Loblaw you Ass

Somedy start a thread on magick trick ask how its done. Loblaw post a thing like “I know but I’m not telling” If your not telling and you only post to be an ass maybe u better not posting.



And not a fair pitting. He gave some hints as to how it’s done; and it’s pretty common for folks to refuse to give straightforward answers to questions about magic tricks. That one looked pretty cool to me, and I enjoy reading folks’ speculation about it.

Ignorance can be fought through hints, too.


Daniel, having read the thread in question I gotta agree. I think our newbie pitter needs to go back to lurking for while and learn how it’s done. I mean, geez, he/she/it didn’t even provide a link, I had to rely on you for that.

Worst pitting with English as a second language ever?

Eh. I’m not too worried about the lack of a link; it’s a beginner’s mistake (although you know those warnings you always hear about how you should lurk on a messageboard for awhile before you post on it? This is why!) Lurking would also show you the general contempt that leetspeak is gonna receive around these parts; unless you’re comfortable with folks constantly mocking you, you ought to take the time to spell out words like “you,” and learn the difference between “your” and “you’re.”

As for the subject matter? Again, learn the messageboard: pittings go against the pitter about as often as they go against the pittee, and I pittee the fool that doesn’t learn that early.


smartguy MAD! smartguy SMASH!

When come back, bring mad skillz.

Yeah, don’t speak gibberish to Bob Loblaw.

Well played, my friend. Well played.

OK, that’s it. You’re on the list, pal.

The best reason to pit Bob Loblaw is because he chose that name when there’s already a user named bob_loblaw. I’m sure it was an accident, but still.

Wouldn’t not posting the secrets of a magic trick (by someone who knows how it’s done, not a consortium of others who figured it out themselves) be disallowed under the precedent set last time this issue popped up?

That was long enough ago that I doubt even the most vigilant lurker would have found it.

You mean the board wars between the Straight Dope and the Poof magazine message board? They got real ugly.

God do I miss Arrested Development.

Bob Loblaw is clearly a member of the Magician’s Alliance, and has learned from the example of GOB’s blacklisting.

Thank you! I’ve been trying to reconcile Bob Loblaw as a guest, when I thought I could recall one as a member.

No, there was another thread where someone asked how a particular trick was done and when they got an answer, others had the thread locked and hidden on account of the explanation violating copyright. I can’t find the pit thread that popped up about this as I believe the original thread was indeed hidden.

I think maybe this is the original thread, and this is one of the Pit threads it spawned.

I assure you it was an accident, I never would have taken the wonderful name if I knew that someone else already had it.

And because I am an amatuer magician, I am not allowed to tell how it is done. No, I don’t belong to GOB’s guild, but only the lamest ass of a magician would tell. Someone in the thread did get it right, but I won’t say who.

I’ve been pitted, and I feel all warm and fuzzy. Thank, you marvellous facist fucks. I now feel like one of the gang. :cool:

blah blah blah…