Liver is nasty

Liver is gross, other organ meats are gross (including sausage, hot dogs, bologna, etc.) I’ve never eaten tongue, the various aforementioned pig parts, or haggis, but I’m absolutely certain they’re disgusting.

I hate onions and mushrooms.

Goulash is nasty. Feta is nasty. Tofu is nasty. Eggrolls, baklava (OK, I may try baklava one more time), meat cooked under medium well, fishsticks, pizza rolls, Mountain Dew, shark, sushi, eggs cooked in any manner that leaves the yolk soft,
Hollandaise (sp?) sauce, and gyros are all nasty.

PS: Although I don’t like to eat gyros, I do know how to pronounce the word “gyro”. Trivial pet peeve hearing people say “Jy-ro”… it’s “yiro”. [/end rant]

Veni, Vidi, Visa … I came, I saw, I bought.

Liver is OK if I don’t think about what I’m eating. I don’t eat it very often though.
Papaya is the most disgusting, vile, nasty stuff-it smells like puke. Just watching people eat it makes me sick. That and brains.


I don’t know about that pronunciation thing. Every time I go up to the counter (anywhere in NYC) and ask for a Yi-ro the guy looks at me pityingly and says “Ya wanna Ji-ro?”

Of course, if/when I say Ji-ro, I feel even stupider when he corrects me to Yi-ro.

But I suppose if your work is dishing up gyros, you get your kicks where you can.


Arg, you hate watermelon? Wooo :o When I was young,my mom used to make liver dumpling soup, homemade. It really was good, I liked it, but it didn’t taste a lot like fried liver. Haven’t had it since. I’m leaning towards being vegetarian, and it really isn’t good for you, but then neither are donuts. :0

Liver is repugnant, as far as I’m concerned. My mom and stepdad used to force it upon us kids because it was allegedly healthy, but we ALL hated it. Seven kids and two parents (or pseudo-parents, whatever) would sit at the table bitterly choking down that dreck.

My Dad (as in, my real father and Mom’s ex) still complains to this day that he’s never had liver and onions as delicious as my mother makes 'em. They’ve been divorced since I was a year old, which means that Dad’s been craving Mom’s L & O for about 24 years. Mom’s take? “He LIKED that? Bleeeeeech! I wouldn’t eat that if you PAID me!” The minute Mom & the step-daddy heard that liver wasn’t chock full 'o goodness, they stopped considering it a meal. I haven’t had to eat it in, say, 10 years, but the mention of it makes me feel like I need to yack.

“You’re going to listen
to ME? To something I
said? Haven’t I made it
abundantly clear over the
tenure of our friendship
that I don’t know shit?”

  • Brodie, “Mallrats”

Liver? Feh, a child’s dislike.
If you-all really want to try disliking something (those of you who live, anyway), try stuffed derma.

“Kings die, and leave their crowns to their sons. Shmuel HaKatan took all the treasures in the world, and went away.”

Stuffed Derma…otherwise none to those who knows as “kishka,” is a mixture of potatoes, onions, shortening and spices, stuffed into a casing, then either baked as is, or sliced and sauteed. Served with gravy or au nateur, it is a succulent savory appetizer or accompinament-type thing.
I can’t think of anything adverse about it, save for the fact that in days of yore they used to use natural (read animal) casings (read intestines) to stuff it into. (It’s mostly all wrapped in artificial casings now.)
If that were an object of disgust, than you better switch to kosher hot dogs…and for goodness sake, stay away from that italian sausage.
Now…let’s talk really disgusting…Head Cheese! ACKKK

BAKLAVA?!? How could anybody not like baklava? Food of the gods. Unless, of course, it was the soggy frozen kind …

Hmm, I can’t think of all that many foods I really hate. Except, of course:

All Hostess and Sara Lee products

Egg, chicken, and tuna salad

Hot dogs

Jellied pig’s feet (actually, I haven’t tried these, but my mom’s family has them on the table every Christmas, and they look alarming.)

Miller Lite (beer is one of the four food groups, right?)

Those rolled-up slices of turkey breasts in trays of hot water that get served at school cafeterias

Most of these are quality things rather than type-of-food things, I guess. (I hate hot dogs, but honest-to-god German wurst is another matter). Well, except for the pig’s feet …

Ever had Low-Fat Twinkies[TM]? They have an ever-so-slightly fruity flavor. And they spoil faster than “real” Twinkies[TM] do.

Hey, I said I might try baklava one more time… I’m just not much about walnuts.
If I could get it super-heavy on the cinnamon, with the walnuts chopped superultrafine, you know, maybe…

Veni, Vidi, Visa … I came, I saw, I bought.

My wife hates liver (for all the normal reasons) but I love fried chicken livers. She thinks gizzards are wonderful, but I’d rather chew on a pencil eraser. To compromise, she will occasionally cook up a frying pan full of both, and we get to pick out what we want. Of course, we call the combination “Lizards”.

My wife is from an extremely rural area, and has eaten chicken feet (not much meat on them) and squirrel brains.

All right, folks, you want to talk about NASTY food, let’s talk potted meat.
That stuff is gross, and it smells bad too.
And then the is vienna sausage, heave, one of my many sisters opened a large can of those gross little wieenies my step dad had, and didn’t eat it. The guy raised so much hell that I said I did it to shut him up, he made me eat a whole damn big can of them.
To this day my sisters won’t confess who actually did it, they know I will get them for it. And that was 25 yrs ago.

sweet innocent little old grandma type person

Mmmm, Vienna sausage.

(When I was little and my mom still used baby talk with me, she called them “saucy meat”. I wonder why. :slight_smile: )

I’m not flying fast, just orbiting low.

I dont really like liver. It’s the taste and texture that puts me off.

Heres something that like Liver would make most people here go ewwww!: Dinaguan, which is a kind of blood stew. Made from pigs blood boiled down until its brown and thick, with cubes of pork in it with a little jalapeno pepper also. YUM! My neighbors make a really good version of it (had it at one of their daughters birthday parties last saturday). Serve that stuff over white rice, and you’re good to go!

We trick non Filipinos into eating it by calling it Chocolate meat. They love it until they learn the truth laugh.

Yucky pooh - pooh, Thanks for the warning.
No Chocolate Meat for me, thanks.
How about a nice potted meat with mayo on white bread sandwich ?

sweet innocent little old grandma type person