Look Ma, no connection to the ground!

As they’ve installed wireless internet onboard Lufthansa airplanes, I am posting this while drinking cheap red wine out of a plastic cup and cursing the kid behind me who’s kicking my chair.

Whee! Modern technology amazes! (Especially if the in-flight movie is “Two brothers” which you’ve seen already and which sucked the first time…)

waves from over the Atlantic and continues to read MPSIMS

That’s amazing! So how much does it cost to surf the net in the air?

< geeky >Ask Norrin Radd.< /geeky > :wink: :smiley:

Do they give you a choice of service providers? “Would you like the chicken or the roast beef? And for your internet service would you prefer AOL or Earthlink?”

Badass! This has been “coming soon” for awhile. Glad it’s finally here (though I doubt I’ve flown Lufthansa a total of three times in my entire life…)