I’m a 40 year old male and my long term memory has never been good, but it has gotten to the point now it embarassing. Can anything be done about this or is it worth seeing a doctor ?
I can remember very few things from more than a couple years ago. I can olny remember the names of three of my college professors out of four years. I am terrible with names and basically if I have not seen someone in a few months if they were not a very good friend of mine I will not remember their name and may not remember them at all. I dread running into old acquaintance. The worst thing is my Mom and I were very close she died when I was twenty two and I have very few memorries of her.
Are you losing long-term memories that you used to have? Or just having increased trouble forming new ones? The latter is a normal part of aging, within certain bounds. The former might signal some other issue that might need medical attention. Don’t remember someone you met at a business meeting last year? No problem. Can’t remember your own wedding? Might be an issue.
How many of your college professors’ names could you remember when you were 30? I’m 53 and I doubt I could name more than 1 or 2. (But I can name every teacher I had from first to ninth grade.)
I remember four of about 24 high school teachers, and only two middle school teachers. I am losing long term memories I use to have. When I am with family they will often bring up things I should remember about my mom, but its like hearing about for the first time. Thankfully Ive never forgotten as important as getting married 
I’m 64, and I forget things like people’s names, and often cannot think of a word that I used to have no problem with . . . but I eventually do remember. Other than that, I remember all sorts of things all the way back to early childhood.
But you shouldn’t be experiencing the kind of memory loss you’ve described at 40. It wouldn’t hurt to see a doctor.
I am 81 and have problems remembering peoples names and names of places. People that I know sometimes are like strangers. I know that I know that person, but at the moment I cannot remember their name. Movie stars for example that I know are just our of reach. Later, I do remember the name, but when I need it, the name is not there. Frustrating!:smack:
I forgot what I was going to say…