Long letter to Alaskan blog puts Gov. Sarah Palin in better perspective

Alaska is so small apparently everybody has the dish including this woman.

This person is genuine. There was an article in the local paper today about her. She’s a Democrat and a local resident who knows Palin pretty well. I really like her statement: “It’s not to make her look bad. It’s not to make her look good. It’s just to make her what she is,” she said.

See the article here. (free registration may be required)

Just popping to say that Snopes agrees that the letter is sincere.
And that, the more I learn about Palin, the less I like her.

I wish I could share this with some coworkers who think she’s wonderful. Unfortunately, I work for the DoD, and they have very specific rules about politics in the workplace. But if a certain “friend” sends me any more of his pro-Pubbie spam, he’s getting back a link to Snopes.

So basically Palin is just like any other politician out there.

You mean a lying snake who puts her own interests ahead of anything else? Yeah, that’s her in a nutshell. Change, my ass.

I have yet to hear exactly what were the books she tried to ban, but perhaps that’s because I have tried to avoid half the threads about her! Can anyone enlighten me as to which books were on her hit list?

Why would it matter? Censorship is a violation of the first amendment, regardless of the material.

I dunno - I think it’d be interesting to know what books are so dangerous to her that she’d ban them.

If every politician cut business taxes and then raised residents’ taxes by 38 percent, everyone in America would be broke.

If every politician banned books, nobody would get a decent education.

If every politician fired every single underling who disagreed with him or her, there would be only one tenable political position anywhere in the world, owned by the guy on top.

Sarah Palin is definitely not like every other politician out there, confirmation bias notwithstanding. If you really don’t see the difference between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama (or even Joe Biden), you’re not looking.

That’s a pretty obtuse interpretation, isn’t it? How do you equate the censorship of a public library’s collection and the abridgement of freedom of speech? Surely you don’t think that any restriction on a collection is a constitutional violation.

She didn’t actually try to ban any specific books. Apparently the floated the idea of banning books to the head of the library, asking her how she would respond to a request to ban books – several times. This was alleged to have been a test of her loyalty, and when Governor Palin didn’t get the response she’d hoped for, she sent a letter of termination to the library lady (too lazy to look up her exact title). The town went on a mass protest, and Palin rescinded the termination, without further pursuing her “rhetorical” (her word) book banning agenda.

Increased the size of government. Went from a surplus to a deficit. Cut taxes on businesses. Had an enemies list. She is certainly a good match as a Republican candidate for president - kind of the best of Nixon and Shrub.

Thanks for posting the whole thing, astro. I had been too lazy to look it up.

Please don’t flame me for this, but remember this is one person’s opinion. Truthly, I had never heard new potential VP’s name a week or so ago. I don’t have an opinion on her positive or negative. What hits home for me is my “small town” politics scene. We have a Mayor here who is very popular with most of the people living here. But there is a very vocal minority, and even in surrounding communities, maybe even statewide who think he is the devil’s own spawn. These people write opinion pieces that sound much like this all the time, and the facts can be spun in many directions. We are a very well to do community, and our debt has increased to fund parks and other amenities that some think are wasteful, but if you look at the debt to earning ratios we look very good. I’ve personally lived here for 13 years and am very happy with the direction we are going.

I just can’t base my decision on someone who attends a lot of city councel meetings. The vocal minority locally do so as well.

I’m not saying I support her… I’m not saying I hate her. I’m just saying that I’m not convinced that this is the source we should take as the gospel truth without any further information about the author.

Why would you be flamed? It’s a reasonable and appropriate stance to take. I wish more would do so. Good on you.

It may have been a precognition of my use of the word “truthly.”

I personally don’t care for Sarah Palin at all but this Anne Kilkenney character has diarrhea of the mouth (errr, uh, fingertips.) I can’t believe I wasted my time reading that. She didn’t say one thing that hasn’t already been said and she was rambling. What an attention hog.

and it also makes me question if Anne wanted to be point guard in High School.

If this letter is public I don’t know if reposting it violates any copyright law, but the quote in the OP was extremely long. Since a link has been provided, I’ve reduced the quote to a few paragraphs.

The link in the OP seems to have moved along, so to save time and trouble, link to the complete text through Snopes.