Locating the truck from "Carnivàle"

I’m going to throw this out to the resources of the Dopers…

In 2006, after Carnivàle went off the air, there was a huge auction of its props and assets. One of the items sold was the 1930 Chevy LQ truck featured in nearly every scene - the flatbed that Ben drove everywhere, with a multi-tone blue cab and the sun/moon logo on the doors. I saw that someone had bought it for about $23k.

I want to find the current owner and status of this truck, but Creakyvàle is so damned antique that there are no communities, sites or online fans left, it seems. My Google-fu account is exhausted looking for clues.

Anyone do better?

Did you see these photos? They have a name for the owner.

That’s exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

Hi, I’m the guy you are looking for regarding Ben’s Truck. PM me and I’ll answer your questions and fill you in on it’s location etc.

Skip Bailey

Hi, I just came across this while searching.

I know the owner of another Carnivale truck, a 1929 flatbed chevy. All original, aside from the sun/moon logo painted on the doors. Looks the same as the 1930, except for some differences in the truck’s bed(darker wood, doesn’t have the metal pieces between the boards). The prop house found it in some lady’s barn in Arizona.

He is probably going to be selling it.

Here is a picture of it on set.


If you are interested, please let me know. will send you a pm