Living while black in America

During a funeral a white priest kicked out an entire black family, including the deceased, after someone accidentally knocked over the chalice. He reportedly yelled “get that thing out of here” in reference to the deceased.

I agree if no harm is done or explicit rules are broken. But socks might be a health violation or something. Good times are fine but not at the expense of the public’s health.

…the officer involved is currently on desk duty, pending an investigation. But that was horrible to watch. The officer did nothing. Literally nothing while the man intimidated the lady, stared her down and kept pushing for a confrontation. For minutes. Yet the instant the black man got involved and did no-more than what the white guy did the officer intervened.

Sure. And the person calling the cops should 1) Make sure they are actually against the rules and 2) Ask the person nicely to remove them.

God forbid somebody wear socks in the pool. Wouldn’t want to get the dicks, cunts, and assholes dirty.

It is so strange that folks are freaking out about socks being in the pool, while ignoring the fact that the people’s assholes, dicks, and vaginas are soaking in that same pool. With urine, snot, and saliva added as extra seasoning.

:: resolves never to get into a public pool again ::


I suppose when put that way, what’s the problem with some socks?

Of course, all of these occurrences are clearly the result of that divisive Obama presidency.

There is no question that there are many examples of the such that the op lists (I’m not referencing not the overtly hateful ones).


Are these occurring out of an assumption that a Black person is up to no good and/or an exertion of power over “the other”,


because the caller is too scared of “the other”, the Black person, to approach them directly, and ask what they are doing, or to not mow onto their side of the property line, or to please take off the socks (for whatever reason it bothered them)? Hence asking for the authorities to do it?

Neither makes the circumstance better for the person victimized but I do wonder which is more often going on inside the head of the person who made the call.

You mean a foreign national gets additional scrutiny than a native born American? How shocking. Same thing happened to my Japanese born wife.

Way to feed the troll.

It’s about time white folks be open about their profiling.

Wait a minute, did this clown just call me a troll? Well, sir, I think it’s shitty that you throw your wife under the bus. Your wife is inconvenienced because the color of her skin and you’re OK with that because … reasons? What a clown you are: riding on the high horse of your white privilege while Ofmadsircool is descriminated against. And you’re cool with that. Monster is as a Monster does. Let’s be clear, Commander Madsircool, you weren’t strong enough for a black woman, a white woman, an Asian-American woman, or a latina woman so you snatch a foreigner from her lands, drag her to the US, allow her to be subjected to discrimination, then dismiss the discrimination she receives as routine? Geez. Is Ofmadsircool happy? Does Ofmadsircool to wear red, blue, or grey? How does Ofmadsircool like the weather we’ve been sent? Does Ofmadsircool work, or do you support her financially?

What part of “naturalized” did you fail to understand? A naturalized citizen is not a foreign national.

Dammit, now you’ve got me doing it.

The fact that you think there’s any chance whatsoever that socks are a health code violation makes me think you need to wash your nasty-ass socks, octopus, Christ Almighty.

So here’s something I’ve been wondering about.

What the shit?

That is, what the shit is happening here? For real. Why are we hearing about all these incidents? Are racists validated by Trump, and they’re braver with their racist bullshit and more willing to call cops on innocent black people than they were five years ago? Or is the prevalence of cellphones enabling the victims of these racist fucks to record proof of what black people have been going through for yonks? Or is this a hashtag metoo twittertrend moment, where these recordings have been around for a decade or so but are only making news now, for roughly the same reason that fidget spinners made the news this time last year–that is, they’re something shiny for journalists to focus on, and in a year they’ll be forgotten?

Or is it a combination of these things, or something I’m not even seeing?

What the shit, y’all?

91-year-old man beaten with brick, told ‘go back to Mexico’

Police are searching for 4 man and a woman.

That was mentioned in the OP.

I can’t be the only one with crunchy socks.

She was naturalized. :slight_smile: She saved tens of thousands on university.

Trolls ask for permission to start threads? How derpy of you.

Perhaps at least as much (probably more) to the point, who responds to seeing that by calling the cops?