do it. I went out and talked with one of the usher type people (are they still called that?) and he came in and asked them to be quiet and calm the kids down. Well, that worked for all of two minutes. The moment he left they acted up again. So, out I went. This time I got the security guard. He came in and I pointed them out. The kids were fighting that time (arguing and pulling eachothers hair). He watched for about five minutes and walked up to the parents and told them to calm their kids or leave. That is when the guy starts mouthing off to the security guard. To make a long story short, the security guard drags the guy out of the theatre after a long string of cusswords fired off by the guy. This seemed to be his trademark as you will see again.

The second time I went to see Stargate (it sucked too) at a dollar theater. You can guess who was there. The guy above, his wife/girlfriend/ho (all may have been appropriate, I don’t know or care), and his three kids under the age of six. Well, they have them situated the same way with the kids fighting, the loud keys with the bell on it, and some of the screaming (not as much as it was before, the fighting was a little different). Again, the audience was hushing them and the guy yelled, “what the fuck is your problem!?!?! Don’t any of you have any fucking kids?!??!” To which some other people responded in a somewhat unison, “YES! But our kids know how to behave!” Some others added, “We paid a babysitter 10 bucks to watch our kids for the few hours we would be out which is about what you paid to get them in here!” The guy started cussing again. I went out and got the security guard (no more ushers for me) and she came in saw immediately what was happening, went out and got four more usher type people and the manager. They got kicked out then. He was yelling profanities that would make a homeless prostitute who regularly squicks pigs angry. Well, at that time, their predicament was more interseting than the movie (I did say it was Stargate and it really sucked, didn’t I?) I went out casually leaving my boyfriend at the time in watching the movie and played a videogame. The guy kept yelling cusswords and was fighting to go back into the theatre. The security guards/ushers were holding him back, the woman was crying as was the baby, and the other two kids were fighting and running around in circles. I was playing some videogame trying to look nonchalant and then the police showed up. The guy was taken away in handcuffs because he hit the security guard woman and several other people. Before he was taken out he was given a breathalizer (which he failed). Also, it was discovered that the woman had her license suspended so they took the car keys away so she couldn’t drive away. (They didn’t give her a breathalizer test.) It was awful but gratifying. This lasted all of twenty minutes. I went back into the theater then and discovered that the linguist guy could now speak the native’s language. I really missed nothing. I later saw the movie again and was even more disapointed.

With all this said, I commend Kelli on her kids behaviour. They really are a reflection of your behaviour. I didn’t mind the kids as much as the parents behaviour towards them. I didn’t like how the kids were behaving by any means but with some type of discipline they should have been better and would have maybe listened to their craphead parents. Keep up the good work Kells.


My boys (7 and 10) and I loved the X-men, I did have the girls who are 2.5 and .5 stay with the sitter when we went. I didn’t want them bothering other patrons and didn’t want them bugging me either.

Although the movie was relatively free of gore I can truly see Wolverine scaring the pee out of a little one, even though he is a hero he isn’t a nice guy unless you’re a female from the age of 18 to whatever…

I am often amazed at what my nephews get to watch, they are 8 and 12 and came over one day telling our boys that they were watching Southpark. What’s up with that? It plays at midnight here for a reason, it ain’t for kids.

When I went to see the Southpark movie, I nearly cracked up as in front of us were seated a free-thinkin’ mom with her 13 year old son. I’m sure she thought he was very mature and could handle whatever was in the film (the film actually surprised and delighted me with its level of crassness and bad taste- I was surprised that this was legal). The kid was very well-behaved but his mom was visibly worried and trying to keep cool about it, as he kept leaning over for clarification on some points ("mom. . . what’s a clitoris?’ “Uh, well. . .”)

On the issue of the South Park movie–it was intentionally made exactly as bad as it could be and still get an R rating (this was in retaliationg for the NC-17 on Orgazmo). I couldn’t believe the security they pulled when I went to see it. They carded me, but since I was trying to buy two tickets (one for my GF who was at work for another hour), they wanted both IDs. I’m frickin old enough that I could be a parent or legal guardian–plenty of people my age around Baltimore are (one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country). So I have to drive back to get her ID. Then back to get the tickets. Then back to pick her up. Then they carded me twice more on the way into the theater. Geez

My father took me to see Alien* when I was 11, because he knew I was mature enough to handle it. OTOH, Peta Tzunami and I saw a woman who had a 5-year-old child at Fight Club! For heaven’s sake, there is no way that movie is appropriate for a child that age.

Getting the security first is the best idea I’ve read in this thread. You don’t ever want to tell someone that their “sweet sweet treasure” is kicking the back of your seat, and you’d like them to stop. Parents who allow this behavior in their children are not the kind of people who will stop it when you ask them to. They are instead the kind of people who dump their popcorn on your head, call you a “stupid bitch”, and leave before security shows up.

This is really bad in “baby crazed” Johnson County (KS), which is filled with upper-middle class 20 and 30-somethings who have decided to reproduce as early and often as possible, thus yielding thousands of “Britneys” and “Brandons” to run wild in the theatres.



Anthracite, I guess you can go get security. But then you have to miss more of the movie. Most (actually, all) of the parents I have spoken to have been very apologetic and as frustrated with their child as I was. It’s like it just took a little nudge to get them to realize the error of their ways. If you want to go get a secuirty guard, then be my guest.

I still haven’t figured out a way to put a stop to this. I just can’t seem to find a way to pinpoint the culprit. Anyone have any ideas?

Myrr21, I have a similar OT story. When The Doors movie was out, the manager of our local multiplex took it upon himself to ban anyone under 17 from seeing it, even with a parent. I don’t know if anyone challenged him on it, as I was at least 18 at the time. I’m not even sure he had any legal right to make that decison. The movie was rated “R,” and if a parent wanted to bring their 16 year old to see it, I can’t see where the manager would have any say in stopping it.

Well, Rose, it was his theater, and it’s his decision who he will and will not sell tickets to. I’d bet the only people who could quibble with his decision would be the movie distributors. The audience could vote with their pocketbooks, but I’d think that a good portion of them would be more likely to continue visiting.