Locked Threads

When a moderator or administrator locks a thread, does this mean that the discussion has been declared to be off-limits, (and that someone who immediately opens another thread continuing the same topic will not be looked upon kindly)? If not, than there would seem to be no purpose in closing the original thread. But if so it would seem to be out of keeping with the character of the SDMB.

Sometimes, in GQ, several people start threads on the same topic. When this happens, manhattan will close the shortest threads. Before he does so, he often posts a link to the live thread.

When any thread gets too long, it has to be closed, or it causes server problems.

When a dead horse has been beaten too long, or when the discussion has degenerated into nothing but pouring salt on each others’ wounds, the thread will be closed.

Sometiems when a thread is posted in the wrong place, it’ll be closed rather than moved.

It’s usually fairly easy to tell what’s happened by looking at the last post(s) in the thread.

Out of curiousity, why was this thread closed? Rehashed info? Change in policy concerning Napster/CD burner discussion? Accident?

Copyright law, I’d guess.

As this site is owned by the Chicago REader, moderators have to be really careful when people start discussing how to do things that are not quite legal. People could say that the Chicago Reader was distributing such information via its web site.

Sometiems these discussions don’t get noticed, but when they do, they get closed. I recall that a discussion on car immobilisers/alarms/some such thing was closed or deleted recently.

When a moderator or administrator locks a thread, they’ll typically place a note in it giving the reason for locking it. If there’s no note, it’s probably obvious why it was locked. Several obvious reasons for closure could be: Spam, flamewars, promotion of illegal activities, threats of violence.

I know why moderators sometimes close threads. My question is about what comes next. FTR my question was inspired by (but not specifically concerning) this thread.

I’ve re-read the thread and still fail to see why it was locked- unless Napster use + CD burning is now a verboten topic.

This isn’t a big hangup- just would like to know so topics on this subject don’t get posted and immediately closed.

Well, here’s the first part of the OP:

And here’s the first part of the OP after being processed by the Moderometer 2000 English to Betweenthelinese translation module:

Not the best way to start a thread in GQ if one wants it to stay open. I am open to the possibility that the moderometer failed, but it sure looked like a good reading to me.