Look at any m/f couple. Who's usually more miserable?

That’s why the men are happier. (This week, anyway…)

I’d never would’ve guessed the world of Prime Ministers would be so feisty.

Sure it’s not the world of ParaMutuels, or a Wendy O. Williams world dedicated to the PlasMatics?

It’s the anti-fluoride!

Damn you, Anti-Fluoride Nazis!

Damn you to hell!

OK, here’s an Arabic joke that was circulating in E-mail, and I am translating it for you:

There’s an Englishwoman, a Frenchwoman, and an Arab woman. They get together and agree to tell their husbands that until the husbands do their fair share of the housework, the women won’t do any either. Then they get back together a week later to compare their experiences.

The Englishwoman says, “On the first day, I didn’t see anything. On the second day, I didn’t see anything. On the third day, he washed the dishes.”

The Frenchwoman says, “On the first day, I didn’t see anything. On the second day, I didn’t see anything. On the third day, he did the cooking.”

The Arab woman says, “On the first day, I didn’t see anything. On the second day, I didn’t see anything. On the third day, I could see a little out of my left eye…”

His own apparently.


We drive you to the poor house.

You drive us crazy.


Well, neither combatant has whipped out the old “You’re Hitler” analogy or insult, so right now it’s just kind of muddling along.

They can’t be Hitler. You’re Hitler.

Or maybe I’m Hitler. I don’t keep track of these things very well …

Fuck you! How dare you call me a powder keg? I’M NOT A POWDER KEG!!! Damn you, featherlou! Damn you to hell!

Sorry. I know. I just… I had to. Sorry.

First thing I thought of when I saw the title was the old joke:

Q: Why do Jewish men die before their spouses?

A: Because they want to.

But we save gas when we drive, 'cuz it’s a shorter trip. :smiley: :smiley:

A lot of malls these days have gadget stores and video game stores. You should arrange to check those out and arrange to meet somewhere in a couple hours. Works for me most of the time. Occasionally I get assigned “mobile clothes rack” duty though.