I’ve been working my way through “Witness of Gor,” the Gor novel Norman wrote after his long hiatus from writing Gor novels when he lost his publisher, DAW Books. It’s full of Norman’s trademark comma-clause laden sentences. I’ve picked out some of the longer, more comma-enriched sentences because hey, they’re so much fun you gotta share. No filthy content in any of the sentences, mostly a matter of happenstance, though Norman’s prose isn’t nearly as dirty as people suppose it is.
Maybe you’ve got a favorite author whose prose style tends to excess in one way or another feel free to share! In the meantime, enjoy these:
Interpretation: The Big Boss don’t mess with the details.
Interpretation: My mood soon passed.
Interpretation: Rather than try to bully the men while naked and chained, I should probably act all helpless and stuff.
Interpretation: I was probably not the first woman in this cell.
Interpretation: Lavender grass? o0
Interpretation: I found myself, unaccountably, perhaps not amazingly, interested in sustenance, or food, the mere thought of which sent my mind into paroxysms of desire for some sweet, delicate, delicious morsel, or chunk, of tasty comestibles, my tongue almost tasting itself, in my implacable desire for the least, or perhaps even the most, bit of that thing which I, hitherto unknowing, uninterested, was now forced by circumstances to consider, at last, of paramount importance: food.