Live from Pittsburgh, it's kittens!

I think they just got finished eating, they look like they’re about to nap.

About to nap? They were napping all morning!

Ok, I want all of them, including mama Noodles. :slight_smile:

What do I have to do to watch? I just get a black box.

I am so in love with the black, orange, and white one! So cute with that orange stripe down its face!!

Kitten cam!

Must must not show site to eldest lest she spend the rest of the summer there . . .

They’re great little guys!

I’ve been watching for a while, with my laptop on my lap. I had to get up a few minutes ago, and just put my laptop on the ottoman in front of the chair. When I returned, I found my big mackerel tabby Stripe lying in my chair and watching the kittens on the screen!

Kittens! :slight_smile:

Ogod - Noodles just jumped in and plopped down and the most adorable feeding frenzy in the world took place.

They’re napping again. I only see 5.

They’re napping because it’s very exhausting being that adorable. :slight_smile:

I want the ugly one.

There is no such thing as an ugly kitten.

I know, I was just messin’ with y’all. :slight_smile:

I showed it to my eldest. All I can say is it’s a good thing we have two computes in the house. The fourteen month older let out an actual squee.

Soooooo cute, cute, cute!!!

omg segregation!! All the orangies piled together, with the grey and darker one cuddled on opposite side.

Sooooooo cuuuuuute!!

I’m in love with that black and orange kitty…just a stinker.

I realized today there is sound to the streaming. I finally got to hear their “meow”. Cute!!!

My timing must be really bad - every time I go to that site, they’re sleeping. I wanna see kittehs frolicking, dammit!!!

Everytime I’ve been on, it seems they are sleeping. Then the little black and orange stinker kitty starts waking up, and pounces on her siblings…I think they are immune to her…only one time did I see the mama cat.

Pretty sad I have the link to the kitty streaming on my iPhone so
I can check whenever I want. :smiley: