Living while black in America

It was divisive. Because he kept pronouncing it “divissive.” :dubious:

Wash yer fuckin socks, dude, all eight of 'em.

I’m thinking this one - coupled with media pushback at Trumpism as another factor.

He’s been placed on administrative leave - you know, the same sort of thing the Church does with paedophiles. I expect he’ll just be moved to a different diocese.

The beating was begun by a black woman and she is the one who said, “Go back to your own country.”

It kind of helps to know the story.

Who’s a foreign national? Certainly not me or my wife. We’re both citizens.

octopus, what are you doing with your socks to make them crunchy?

WAG: something to do with athletes foot?

Don’t ask questions that you don’t want to know the answer to.

I’m embarrassed that my country has people like these attackers in it. At the same time, I’m gratified to know that it has people like this in it.

People who have verrucas or those who don’t want to get them. Pool socks are a thing.

I own several pairs of “water shoes” that I wear boating or at the beach. They are very similar.

Oldie but a goody.

A “no socks in the pool” rule is probably because lint clogs the pool filters. The rule is probably against wearing any clothes not designed for swimming in to the pool, and would also cover tee shirts and non-swim-trunk shorts. Swimsuits, water shoes, etc. are designed not to shed lint.

And, of course, the way to enforce such a rule is to calmly tell the violator to take off their socks or get out of the pool, and to explain why.

That seems hard. Plus, black people are scary. Easier to call the cops.

The guy who wore the socks said that the ground around the pool was really hot and wanted to keep his feet cool.

I’ve never really seen people wear regular socks in the pool, and that would feel gross to me (that is, if I wore soaking wet socks, it would feel gross), but I wouldn’t kick someone out for it or call the authorities that’s for sure.

This thread is still missing Permit Patty, BBQ Betty (or whatever), and that Adam guy, BTW. I’m surprised it took so long for this thread to show up, but I’m glad it did. These incidents really did need an omnibus thread, and I’m looking forward to seeing some anecdotes from our local black and other minority posters. Too much of this crap has been happening for too long and it has been out of the spotlight. Cameras and social media are finally bringing it to the forefront.

I recently read a book and a tiny part of the book was about how these kids would shoplift. There were a couple of white kids and a black kid – they would have the black kid look around the store and while the local security guard followed him closely, the white kids would fill their pockets. I guess that’s one way to take advantage of the institutional racism that black people face every day.

Adam the Antagonistic Administrative Asshole was mentioned in the OP.

Remember how during the summer months before 9-11, there were all those stories aout sharks attacking people? “Summer of the Shark” was what we called it.

We are in the Summer of the Wypipo. And it is may be the prelude to some serious mess come this fall.

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Apparently being a black valedictorian is now problematic.

Yeah, sorry. It didn’t pop up on the CNN app until late.