log in

Despite my name I was a good girl, I remembered my password,
but I can’t log-in. What’s up?

If you can’t log in, you’re not here for all intents and purposes. So if you’re not here…why are you here?

exactly my point!

Then how did you post?

Do you mean that you were logged on already without having to do anything yourself? Do you have cookies enabled? Did you log out (accomplished by hitting the “log out” link on the main page) last time you were here?

Well, if you’re already logged in, then of course you can’t log in again–it would be redundant, not to mention repetative, duplicative, and already done.

ok, here’s the deal. I wanted to email a thread to someone and I kept getting the ‘you have to log in screen’

Ah. I believe that feature has been turned off due to concerns about potential abuse.