Little Mysteries

Thank you FCM, I’m holding your flashback in the forefront of my brain to stave off my own vision: Roddy McDowell in Planet of the Apes. :eek:

I fwe combine this week’s thread theme with last week’s, we can play Mystery Date!

Sorry Rue those pickets are 4’ tall by 2" (inches) wide.

w/ about a two inch gap in between.
and Lissla that’s pus allright…don’t get too worried though. Your tonsils are a filter of sorts and that happens sometimes. Gargle with a strong antiseptic mouthwash and if it doesn’t clear up in a few days a shot of penicillin always knocked mine right out.

Also, I never had mine removed and since my last case of tonsillitis (almost 30 years ago) I’ve never been sick. :slight_smile:

Ooo, raptors. Found sites & cites for sizes for you, Rue.
First place I found all the data in one place, but it’s all in PDF format. Sorry about that. It’s at Raptors of the Rockies Just click on the species you want to check out and BLAMMO, a PDF file for you. What else I could find:
Broad-winged Hawk, checking in at 13", wingspan 33"
Cooper’s Hawk, with a size of 14" - 21" and a wingspan of 27" - 36"
Red-Tailed Hawks, including Krider’s Hawk, Harlan’s Hawk, and Fuerte’s Hawk (approx. 18" length with a 48" wingspan)
Northern Harrier, aka Marsh Hawk 16.5", wingspan 42"
Goshawks, Size 19", wingspan 42"
Sharp-Shinned Hawk Size: approx. 25-35 cm (roughly 10 to 14 inches)
White-tailed Hawk 21" with a 48" wingspan.

And from the Falcon family:
American Kestrel, size 8.5" with a wingspan of 21"
Peregrine Falcon 15"length, 40" wingspan
And many others that can be found here because there’s just too many and I’m tired of cutting & pasting.
Had enough yet? :smiley:

Oh, and yes, the Kestrel is smaller than any of the hawks or kites listed. The Cooper’s Hawk and short-tailed Hawk come closest, but they’re still larger. (OK, so I was wrong about not posting anymore links.)

I got to give the kudos to Dog Mom. Not very often we get a BLAMMO in here. The occasion boink, several whams, and a smack or two.

Actually it was real fur, and if they ever connect him with that freshly-shaved chimpanzee down at the zoo, he may not be out for a while yet.
[sub]errr…so I heard[/sub]

Lissla - another vote for “go to the doctor.”

Rue - a Seahawk

Rue you have a cat, right? I would look into that as the source of your dog’s scratch. Does your dog bother the cat (i.e. put her nose up the cat’s butt)?

Papaveraceae, my dog came with B.O (she was only about 12 weeks old when got her). She would get her weekly bath and smell by Tuesday. The kind of smell that made me think of buying her deodorant, but for all over. Well she developed big sores, mostly on her tummy, but they were also under her collar and on her tail and a few on her back. So off to the vet we went. He diagnosed her with allergies. She got shots (the expensive kind) and some pills. Well she is all better now plus (and here is the reason I am subjecting you to this story) is she doesn’t smell bad anymore.

Now MY mystery. I think my dog blew out her right back knee. She jumped onto the bed last nite and when she got on it she had a hard time moving and couldn’t get up. She got off of the bed and wouldn’t place any weight on it so I put her back onto the bed (quite the feat since she weighs 95lbs). This morn I had to help her out of bed. She still won’t put weight on that leg. She had a plate put in the left back knee in January (at the cost of $3K gah!). So we have a vet appt on Friday. I would go immediately, but I want to make sure she didn’t just bump it and pinch a nerve. So did she or didn’t she blow her knee out? I left my mom today with the responsibility of watching her to make sure she stayed off of it. PLUS my officemate laughed at me. When I called the vet I said “Hello this is deb2world, Sassy’s mom”. How else am I suppose to introduce myself? :slight_smile:


in this thread. Damn all character limits anyway.

Did you ever have one of those days where everything turned out really bad, even though it started pretty good?

Like, say, you’re on vacation, and you went to the beach yesterday and got a little too much sun, so your skin is feeling a little tight and itchy, and you decided to wear loose clothing to the ball game, which means big baggy shorts and boxers? And then your nether regions get all relaxed and sweaty so that everything precious to you in the world gets all tangled up and you accidentally sit down on the hot, hard, plastic seat and crush one of Roscoe’s best friends between your thigh and a solid piece of polyurethane? Then you go to the Men’s (that’s a CAPITAL “M,” 'cause I’m at a baseball game) Restroom and have to untangle Roscoe from his friends with the Big Right-Handed-Dig and do your business and then go back to your hot plastic seat, and face the horrible reality of the plastic again? And you know that you’ll have to deal with a killer groin rash the next day, which you could have forestalled with some talcum powder, but you didn’t want to be all womanish and cart around a huge bag of stuff that you probably wouldn’t need anyway?

Have you?

I had one of those days today, except I was at work, and there really isn’t going to be a groin rash. It still sucked though. I thought I was finished with the stupid thing, but noooooooo. My dumbassed boss want’s me to modify my my masterpiece to accomdate her Dumbassed Idea That Will Render Everything Impossible. I have a crapload of work to do tomorrow. And tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow…

I met a bunch of friends after work today, and decided to just say “F*UCK THIS” and get really, really drunk so I could feel sorry for my self afterwards.

This worked surprisingly well. I’m feeling really sorry for myself on the one hand, but on the other hand I’m simultaneously stupid for feeling bad about my relatively comfortable existence, and on my left foot feeling happy.

Why did you read this? Are you drunk too?

I just posted this here so I could say “hello” to my SDMB friends, and I’m sorry for the hijack, because it’s not the least bit funny or creative.
-Ex (turning the damned machine off and going to bed really early because I need to)
PS: Have you ever spent an insane amount of time proofreading your own post, correcting about a hundred mistakes, and gone away knowing you missed some, but you posted it anyway?

I’m doing that now. G’night.

Okay, I lied.

I can’t believe I posted this drunk without tossing out a token insult at Coldfire.

So here it is, you big smelly jerk.

By way of contrast, UncleBeer and Cajun Man are fine upstanding gentlemen.

Damn. I had to edit this one a lot too.

I’m really going to bed this time. As soon as I get Roscoe all untangled again.

I learned to call it “Roscoe” and “Mr. Happy” from my Dad. I just thought of it today when he called me.

Ther was more editing up there.

I’ll call my doctor tomorrow. I have to talk to her about getting Mr. Lissar added to her patient list anyway. Sigh. Maybe she can fix my knee this time- it still creaks almost three years after I dislocated it.

Lissla(feeling gloomy because of swollen tonsils)

Did anyone else visualize Ex playing with “The Boys” and not really “catching on” or was it just me?

Did any one else, after reading Ex’s post, feel like they’d ridden the merry-go-round once too many times and they were dizzy beyond dizzy??

Well this is embarassing.

I sort of remember posting that first one, but I don’t recall the second one at all.

What in hell was that, anyway?

Ex, my good buddy, those two posts were prime examples of posting drunk. Such fine examples would be included in the “SDMB Drunk Posting Hall of Fame”, if such existed. :smiley: So, how’s that hangover this morning?

I guess I should be relieved. No bear hunting in those posts.
-swampbear (glad bear season is over)

Ex, no one is fooled by your lame attempt to seem drunk when posting. There’s no WAY you could be drunk, since you just got out of jail.


Lissla, the things I have are “checks”. Among other things. I have a bunch of things. None of them are “cheques”. You might have “cheques” and that’s fine. But don’t be foisting your “qu” on me when a “ck” does juuuuust fine.

Oh, and you might want to call Deb’s vet about your knee. If they can fix up her dog, they might be able to fix you up to. And $3K? Whadda deal! (For you. For a dog? A little pricey.)

Is it just me, or is it a little odd that Ellen won’t eat yummy bacon, but it the first to bring up “pus pockets”? Makes you go “Hmmm…”, doesn’t it? (It should.)

If booklover were to dress up as a monkey (with an eye patch and wooden leg?) in a Tuxedo, would that be a monkey in a monkey suit? (Again, Hmmm…)

A fence on a roll. Is this a great country or what t-keela? (And I’m guessing you just hold it in place with big ol’ T-posts? Like for livestock fences?)

Thanks for all the links DogMom. When I have the time, I’ll come back and look at ‘em. But “Raptors of the Rockies”? Doesn’t do me much good seein’ I’m east of you. (The Adequate State of Ohio!)

How else are you supposed to let the vet people know who you are Deb? “Sassy’s mom” is the easiest way to go. But no, no cat currently. It would be the easiest solution to the little mystery. (Nicki’s healing up fine, so you know.) Katcha does have an invisible cat right now (orange with green eyes), but I think it was de-clawed so I can’t blame Nicki’s nose on the cat. (Named “Cat”.)

Then there’s Exgineer. What can we say about good ol’ Ex?

“I’m sorry for the hijack, because it’s not the least bit funny or creative.” he says. Ha! I say! There was Ex being stupid and getting too much sun. Funny. Then he sits on his own stuff. Funny. Then he has to molest himself to fix the damage from said sitting. Funny. And then he 'fesses up it was all made-up stuff. Creative. I think that’s why we all love (but not in that way) our own Ex. He’s a hoot.
-Rue. (with secret herbs and spices)

You know what’s the most interesting thing about that post? (The one you just read. Assuming you actually read it and didn’t just skim it for your name.) I started writing it two anna half hours ago. Before I send Soupo off to school this morning I checked out the Boards and saw all the new posts to the thread. So I thought I’d reply and stuff. (I’m just That Way, I think it’s all about ME!) I got a good start, but then I had to actually get Soup out to the school bus. And then I had to run out with Katcha and do a few errands. Now I’m back and posting what I got.

So I’ve been thinking about this post for over two hours.

And this is the best I could do.
(already signed)

See, this is what I like about being a woman (among other things), I never have to worry about sitting on my “stuff”. Of course, I also don’t have an excuse to go playing around with my stuff in public (okay, semi-public, Ex was in the Men’s Room, and it may be the norm in the Men’s Room, I wouldn’t know because I haven’t been in a Men’s Room since I was 9, and then it was the Boy’s Room and I was being pulled in kicking and screaming*). I will admit to adjusting my bra in more or less public spaces, but I rarely need to handle my girls to get them into a more comfortable position, i.e. my hands do not go under my shirt.
*This was a game we played in fourth grade, pulling each other into restrooms. For some reason, a girl in the boy’s room or vice versa was the height of hysterical to us that year.

I think Ex and I are linked on some strange level. I, too, went out last night and got really plowed after a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day at work. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to record my drunkeness for all to see, but that’s ok, I guess. I did sing some kareeeeoki, though. You haven’t heard the Bohemian Rhapsody until you’ve heard me and 4 or 5 of my drunk friends sing it. Good time had by all. Unfortunately for me, all my buddies work in the evening, and I always forget that I have an office job now, and I have to be all bright eyed and bushy tailed at 8:30am or so. My head hurts. My (junk, stuff, twig and berries, dangly bits, Stanly and the Boys, etc) however, is doing just fine, thank you very much.

-tool (hungoverly)


Ok, speaking of MMPers who post while err… “tipsy”, I decided to add my name to the list. Right now I am slightly under the influence of the Miller Brewing Company. Of course the fact that Albeeeny, Jawja has a Miller plant and the fact that said plant is a big supporter by way of dollars for the nonprofit I work for, has absolutely nothing to do with that. :smiley:

Anyway, I am appalled that no one has replied since lightingtool’s post this afternoon, thereby allowing this thread to sink to page two! Shame on y’all. And don’t give me that lame excuse of having to work, cause I didn’t before now because of work and because of being forced to meet friends after work for a drink or three or four. To my credit, I also ate supper (after all it is all you can eat shrimp night at AJ’s). So what’s y’alls excuses?

A MMP thread should never go to page 2 this soon. Now excuse me while I go jump in the pool. It is still 84 degrees at 7:25 PM. If that doesn’t scream jump in the pool nothin’ ever will.

-swampbear (submitting this without preview)

Okay, everybody, where have you been? We want details, mind you, none of this “I was too busy to post?”

In the spirit of full disclosure, I will come clean about my activities for the day. I did not post all afternoon because, um, because–oh yeah! There was this pack of wild dingos running around my office building, causing a ruckus and sparking bad Meryl Streep impersonations. Knowing that the dingos are infruriated by bad mimicry, I ran through the office–carefully and with great skill avoiding the rampaging dingos–and turned every radio in the building to NPR. Soon the dingos were being soothed by the calming voices of Michelle and Robert and the All Things Considered general ambiance. I then ran outside and flagged down a passing group of Gypsy acrobats and persauded them to help lure the dingos out of the building. Everyone knows that dingos will follow a tumbler anywhere. However, the Gypsies were one person short to perform. I offered to help, but only Gypsies may be taught to secret Rommy acrobatic maneuvers. I told them I should be an honorary Gypsy because my mother had taught me the ancient secret language of Gibberish, which is nothing like the venerable Gypsy tongue, but is a secret. Knowing the seriousness of the need, the entire extended Gypsy family held a meeting and voted to recognize me as a temporary Gypsy. They then taught me the tumbling routine, which we then used to great success to rid the office of dingos. Where the dingos went is their affair. All I know is that the dingos have left the building. I repeat: the dingos have left the building.

And I’m not even drunk.

Well I spent the morning at the OB… this is a bigger deal than it sounds because we had to get up early and then sit in traffic for an hour and a half to get to the hospital and then spend an hour at the doctor’s and then come home.

All is well… still pregnant… wishing my freaking water would just break and I wouldn’t have to wait until next month :frowning: I am so tired of being pregnant!

Then I came home and fed the munchkin and all that jazz…

And the boards have been horribly slow all day. Even now I get all happy because they run quick for a minute then everything ends up DNS errors. grrrrrrrr

Oh and I can’t say I’m posting drunk… I have no excuse for this drivel! I haven’t been drunk in over a decade. But swampbear shamed me into admitting my tale of slow boards and lost posts and lurking today…

See y’all in the morning :slight_smile: