Liver is nasty

Devil, When I was a kid a friend fo my dad talked me into the same thing. He said it was the “mountain Man initiation.” Yeah, right.

At a Asian restaurant we ordered what I think is called a Poo poo platter; it’s a bunch of different appetizers. One of them was a small piece of liver wrapped in bacon. It was good but I wouldn’t eat too much of it since it’s loaded with fat.

The only time I cooked liver was when I made some for my cat after she had given birth. She liked it but I didn’t eat any.

The moon looks on many flowers, the flowers on but one moon.

Contestant #3 wrote:

You love somebody? Wow, Connie, that IS a first!

(Okay, okay, I’ll stop picking on the poor guy for now :wink: .)

I’m not flying fast, just orbiting low.


I also LOVE to point out what a dumb fucker you are…

Contestant #3

Liver? That’s for tyros. KIDNEYS…now there’s some REAL eatin’.

I was consuming a mixed grill at an Argentine restaurant a week ago…small pieces of flank and rib steak, beef sausage, blood sausage, sweetbreads and kidneys. The sweetbreads went first, of course, but by meal’s end I found I left beefsteak uneaten in favor of those kidneys…

[shrug] Guess I was making up for a urine deficiency in my diet.


Liver is nasty

So are you C#3, but at least they WASH the liver before it’s forced down our throats!

Heard on A Prairie Home Companion: “Lips that touch liver will never touch mine.”

I can do without beef liver, but fried chicken livers with onion and salt-n-pepper is absolutely divine! I get hungry thinking about it. I also like pate and liverwurst. I don’t eat it often, but I am concerned about the health risks. I know about the cholesterol, but is it really high in toxins?
After all, the toxins are supposed to be flushed out, not stored.

And to all of you who are being so high-and-mighty about not eating organ meats, do you ever eat any of the following?
bologna or salami
hot dogs

Yes? You eat organ meats. Case closed.

It really bothers me when people talk about “hating a certain type of food”. IMHO, hate is a really strong word and an indication that one has lost some respect for food. Trust me, you never know when you may go hungry and anything nourishing would be welcome.

My grandfather had brain cancer and once my grandmother boiled a cow’s heart for him. Sure it looked horrible to me, but I’ve never seen anyone eat purely to get an ounce of strength.

My grandparents also told me stories about starving people during WWII. The most depressing story is of people who would eat rotting horse flesh.

I’m sure in America we’ll never be faced with that kind of famine but when people are starving, they’ll eat anything (i.e. “Alive”). I’m sure you would love a piece of liver in that situation, C#3.

Sorry if I’m being rude or something, but seriously, don’t eat it if you don’t like it, but it’s totally unnecessary to knock it. This also goes for making comments about food other people select to eat. In that way, food is sort of like music - pure opinion and taste.

I hate liver. Liver is nasty. I would gladly chose to die of starvation rather than to eat it.

knock knock knock knock

Contestant #3

Umm, Melanie, I think the purpose of this thread is to talk humorously about the kinds of food we don’t like. Bringing in the “there are children starving in China!” arguement sorta sucks the air out of the room.

snicker…thanks flora, needed a chuckle.
(sucks the air…tee hee)

Contestant #3 wrote:

I beg your pardon! I consider myself a very thoughtful, intelligent fucker. It can thrill a lady no end when, while she’s in the throes of ecstasy with me, I start explaining Special Relativity to her. “All observers measure the same speed of light no matter how fast the light source is moving toward or away from them,” I’ll say. ‘Oh yes OH YES OH GOD!!’ she’ll say. Whew.

<Han Solo>
Sometimes I amaze even myself.
</Han Solo>

Banana’s are evil. Banana’s are everything that is horrid. I have loathed banana’s since I was born. I wouldn’t eat them when I was being weaned, and I won’t eat them today. The mere smell of a banana can sometimes make me gag.

>>Being Chaotic Evil means never having to say your sorry…unless the other guy is bigger than you.<<

—The dragon observes

Yeah, Flora, you’re right, I’m sorry. I guess (as an avid food lover) I feel the need to defend it. It’s also a pet peeve of mine when people comment on what I’m eating by saying, “EIWWW! You’re eating THAT?!” Happened to me today and I think I’m feeling a little sensitive.

That’s OK–I’d post a little smiley face, but I haven’t the vaguest notion how to do it.

And anyone who says, “Ewww–you’re eating THAT?” deserves to get a big heaping pawful of it thrown at them!

See my post regarding sexual activities during menses…

Narile wrote:

I take it you weren’t a very big fan of Banana Quik [TM], then?
Okay, confession time:

I don’t eat vegetables.
I don’t eat fruit.
I don’t eat seafood, except for fish sticks.
I don’t eat condiments.
I don’t eat nuts, except for the occasional peanut.

I have the diet range of an 8-year-old.

I’m not flying fast, just orbiting low.

tracer: I certainly won’t condemn your taste (or lack of it) but I pity you. To me, your diet would be like seeing the world in black & white or always having sex in the same position.

Well, if I didn’t LIKE sex in anything but one position, I’d think that wouldn’t be too bad. It’d be kinda boring for any partners I might have, though.

Fortunately, unlike sex partners, vegetables don’t care if you don’t eat them. (rim-shot)

I’m not flying fast, just orbiting low.