little kids at X-men...WTF???

Yeah, and the chick in The Crying Game is a guy.

Cell phones have become my personal bane at the movies. It’s practically gaurenteed that some loser will have his musicall ringer go off, let it ring about five times, then answer it, proceeding to talk at a normal volume. The worst case I can think of off hand was The Sixth Sense, when some bitch pulled this at one of the quit points of the movie.

Laser pointers seemed to have finally died out here: I hope they never come back again.

Worst case of bringing kids to an inopropriate movie: A lady brough four children to see Species 2. Besides the genral trauma caused by seeing such a seriously shitty film, the little ones got to see some cool scenes like a threesome, followed by a guy getting his face chewed off by the newly impregnated female victim of the alien, bursting out of her belly Alien style. That’ll be some therapy bills in the future for the mom.

I think this trumps all the other child abuse stories here (well, maybe not the Species 2 - that’d be a tie): A couple brought their 6-7 year old to see Seven! That movie gave me nightmares, for Chrissake! They also scored well in the annoyance arena by bringing a baby and letting it play with their keys. Of course, when I asked them to be quiet, I was apparently the one being rude. I really could have kicked these people’s asses with pleasure.

Myrr, what theater were you going to when you got carded so many times? Loew’s in White Marsh (at The Avenue) is notoriously strict about that. Just curious.

I also have seen young kids at R-rated movies. I can’t imagine what parents are thinking. I always remember soemthing that happened to me a few years ago.
Hubby and I and our daughters (ages about 6 & 7, I think) were in line (at the theater door, already having bought tickets) with lots of other parent/kid combos waiting to see “The Santa Clause” with Tim Allen. Playing next door was “Interview With The Vampire”. Ding-a-Ling comes down the hall, sees all these kids, and actually asks which movie we were all waiting for. I mean, did he really think all those kids were going to see something like “Interview With The Vampire”??
I remember seeing young kids (about 5 or 6) at the one with Robert DeNiro and Billy Crystal, (blanking on the name), where every other word RDN says is “fuck”.

“Anylize This” Kinsey


It seems the jerks from San Antonio moved up to North Carolina, AerunSun. It sounds pretty much identical to my story. They probably had one of the kids murdered because it was so bad. Fortunately for them, they escaped. It was nice to see that guy get taken to jail.


Allow me to share one of the reasons I firmly believe that movie houses attract white trash like crap attracts flies.

I was new in the area, and saw a dollar theater about 5 mins from my house. Naively, husband and I go to see “Contact” there, somehow not figuring that it would be a magnet for scummy teens. Don’t get me wrong–there are lots of teens I like. I just have a thing against the ones who haven’t discovered personal hygiene yet.

So I behave and am polite all the way through the movie, ignoring the greasy teens just in front of me who have not learned to sit still for longer than 5 minutes.

Then here comes the really cheesy scene: Jodie Foster is on that other planet, and a Misty Apparition is coming towards her. I whisper–quietly–to husband, “Oh, no. Please don’t let that be her dad. How corny.”

Obviously, I didn’t whisper quietly enough–my bad, I admit. Greasy Teen Girl ahead of me turns around and throws an empty Milk Dud box at me. Tee hee! Tee hee! says the whole acne-saturated row. I thought it was funny, too, but for a different reason: she’s sitting two feet in front of me and COMPLETELY MISSED.

So I pick up the box, tap the greasy shoulder, and say sweetly, “Excuse me, Greaseball, but I believe this belongs to you.” She swivels. I wait for some sort of comeback. All I get is a prolonged impression of a deer in the headlights. You can hear the rusty cogs turning in her head: “Oh no! She spoke to me! What do I do now?!” Pause. Then I say, “You know, if you’re going to throw things at people, you really should work on your aim. That was pretty pathetic.”


“Okay,” I say. “I’m done now. You can go back to trying to figure out the movie.”

Movie ends. Greasies get up. So do we. Then, as they’re leaving, Greasy Girl gets a brilliant idea–she throws the box at me AGAIN!! Wow, that really taught me a lesson. And, of course, she misses again. She turns, in a panic, to flee–not the confrontational type, I’m guessing–and is faced with the usual post-movie mass of people in the aisle, going nowhere fast. Don’t you hate it when Fate puts a kink in your plans like that?

So my 6’2" 250 lb. husband growls menacingly, “That’s it. I’m gonna grab her and pound her silly.” GG screams in utter panic and throws herself against the mass of people in the aisle. It was all flailing limbs and pushing elbows until she finally got away from us. We just watched, of course, laughing like mad.

I was once actually grateful for a row full of drunken frat boys at the movies. Does anybody out there remember Pink Floyd’s The Wall, as a movie, I mean? Well, when that first came out, the Better Half persuaded me to go see it with him (this was way Before Kids). This–thing–was completely outside both my moviegoing and rock n’ roll experience. I sat there, baffled and stunned. Was I supposed to be enjoying this? I began to be angry with Himself for dragging me into this.

The only other people in the theater, a mall 6-plex on a Wednesday afternoon, was a row way down in front with about eight frat boys in it. They had obviously been drinking, and during the movie we detected the unmistakable fragrance of dope. They were having a blast.

Obviously, this was meant to be an enjoyable experience. So I was able to relax enough to at least try to understand it, and it wasn’t that bad. I will always be grateful to them. Especially for not vomiting.

Do NOT dis The Wall. I have had it on VHS and now have it on DVD and I love every strange moment of it. :stuck_out_tongue:
Now about movies and kids and such… My son (almost 5) has gone to see mostly kids movies, but he did see Phantom Menace about 5 times in the theaters and Galaxy Quest once. We knew he could handle them (he is a major Star Wars and Star Trek fan) and he did fine. The only movie theater experience he ever had a problem with was seeing “Honey, I shrunk the audience” in 3-D at Disneyland. It scared the holy fuck out of him and he sat curled up in his seat the whole time. They wouldn’t let us out until the “ride” was over, either.

He’s also seen Jurrassic Park and Lost World several times on video. I don’t think I’d have taken him to see them in the theater though–too intense on the big screen.

I don’t understand people who can’t control their kids in public… I mean if you start when they’re tiny by letting them know that bad behavior will NOT be tolerated… they figure it out. I think those parents are probably just lazy and/or clueless. Now, I realize that occassionally there is a truly evil problem child, but I think that kind of thing is pretty rare. I mean, the worst thing my Nicky does is try to say hi to everyone when we go eat at restaurants. What’s worse, he’s so charming about it that while we’re telling him to turn around and behave, the other people are almost always saying “no, it’s ok!” and trying to carry on a conversation. Hello? Do not try to tell my child that what I say “no” to is really “ok” … duh? I bet these people would be pissed if Nicky was talking through a movie or something, and have no clue that their own behavior contributes to it. :::rolling eyes:::

Kinsey: I was going to the Valley 9, out on Reisterstown Rd. Or am I mixing up my theaters? Anyway, it’s the one on Reisterstown Rd near Owings Mills, hidden away behind some stuff.

All I can think about as I read this thread is my experience with Batman. I must have been 8 years old, My lil’ brother 6. When the scene where the Joker fries the executive came around. I was so freaked out I asked my mom if we could leave. She of course said yes. She was a little angry but then we walked around Disney’s Pleasure Island while my dad and brother finished the movie. I still haven’t seen that movie since… My kids will not be allowed at a movie until I preview it. Just like my 'rents did. And god bless Blockbuster and microwave popcorn. No adult movies (rugrats and stuff excluded) until they can sit still and watch the movie.