Load the animals up 2 by 2.

Here in the Quad Cities (a mis-named metro area, if ever there was one) we are looking at another big ass flood. Flood stage for the mighty Mississippi is 15 feet at Davenport, the river is supposed to top that today and crest at 22 feet or so in a week. Originally the forescasters had just predicted mild flooding this year, but recent heavy rains have increased the threat of major flooding.

The last major flood was back in 1993 when the river crested at 22 feet 6 inches…needless to say life was not fun for many people then. Monday, they are asking for volunteers to help sandbag a wall in downtown Davenport, many businesses are moving their inventories out of the downtown area. I would imagine that most of the major roads down there (certainly River Drive) will be closed in the next few days.

Our friends to the north in Minnesota have already dealt with this a bit, but I suspect we’re going to be getting the brunt of this.

Kricket, TVeblen, ChrisCTP…got yer waders? :frowning:

Darn it all Dave, you beat me to it!
Yeah, on my way to work I saw the city dropping of sand and bags at different businesses.
Never fear for me dear friends!!!
For those of you who know, Oscar Mayer is darn close to the river.
But the good news it that the will sand bag, and then build us a bridge from the bar across the street to the front door so we will still get to work.
Yes folks, no matter how far under water Davenport may get, you will all get your bologna, hotdogs, and lunchables.

What about the creek near you Dave? Time before last all that area flooded pretty good.
My husband was out of the country at that time and still does not believe me that McDonalds and the area by the fire station and credit union was flooded.

Officially we’re not in the flood zone here (was checked prior to purchase of house)…However we do use the bike trail to walk Clancy…and if Brady & Harrison get flooded from Duck Creek…that will just suck big time commute-wise.

Be careful going to work though…I was thinking about you when we were running errands in that area…

I will be carefull and thank you.
Yeah, when it floods by you plan on going nowhere. At least not out of town towards the sticks anyway.
I’m not sure where Veb is, but if Chris is in the same place she is safe.
Anybody heard from her in a while? Gettin kind of worried and I don’t remember her apartment number to check. Lost the phone number a long time ago. I am so bad about that.

Blessings, Dave and Kricket!

I’m safe and dry over here on the Illinois side. Even though I only live 8 blocks from the Miss we didn’t go under even in '93. We loves our flood wall! The marina will get flooded out again, though, and areas around the Rock and Wapsi are in very rough shape.
Chris lives well up the hill over in D’port and her normal routes wouldn’t take her near the flood zone AFAIK. Haven’t talked to her in months but my guess is she’ll be fine.

Damn, hope Front Street comes through okay; it’s just getting warm enough for my thoughts to wander toward their back courtyard! They got clobbered in the last big flood when the sandbag wall couldn’t hold it. I have a 12 hour day slotted tomorrow so won’t be able to volunteer for sandbagging until Tuesday evening at the earliest.

We’re in for a rough one. Stay safe, guys.


Yeah, yeah, brag it up about your flood wall! :wink:
Bettendorf has one too, but do you think Davenport will spend the money?
Oh, hell no, we think it would make the downtown look crappy.
Um, excuse me? Doesn’t most of it already? And won’t it look worse after 22 some odd feet has been there and gone?

Gald to hear that you are going to be safe on your side.
Chris isn’t too far from me and neither is Dave, but in two different directions. I am right on the top of the hill. I can walk down and see it.

Probably will be sandbagging for a friends office down there, and of course Oscar Mayer will let us all sand bag on our own time.

I guess we should just have a Flood Party then. I’ll bring the home brew…Kricket will bring the Lunchables :smiley:

Okay, Dave in charge of home brew, I will bring the hot dogs since we make those also, and Veb can bring a grill.
We can set up in Americas Pubs parking lot since I don’t think it is that high yet.

But seriously guys we do need to plan another get together since I missed our first one, and I can’t make it to the out of town ones.

hey, did any of you guys get to have fun playing with the sandbags?

I think I will be a while before I play in the sand again!

Stay away from the water though…the Mississippi is a septic sewer right now…all the towns have their waste treatment plants on “bypass”…

So, let me guess. John O’Donnell looks like a huge swimming pool, Ben Butterworth Parkway is pretty much underwater, River Drive is, well, a river, and Duck Creek is wayyyyyy over its banks.

Yep, another spring in the good ol’ QCA!

Us expatriates :wink: are thinking of ya.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. The Rock is probably halfway through Colona by now, isn’t it? :wink:

Well take a look for yourself at some pics I just took…


Ahhhh, brings back memories of getting out of school early to sandbag, school getting canceled to sandbag, staying up late to sandbag, and getting up early to sandbag.

How are things on the IL side? I’m not worried about my house, since I live by Black Hawk College, up on the hill above John Deere Rd.

Can I assume most of Bettendorf is flooded between the combo of the river and Duck Creek?

This is a pretty good site also…with a web cam, photos, stats and streaming video


Duck Creek is not flooded…only river bank areas in Bettendorf are affected…

Rock Island is OK, Ben Butterworth/River Drive in Moline is underwater…threatening businesses (Captains Table etc…) there

Lots of school kids sandbagging…National Guard was working in the village of East Davenport also…

Duck Creek isn’t flooded? Hell, you could take a piss in Duck Creek and it’d go over its banks. Strange.

I remember back in '93 how all of downtown Moline (such as it was/is) was flooded… it’s pretty far back from the river too. So is downtown Davenport, come to think of it.

Sigh. John O’Donnell stadium is now a swimming pool…parts of the foundation gave way pretty much fucking up all the sandbagging efforts.


(it’s actually worse than that pic now)

Today we have relatively heavy winds (35 mph) which is causing erosion of some of the levee systems. Significant parts of Moline by the river are now also under water.

Current river level is 22 ft. Expected to crest Tuesday at 22.5 feet or so…with the crest lasting 36 hours before very slowly receding… (record flood in 1993 was 22.63 feet). Flood level is 15 feet here in the QCA. In some ways, the high winds are making this flood worse than the one in 1993.

I think I’ll have a beer. :frowning:

Well, I made it back from work in one piece.
Everything around work is flooded, but we can still get in off Division ST. and there is only one parking lot not flooded for 2000 employees.
Yes, parking is a joy, and the traffic getting to work is right up there on my list of fun things to do.

Oh, and about staying away from the water that is a sure thing.
While I was at my moms house today they announced on her scanner that a huge propane tank went into the river and was leaking.

Hey, I’ll be arriving in Moline on Sunday - is this mess gonna be over by then?? I’ve been told that I shouldn’t have any probs getting from the airport to Rock Island - yes? no? Should I pack waders?

As an aside, I’ll be in town for 2 weeks, minus the weekend… anyone wanna meet?

ummm - by “over” I meant the river is s’posed to crest today or tomorrow, then start receding… I know it won’t all miraculously be back to dry and normal… I really should think before I post, huh? <sigh>