Little Mysteries

Sometimes life is too weird to figure out. Here are a couple of things that happened to me.

Mystery #1

A few years ago I was in the habit of walking about a mile every morning with my next door neighbor. Early in the morning I’d meet her at the end of my driveway and then turn left down the road for our walk. Or if she wasn’t waiting on me I’d turn right out of my driveway walking toward her house, meet her along the way, do a 180 and head back past my house and on to our walk. I should tell you that even though we are next door neighbors her driveway is about 50 yards from mine and there are no street lights. We walked before sunrise.

This particular morning my neighbor wasn’t waiting on me so I turned right and headed down the dark street. I walked a little ways before I saw something small in the road that caught my attention. I walked over and squatted down to get a good look. It was about a glowing spot about the size of a nickel, maybe a little smaller. It was near the edge of the road and looked like someone had opened a glow stick and painted a small circle there on the pavement. I looked all around it and in the grass beside the road to see if there were any other spots but no, there was only one. I dragged the toe of my shoe through it and smeared it to see if it was dried paint or what. I could not figure out what it could be.

I saw my neighbor up ahead walking towards me so I went to meet her. I told her about the weird spot and took her to see it but it was gone. Completely gone. It had been glowing very brightly not 40-60 seconds before and now there was no trace of it. I went out later when the sun was up to see if I could find anything at all. Nothing.

So what was it? Is there any kind of bird poop that glows? A drop of unicorn blood? What?

Mystery #2
One day I brought in the mail and there was a hand addressed envelope from Arizona. I don’t know anyone who lives in Arizona—at least no one who would write to me. There was a return address but no name. I opened the envelope and found another envelope inside. It was a mailing that we regularly receive, sealed and addressed to me and my husband and the stamp was metered locally a week prior. What is up with that? Why the round about trip and who put it in the envelope from Arizona?

Okay, two mysteries. Solve them for me. I did finally figure out mystery #2 and wonder if you can. Mystery #1 is…well, still a mystery. Figure it out for me or post your own mystery.

What color did it glow? Was it yellow? If so, perhaps it was a road-killed firefly, with the body having been flung away or stuck to the tire that squished it, leaving behind only a smear? With the luciferin mixed (violently) with the other necessary chemicals and exposed to oxygen, it would probably glow brightly and break down quickly.

In the middle of moving to Arizona another family ended up with some of your mail, some how. Knowing your name and address they simply popped it into the mail.

Am I close?

#1 is a reflection of light, like how sunlight reflects off a watch face (not sunlight in this case as it was before sunrise). The reflecting surface got moved, hence the reflection disappeared.

I recall an example that happened to my brother many years ago that he recounted to me. One time at night, out of nowhere he heard this huge animal-sounding roar. He looked out of the house but couldn’t see anything, and then heard it again. Then nothing. Now, this is a little out of the city, but not the sort of place you’d expect to run into anything that could make a sound like that. And a neighbor heard it too, so it wasn’t his imagination or a dream. But he never figured out what the heck it was.

Quoting my own post from 2008 (Dear Og, I’ve been in this house nearly 10 years!)

She still likes them, I still have no idea where they came from. Other odd thing, I thought they were nice but cheap, they turned out to be jade set in silver!

Wow, maggenpye, that is a cool story.

Elbows, you got it. I found out that some people who had lived down the street from me had moved to Arizona and their mail was being forwarded there. My street address was one digit off of theirs and the mail was mistakenly put in with their mail. When they got it they simply put it in another envelope and mailed it back to me. I took me a couple of weeks to figure it out though.

As far as the glow on the pavement…the bug theory sounds the most plausible. It was a white/greenish yellow glow. BUT…we have very few lightning bugs around here, there were absolutely no bug parts in it and the glow was very bright and then absolutely gone within a minute? I just can’t figure that part out. When I lived in another state as a young girl I had friends (boys) that would pull the back off lightning bugs and “paint” with it on their face or shirt. It always glowed for quite some time and would slowly fade away.

The glow was not in any way a reflection. First, it was the brightest light around. The only other light was starlight and ambient light from street lights a street or two over. Plus I smeared it with my toe. It was liquid in form.

Ah ok, I thought you tried smearing it, but didn’t say if it could smear or not.

Your glowing dot was probably a fresh drop of antifreeze from a passing car. Antifreeze glows greenish yellow under UV light.

Lights, like halogen, mercury vapor, and other fluorescents, emit UV light.

It was glitch in the Matrix.

hi…its very early morning right now for me. i went to sleep around 9:30 pm on friday night. its not unusual for me to wake up after maybe 6 hours, thats exactly what happened this morning. 3:30am or so i put the tv on just for awhile. that makes me drowsy and i fall back to sleep. anyway, i did that and i got drowsy, so i turned out the light and turned onto my side away from the tv. i turned it off and closed my eyes. i remember a dull ache on one of my toes and i also remember i was a bit warm, so i pulled that leg out from under the covers, just to get some air and i saw it…
on my big toe, a small glowing spot of light about the size of a pea. it looked like the color of a lightning bug…that eerie greenish tint. as i turned my foot it seemed to stay there, and move as i did. it wasnt a reflection as there were no lights on in my room. i rubbed my thumb over it and it was still there with nothing on my thumb. this “event” lasted maybe only 30 or 40 seconds as the spot began to slowly disappear.
needless to say, i couldn’t fall back to sleep, so i did an internet search and found your story. this is one of the weirdest things that ever happened to me.

A very similar thing happened to us early one morning. We lived (sort of) out in the country, and began hearing these huge roars, and our dog in the backyard barking and howling as though the 4 horsemen were at the fence. My first look outside showed nothing except the dog trembling in obvious terror and barking in a frenzy… at apparently nothing.

When I went outside, it was a hot air balloon just over the backyard. They had lost too much altitude and were frantically firing the burners to stop their descent. My poor dog just saw something huge and roaring swooping into the yard. Bless her heart, she stood her ground and (in her mind) eventually drove the huge beast away. And yes, she got some special treats that day. :wink: