Little Mysteries

Well, I spent the afternoon sleeping, after making a doctor’s appointment. Then I joined little bits of metal together for an hour, ate dinner, and now I’m posting. So there.

I’m having a fashion crisis. I’m actually paying to go out to a club this Saturday, because the singer for my favourite band is DJ-ing, and I’m trying to decide what to wear. I’ve pretty much decided on the slinky black-and-silver evening dress, but I think I need a hip belt or scarf, jewelry, and something on my arms. I’ll be wearing my lovely, charming Doc Martens because while I do own combat/hooker boots, they’re new, and still uncomfortable. Also, the dress is too long to show them off properly.

Spiderweb fishnets and a choker and my leather trenchcoat, but do I need wrist cuffs or something? I’m not sure. Difficult.

Oh, come on, people! This is very important!


For most of today I sat in a training class. Which was a continuation of Monday’s class. I got there late but didn’t miss anything. I tried to listen and not let the mind wander. But this class missed alot of stuff that I know I need. Ugh, who doesn’t teach how to get NF in a simulator class. A few of us ended up giving the instructor some suggestions for the company on how to improve their product (software). The lunch they served was lasagna w/sausage. So I am now hungry cause I don’t eat meat and I definitely don’t eat pork. So I had a little salad and water for lunch and then scrounged a roll from another meeting. Someone please feed me (hungry person–> :o)

Now I am killing trees. I have a huge presentation on Friday. Huge as in large number of pages not in importance. Not that it isn’t important, just that the number of pages far exceeds the actual number needed to fulfill the information requirements. I have many pages that have duplicate stuff on them but I gotta put it in. [Hmm I wonder why that page I just sent to the printer aint comin’ out yet, excuse me while I check, ah it has a large impbedded .tif file in it so it is gonna take some awhile] I will complete my forest decimation tomorrow, but I promise to print on both sides.

Sassy update. She is putting a little weight on her new booboo’ed leg. Which is better than yesterday where if she tried to put weight on it she would collapse. I still have her vet scheduled, but I am keeping my fingers crossed it ain’t a torn ligament (again).

Lissla Lissar Wrist bracelet might be too much with the choker. Or else you could with bracelets and leave off the choker. My opinion is less is classier. But note I haven’t worn jewelry in years, but I used to make jewelry and dang if the stuff I made didn’t look good.

Note: not posting drunk. I haven’t drank in over 25 yrs. and definitely not drunk since I have been over 21.

An earlier post reminded me of this:

It seems that years ago a relative and namesake of South Korea’s President Syngman Rhee came to America to learn the magazine business. He got a job in New York with Life magazine. He was a very nice man and the entire staff was very fond of him, but he was a bit absent minded. In fact, on his very first solo assignment, he got so lost that the staff had to go looking for him.

After searching high and low, they finally located him on Fifth Avenue. Spotting him, one co-worker cried joyously, “Ah, sweet Mr. Rhee of Life, at last I’ve found you.” :smiley:
I also have a chicken that stops dead in the middle of the road. Yep. She wants to lay it on the line. :rolleyes:
Then there’s the Indian mystic that hops as he meditates. He’s known as the Kan Guru. :smack:

Okay, okay, I’ll stop, I’ll stop!

For now. <evil laugh>

So you want your water to break, huh Tanook’? Well, the secret to that is… a Dutch Apple Pie. It worked for half of the Little Woman’s pregnancies. Gorge yourself on Dutch Apple Pie (the kind with the crumbly top- Sara Lee makes a good one) and before you know it sploosh!.

You might not want to be an hour anna half from the hospital though. Or you could just sit in a trash bag or something.

I don’t know about the “hip belt” Lissla. They’ve been done to death, You might want to try a thigh belt or a shoulder belt. Much more cutting edge that way.

And Barry Manilow is DJing clubs now? Huh.

Stop it Kallessa. In the name of all that is good, stop it.
-Rue. (helpish)

I am not required to post. I supplied the hijack.

I have also, evidently, given the uncouth welby an opportunity to slander me. I’ll have you know that I was not, in fact, in jail.

It was work-release.

MMMMMMMM Pie :slight_smile:

Maybe I will have to eat pie en route to all my future OB appointments? 6 weeks. 6 weeks. Ugh.

I have no fashion sense so I’d probably suggest something totally garish. Sorry.

Lissla slinky black and silver evening dress just screams shawl. Wear a shawl. A silver necklace or choker and maybe one silver bracelet and everyone will focus all their attention on you and only you. Brought to you by “Queer Eye For The Straight Woman.”

I am glad to see others posting with their excuses for letting the MMP slip to page two. Kallessa them dingos can sure add some excitement to the work place, huh? Speaking of dingos, I saw a coyote Monday. I haven’t seen one of those in a while. I thought, “Oh great! The coyotes are back.” They just better stay outta my pool is all I got to say. I’ve already told everyone of those jokes btw.

tanookie I have no idea whether dutch apple pie would work or not, but hey, it’s pie. Pie is always good. Eat pie.

deb2world I killed some trees by having some pine trees cut down three months ago. I got a feeling you’re not doing that, since your tree killing involves a printer. What do I know, tho. You’re printer may have come with an optional chainsaw attachment.

Rue if I were Lissla I’d stop whatever I was doing right now, get in my car, drive all the way over to your house and :smack: you a good one for that Barry Manilow crack. Everyone knows that her favorite singer is Frankie Vallee.

Ex just how many days is this drunk gonna last? :smiley:

-swampbear (amazingly not hungover)

Not drunk, not killing trees, not eating pie, no fashion sense at all. Looks like I don’t have anything to add here. And yet I am drawn to post. I fear I’m fully immersed in the Rue-cult, unable to control myself.

Beats tumbling for dingos. :smiley:

I read this as “spanking bad Meryl Streep.”

And I’m not drunk either. Good luck fellow MADS with Isabel and what-not.

Hmm. But less is not necessarily more if you’re going to a goth club. You know. Plaid and tattoos and sacking Rome. :smiley: The point is to keep from looking too classy.

And everyone know my favourite singer is Elton John.

Okay, that was physically painful to type. My favourite band is VNV Nation, thankyouverymuch, a dark EBM goth-type band. So it’s time do whip out the black lipstick and chains. And Rue, I have actually seen people wearing leg belts.

I think having dingos come in to work tonight might actively improve my job. Send them my way, Kallessa. If you’re done with them, of course.

You don’t think that was my plan, do you Swampy? To lure Lissla into my clutches with the Barry M. crack? Then she shows up and I corner her with my attack dog Lucy (12 pounds of snarling death. And not distracted by no Gypsies either.). No escape for fair Lissla until she does a wiggly dance. A dance I’d video tape and share of course. For a nominal fee.

I think all in all it’d be worth the slap.

I have fear down in my bones today. Today might be the last day around here for shorts. Today it should be nice and sunny and warm. But tomorrow… tomorrow… nice enough, but some clouds and it’s going to get cool. While that’s nice and all since it is Fall, it means the end of shorts season. Four or five months of me having to hide my man-gams in long pants. It’s to cry, really.
-Rue. (short pantsed today)

You gonna’ start in on me too now, Angel Pants?

It was a one evening thing, and I had a pretty good headache yesterday morning. This was compounded by the fact that, as previously noted, I have a lot of annoying, mostly unnecessary work to do. Just now I’m rebelling against The Man by goofing off on the boards.

This morning’s post was merely a result of tired dimwittedness. No chemical assistance was required.

I actually do have some fashion sense, so I’ll add my two cents. Lissla, the #1 rule of accessorizing is to put everything on, and before you leave the house, take just one thing off.

Much as I adore shawls, Swampbear, one generally avoids taking wraps of any kind to a club. It will be hot once you start dancing, and it’s easy to forget something like that if you’ve had a drink or two. I’ve known girls to forget shoes, purses, even underwear (don’t ask) after a night out.

My excuse for not posting previously is that I was beginning to develop a migraine. It’s hard to post with spots before your eyes, as I’m sure Exgineer can attest. I went home and took to my bed like the delicate flower that I am.

(I won’t mention that the probable trigger for this headache was the fact I went out with my best girlfriend and only got about four hours’ sleep. I also won’t mention in the face of Ex’s bender that I had two whole drinks, which is the most I’ve drunk all this year and possbly last.)

So what I’m getting from this is just before you go out, you should take off your underwear just to make sure you don’t “forget” and leave them at the club. Good tip Winnie!
-Rue (previewing to be sure)

Hmmmm . . . .

Wintermute at a club with no underwear.

Rue wearing shorts and taping girls doing the wiggly dance.

Welby spanking a bad Meryl Streep.

FairyChatMom posting under the spell of Rue.

deb2world playing lumberjack at her office.

Lissla whipping out chains and perhaps being attacked by 12 pounds of snarling death.

swampbear swimming with coyotes.

tanookie eating pie while standing on trash bags.

Exgineer doing unnecessary work while drunk and in jail.

Me trying to think up some more puns.

Man, everybody has a more exciting life than me!

I can’t think of anything more exciting than those hot dog sculptures you make Kallessa. The mobiles are exceptionally clever.

(See? It’s like radio. You can say anything you want, and who’s going to know? I mean I could really be a 72 year old woman who works in a bank in Omaha and how would you know?)
-Tessie (from Omaha)

I mean Rue! Really, I’m Rue!

If you think the finished products are exciting, you should see me eat my mistakes! :wink:

Kallessa - not everybody. :frowning:

Oh, Bumbazine, darlin’, I didn’t mean to forget you. I picture you hunting down freshly-shaved chimpanzees, surely more exciting than either punny pursuits or hot dog mobiles!