To my surprise and disappointment, I’m having trouble finding some games that my husband and I can play together, without being online. Can anyone recommend some? Preferably not war games or sports.
Well, shit. What kind of games do you guys like?
The Lego series is great for this. My wife and I have Lego Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Batman. All three are great.
There’s also the Rock Band series if you’re into music games. It’s probably our favorite multiplayer game.
I’ll check out Rock Band.
We liked Indiana Jones a lot, but are nearly done with it, or at least played out for now. We tried the Batman and didn’t like it as well. We probably will get the Lego Star Wars game at some point, but I wanted to try something non-Lego first, if we can find something. We like solving problems more than killing things.
The Simpsons Game is available for most platforms. It’s got standard tongue-in-cheek Simpsons humor and combines platforming aspects with puzzle aspects. It’s not difficult. There is no penalty for dying (other than going back to the last save point). It’s got a bit of a wonky camera, and it’s not the greatest game ever made, but it’s entertaining, not too difficult, and has a pretty good co-op mode.
Castle Crashers is downloadable from Xbox Live Arcade and it’s really fun. You can play alone or with up to three other people. My boyfriend play it together. I mean, it isn’t a deep game, but we enjoy it. You can get the demo for free.
If you’re RPG fans, Tales of Vesperia offers two player cooperative play in battles. (Okay, actually it’s ‘up to four player cooperative play’). That said, since only one person can control the running around the world map bits, player 2 (through 4) may get bored, or may not, depending.
The combat system is a ton of fun, though the camera has a tendancy to zoom out too far and leave you squinting trying to see what you’re doing (may not be as big an issue on an HDTV).
I believe ToV has a downloadable demo, though I don’t know if multiplayer is supported in it.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Can be played with up to 4 players.
Left 4 Dead has split screen two player co-op zombie killing action.
I gotta mention N+, also available on Xbox Live Arcade – co-op multiplayer is awesomely fun.
Actually, there are a bunch of Xbox Live Arcade games with great multiplayer. Geometry Wars 2 is amazing if you like shooters! Here’s the list:
My husband and I enjoy Fable II
That’s not a two-player game, is it?