Looking for books on Norse religion

Can someone suggest some good books on the Norse religion? Specifically, I’m looking for “end times” information. Which Norse scriptures describe the Fimbulwinter et al.?


Well, AFAIK, the Norse had no “Scriptures” as such, relying as they did on oral tradition. Probably what you’re looking for is translations of the traditional stories, perhaps with scholarly analyses. I can’t really recommend any particular books, but you might try the Asatru links in the references section of this OCRT summary of the Asatru religion. It’s likely that some of the referenced pages will recommend books that will suit your needs, while others are scholarly articles on the topic.

Good hunting.

Pantheon Press put out a Norse book. They’re usually pretty good. Check Amazon.com

I have one put out by Pantheon press - “The Norse Myths” introduced and retold by Kevin Crossley-Holland. It seems like a decent reference work.

You’re looking for the story of Ragnarok. The version I’m familiar with is from the Icelandic book called Storri Sturluson’s Edda or The Younger Edda. The first part of the book is called Gylfaginning and it is concerned with Norse mythology. A translation of the whole book is is available online. The part about Ragnarok is here: http://www.midhnottsol.org/public/prose2/016.html

Okay, I was wrong. Not the whole book is available there, but the parts you’d be interested in are. And by the way, The Prose Edda is just another name for the same book.