Look at this stuff! Isn't it neat? (Show us your collections of things!)

I collect things related to foxes, and it’s starting to get to the point where I’m actively seeking to add to my collection with some spending money on every payday. Most of the things, at least, are practical.

My landlady made this for me for Christmas one year. It proudly hangs on the wall in Foxden, which is what we call our trailer.

This is the Christmas card I bought for my friends and family for 2021. Mailed about 25 of these out to friends and family around the world, and gave some to church friends. One remains here with us, because I got it for Mom.

This is an artist’s rendition of Robin Hood and Maid Marian as foxes, but not the Disney version. Both the print and the Christmas card were done by the Carspecken family, who have a site called The Ozfoxes, and a webcomic called Faux Pas.

My sister donated to the World Wildlife Fund in my name and got me a red fox plushie which I named Liska, which is the Czech word for fox.

My mother bought me this blanket a couple of Christmases ago, which unfortunately is a little too small for me. She uses it herself, mostly.

Dishwasher magnet:

Soap dispenser from Walmart:

My best friend Alex got this for me for Christmas:

This is best used as a conversation piece, as it makes a pretty shitty candle holder, actually.

My phone case:

My foxy coffee mugs. I got the first from a thrift store and the second one from Walmart.

My foxy pot holder and oven mitt, also from Walmart:

And my welcome mat, which needs washed these days. Anyone know how to do it?

Coming soon: Return mailing labels, a mask, and a quilt set my friend bought me for my birthday.

This is a great idea for a thread. I wish I had something to add to it other than music or bottles of rum. Looking forward to seeing Doper collections!

My wife is not otherwise much of a tchotchke person, but she does love owl images and figurines, and there are probably a couple dozen or more of them around the house, many very small and and hard to notice.

Those are both very fine things to collect!

I’m systematically eliminating those rums however, so not sure if I can say I’m collecting them exactly.

Nice thread idea—and nice foxes!

I have a set of Enterprises:

So naturally, I painted them gold:

And put them on display in my bookshelf:

I also have the full set of Game of Thrones whiskies:

Well, the bottles, anyhow :wink: .

According to my wife, I collect motorcycles, bicycles, and guitars/stringed instruments. I only have four motorcycles (one is technically hers but she no longer rides it), four bicycles, four guitars, one bass guitar, and two ukuleles. I think those are far under the “n+1” rule of how many is too many.

I guess I collect books, but I keep that to one smaller built-in bookcase. I don’t have handy pictures of any of these collections.

Hard to go wrong with foxes. When are they ever not cute? Also, kudos on the thread title, @ekedolphin!

My daughter collects owls; also always cute.

And I’m not a Star Trek fan, but those Enterprises look pretty classy anyway.

I’ve always liked the idea of collecting more than the actuality. My mom and grandma both have loads of tchotchkes, so I grew up thinking it was the thing to do. At one point in my childhood, I realized that I had accumulated about ten different clown dolls or figurines, so I displayed them on a shelf in my room. At another point in my childhood closely following the first, I realized I didn’t even like clowns and those creepy things needed to get the hell out.

However, I do have all the books Stephen King’s ever published (except for that one about the Red Sox, because it sounds too boring).
It is not a nice collection, most of the early books being paperbacks picked up in thrift shops, but now that I am fabulously wealthy, I buy the hardcover versions. This is a picture taken some years ago, I’ve since had to move them to a larger shelf because Mr. King just won’t quit:

Pardon the ironing board. :blush:

I have a fairly complete collection of Stephen King books. See my dark tower.


I built the bookcase during early pandemic days. I used reclaimed plywood from a previous project. Unfortunately, there is some warpage but I think it adds to the charm. The two piles of books are waiting to be read and may not all be King.

I have other books, too.


Sweet. I took a better picture of mine, but gotta admit the tower is better.

Pardon the stuffed cow.

I collect bats of all kinds, comic books, strange cookbooks, odd lights, monster stuff and a bunch more. Here are pictures of the bats I have hanging on my wall and two pieces of bat jewelry


Just some of around 600 race numbers from my running days. I also have the shirts but those are stored away.
Race To The Far Side 5k/10k
The plain “1” is from a Halloween race that I randomly received this number(most races reserve the 1 for returning winners or an elite runner) So I claimed that was my costume.

I love the cow. Did you see my Bananas in Pajamas? I notice I have a lot on random crap on that bookcae that doesn’t seem to fit the King theme.

I also collect small idols. I call this the shelf of a thousand gods. I have plenty more but need more space to display them.

Wanna buy a lap steel?

I collect trinket boxes made of stone. Here are some of them, in a display shadow box my husband made for me.

Monstera, that is an awesome collection!

Yes, it is! I am also a collector of boxes, but mine are all wood. I like picking one up in a place I’ve visited - makes for a nice memory.

Jeez. Those are gorgeous.

:open_mouth: You’re not a real collector !!

I know. Don’t tell Steve!