Is there anyone out there who actually likes, or at least feel neutral towards, Jar-Jar Binks? Stand up and admit it, we won’t make fun of you. I’m just honestly curious.
I am neutral towards both Jar Jar and Scrappy-Doo. I actually like to do imitations of Jar Jar (I think mainly thanks to the Robot Chicken sketch in which Ahmed Best reprised his role).
I liked him when I first saw the movie, but I was 12 or so. I’m fairly neutral now. I don’t think he was the sole reason for the suckiness of the prequels, like it seems more people are.
I am neutral on him. I have said this before, but people expected those prequels to be perfect and when they were not they started to get real ticked off.
BTW, Please spare me your diatribes about how those 3 movies were total garbage, I have read that stuff 1000 times already.
[raises hand]
For a sentient, bipedal amphibian, he really isn’t so disagreeable, although his lack of sophistication and poise grows tiresome after a while.
And for sheer bad acting, there were some real howlers in the original trilogy, including some of Harrison Ford’s line readings.
BTW, I should add I am not a “Star Wars fan” meaning I am not really into the movies , but I do like all 6 of them.
I’m neutral to him. I don’t necessarily like him, but I don’t really get the revulsion most people have. There’s a little too much plot-important stuff that happens to him by random chance for my tastes, but that can be said about every single aspect of all six movies, I suppose.
Jar Jar was the only thing I did like about 1,2 or 3.
I hate Scrappy Doo.
He was fine in Eps 2-3 when his role was greatly reduced and he had like 2 lines. Making him a lead in the first one was a bad bad idea. Not the only bad idea, but one of many.
I’ve grown a lot more tolerant of Jar-Jar since I started reading Darths and Droids, a webcomic based on the premise that the Star Wars movies were an RPG campaign. Jar-Jar is played by one of the main characters’ little sister Sally, when his parents couldn’t find a babysitter and she had to go along with her brother, and the GM wrote up a character for her to play so she wouldn’t just be sitting around. Jar-Jar is actually pretty endearing, when you look at him as an eight-year-old girl.
I wouldn’t say i like jar jar, but i will say he is marginally less annoying then c3po. So i’m always a little surprised when people talk about how terrible the prequels are, usually using jar jar as the main example, and then rave over how great the originals are.
I think he’s hilarious, and he was one of the things I was praising most after watching the movie (at 14).
I thought 90% of the point with C3PO was precisely that he is so very, very annoying.
I’ve never seen 1 and 2; I thought 3 was okay, but nothing special, and I suspect that if that had been my introduction to Star Wars, I wouldn’t have bothered with the rest. But the other night we were watching the original Star Wars, and I noticed that there’s only one person who ever knows how to deal with C-3PO. It’s Uncle Owen, who cuts him off repeatedly and reminds him of just how little use he is out in the middle of a freakin’ desert. Uncle Owen then gets torched about five scenes later. Coincidence, or conspiracy?
My 15 year old son and I were having fun imagining what R2D2 was really saying to his tall shiny companion when he let all those beeps and whistles fly. There must be a reason he can’t speak Human, right?
And while we’re asking dumb questions, why does everyone else on Tatooine dress in Standard Sci-Fi Desert Nomad attire, while Aunt Beru looks like she stepped out of the old lady department of the Sears Catalog from about 1974?
Cuts in the wardrobe budget to save up for Jar Jar’s CGI?
Yes, he annoys me, but not as badly as all the frothing-at-the-mouth Jar Jar haters out there.
Jar-jar was bad, but he wasn’t THE thing that runied Ep.1 It’s not like the movie would have been great or even good if they left him out. In fact if the rest of the movie had been palatable I probably would have given him a pass.
-Wooden Natalie Portman
-Buffoon droids
-“whoops-a-daisy” Anakin
-Trade Federation aliens with Transalvanian accents
-Westernization of Tattooine (pod race sportscasters)
Jar-jar was more like the straw that broke the camels back.
I know a guy who loves Jar-Jar specifically (and only) because everyone else doesn’t. It really has nothing to do with Jar-Jar himself.
Not me, but yesterday at a gathering of friends, one of them loved Mr. Binks because he wasn’t dull and lifeless like all the other characters in SWTPM.
I don’t really see why he bothers everyone so much. I don’t love him or anything, but to me at least he wasn’t even 1/100th as annoying and cringe-inducing as the romance between Anakin and Padme, crammed down our throats. Put it this way. I watch the Jar-Jar scenes, mainly because there’s other people I want to see (Liam Neeson, for example). There are whole chunks of Episode II I skip because I can’t stomach the romance.
I think he’s jut become a convenient scapegoat. Hell, Anakin himself was more annoying at times. Any kid that actually says “Yippee!” should be immediately taken out and shot.
I like him. He’s supposed to be Comedy Relief, and for me, it works. I never got hung up on the bug that owned Shmi and Anakin supposedly being a Jewish caricature, either
I don’t see a lot of difference between Jar Jar and the Ewoks. Both were designed mostly for comedy.