I have been a devoted listener of this station since around 1992. It was bought by Univision and now is Spanish programming. Apparently the station has moved to 107.1 and won’t have quite the same format, but I can’t seem to tune it in anywhere!
I am very saddened by the loss of this station. They played just the right mix of music that I liked.
I learned about it today too in the Newsday - WLIR has been one of my car radio presets for ever (lasting through several vehicles and the late 80s DRE name change). We’re talking 80s to today ('84, before Morey brought out the original WLIR), from live broadcasts from Malibu, Cousin Ed, the Mighty Maximizer up to the English Muffin and Andre…
WLIR sponsored many, many events on Long Island, particular in that glorious, golden period of time when the Morey Organization affliated with the Vanderbilt to produce dozens of great ‘low dough’ concerts, with bands such as Berlin, Midnight Oil, Smithereens, The Alarm, Moby, and many others (the Vanderbilt concert hall is soon to be a OTB video palour - whoopee :rolleyes: ).
It’s a shame that Univision couldn’t have taken over some flailing station like Blink 102.7 (or whatever they are today…), instead of an excellant (and successful!) combination of programming and format (80s, 90s, todays new wave, modern rock, and independant artists), but the Morey Org seems more interested in selling out (I think for 60million! and playing with their LI Press and Palmers Grill…oh yes, and their “box” clone of 92.3 K-Rot :mad:.
Even if Mega and all the other Spanish stations kick (are they owned by Univision?) the new 92.7 butt, and it changes format, or some other station comes along…it will never quite be the same.
Crap, Crap, Crap!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Oh man, I miss WLIR from the early 80’s when I was in high school and living on the Island. I wish I could get a mix, or even a listing, of the screamers of the week from that era.
I’m not in NY anymore but I can empathize. 107.1 is a station really hard to tune into. I remember in 1995 a really great alternative rock station from westchester was on that number and I could only get it if I positioned my stereo in weird ways.
Was 92.7 the only decent station left in NY?