Look at this stuff! Isn't it neat? (Show us your collections of things!)

Great collection and nice shadowbox, too.

I also collect a series of Hallmark Christmas ornaments, but they are packed away right now. I want to build a triangular shadow box to display them year round, but my finish carpentry skills are crap.

Thank you, stretch, carnut, romansperson, and Dung Beetle. I really appreciate the compliments. I’ve been collecting small boxes since college, (I’m 61 now) and the stone boxes are a subset of that larger collection. Some of the boxes are sentimental; others are just cool finds.

I collect books… lots of books. And like a lot of book lovers there’s more madness than method:


Of course, the collection includes one of my most prized posessions, a copy of the New Testament from Gryphius – printed in 1578:

1578! Seiously, wow!

< quietly > gosh.

I have a collection of tin toys that are car/motorcycle related. They are packed away now, but I’ll be selling them soon. I need to get rid of stuff and they are not giving me joy without a play/display space. I knew someday, I’d sell them but I’m disappointed that I never got around to displaying the whole collection. It includes some old toys from the U.S.S.R. and other communist countries.

God will get you for not organizing your books as He hath ordained. :cloud_with_lightning::angel:

Some speed indicators.


I’m gonna start with sea shells;

(If this works, I’ll post more! Fingers crossed!)

I used to collect tne National Geographic magazine, with all the maps from them. I had every issue from 1914 to the present. But I had to get it out of my parents attic and almost nobody else wanted them, not schools or libraries. Then a Doper, whom I don’t think posts anymore, wanted them and came halfway across country to pick them up in a rented U-Haul. The Doper had shelves built for them and sent me a photo when they were all installed. Lots of yellow!

I have quite a few foxes as well. It was my patrol from Boy Scout Wood Badge leadership training. There are eight (?) different patrols, all animal based, and I’ve heard that many attendees started collecting their animal during the course. I like yours!

I am back home now. I have a shelf of robots. One of them (I’ll have to try to get a better shot) is Ding Bot. That particular robot is neither rare nor especially valuable. It is however extremely valuable to me, as it was the last gift my bubby (bubby being Yiddish for grandmother) ever gave me. After she died, we were sorting through her stuff. I saw Ding Bot still in the box in her closet. I didn’t want to be greedy and just grab it. So, I pointed it out and asked Mom if she thought Bubby bought it for me. She said “Of course! Who else would she be buying toy robots for?” I picked up that box and knew that Bubby loved me as much as I loved her and knew all the things I worried I hadn’t said to her.

Thank you! I’ll post some more pictures when the three new things I’m expecting this month come in.

I took Ding Bot out and got a better picture. If you look, you can also see- a Chinese bat preserved in urethane, a Dig Dug figurine, and a top that flips upside down when you spin it.

Pretty! Are those little bottles of sand on the bottom shelf?

Yes, they are! Here’s some more beach collectables;

Dang. Who’s been peeling onions in here?

I have a lot of the same fox items you have! I love them. I have a mug with a fox on it that says, “Oh for fox sake”.

I’ve never met anyone who made a conscious decision to start collecting something. They just noticed it accumulating and thought “Well, I’ve got a hundred troll dolls, might as well go for all of them…”

I’d never collect anything that’d take up room in our tiny house. My wife would scream if I wanted to build a huge display case for, say, Porcelain Dickens Cottages (a friend did exactly that, now to get around his cramped house you have to squish between the many display cases he’s built).

Anyhow, I’m trying to declutter, and I’m doing okay (kept a couple of small “collections”; ancient pocket notebooks and a few classic PEZ dispensers).

Then, I remembered my comic books.

Arrrrgh! Wasn’t counting them because they’re out of the way, but I’ll never achieve my dream of Zen Minimalism. Darn! Unless I go all-digital (but that doesn’t smell the same…)

I collect telephones too. Here are 3 including the crown jewel of my collection-

I acquired the payphone legally. I bought it at Retrocon. I’m 100% positive the dealer I bought it from also acquired it legally. Namely, they stopped whoever uninstalled the phone and was about to throw it in the trash. Being a toy and collectible dealer, they thought “Some shnook would probably pay good money for that!”. I am that shnook.