Longest word?

what is the longest word in the english language?

This Cecil’s Mailbag column should prove helpful.

I believe its supercalafrajalisticexpealadocious (sp?)

And I believe that’s not even a word at all. See the link for the correct answer.

Your right again neutron star…word of thought…sarcasm was being used before…lol

The folks behind the Oxford English Dictionary say:

You may want to ask, then, “what is the longest real – or commonly used – word in English?” But I’d wager that you’ll get bogged down with defining “common” and “real” at this point, and you may never come to a satisfactory conclusion.

Regarding the 1,913-letter “word” given in the Staff Report cited earlier, Oxford says:

So…ummm…what was my point? Uhhh…well, I don’t know. And maybe nobody knows, either. But hey, I’ve been proven wrong before.

Crap, that was the wrong link (it was for another question on the boards a few minutes ago). Try this:

An earlier thread on this subject:


Not only is “supercalafrajalisticexpealadocious” a word, but here is a Straight Dope Staff Report that answers the question.

:wink: [sup]Just a little teaser[/sup]