Looking for an 80's MTV with lots of special effects

Trying to find this MTV I saw once. I think it was from the 80’s or thereabouts. The distinctive thing was it had a lot of special effects, like from a close-up of the singer, the camera would shift and reveal a row of copies behind. And they’d walk around then merge back into one singer. It was quite a popular song. Does anyone have any ideas?

Simple Minds “All The Things She Said” might be it.

MTV used to play music?

Hmm, that’s the effect I was talking about, but unfortunately not that video. Looks like that effect is more common than I thought!

My brain keeps trying to tell me Van Halen or Sammy Hagar or Diamond Dave. My brain hasn’t had coffee though, so I’ll have to double-check it’s work.

It’s not this one by Sting is it?

Dire Straights - Money for Nothing?

ETA: I’m guessing that by “MTV” you mean “music video, the kind that used to get played on MTV all day long”

KNOCK ON WOOD “Amii Stewart”?

80’s video, top-of-the-line special effects. Are you thinking this one ?


It wasn’t one of the dozen or so versions of Yes’ “Leave It” by any chance?

Flock of Seagulls, “I Ran”?

Or, the obvious answer, “Rio” by Duran Duran. :smiley:

Once in a Lifetime?

Wow thanks, nice videos, but not the one I was thinking about. I think the lead singer was female, and the whole video was shot indoors/studio/artificial background.

The 80s? Are you sure you aren’t thinking of Let Forever Be, by Chemical Brothers from 1999?

All female band, or just female lead singer and a couple of guys in the band? I watched every video I possibly could in the 80s - help me narrow it down. :slight_smile:

Madonna? The Bangles? Cyndi Lauper? Berlin? Nena? The Pretenders? The Go-Gos? Joan Jett and the Blackhearts? Heart? Blondie? Pat Benatar? Eurythmics? Yaz? Scandal? The Motels? Stevie Nicks?

Before you said female lead singer I was thinking The Cars’ You Might Think (that won the very first MTV Video of The Year Award).

Your description “The distinctive thing was it had a lot of special effects, like from a close-up of the singer, the camera would shift and reveal a row of copies behind. And they’d walk around then merge back into one singer.” sounds like an old timey analog video effect which means it was shot on actual videotape which means it would have to be a *really *early video.

THIS IS IT!! Thanks! Aren’t the transitions still pretty amazing today? Looks I got the year and even the female lead singer wrong though :stuck_out_tongue: The style sure looks 80s to me.

Feel free to continue sharing other videos with special effects. I didn’t know there were so many special effects even before computers.

Rihanna, “Umbrella” - I love this video. It’s just so slick!

Wow! That most definitely is NOT the goofy analog videotape effect I was thinking of! That effect was just delaying & duplicating frames usually of someone running. Sort of like Windows mouse trails effect.

BTW, here’s that Cars video. It is from 1984 and it is done with CGI, everything’s just very simple, solid color, filled-in 3D models. And contrary to what everyone thinks the girl in it is NOT Paulina Portiscova (Rik Ocasik’s wife). This was made before they got together. Even today, it’s still a nice, fun little video…

It was the ‘Drive’ video that had Paulina in it :slight_smile: