Looking for books on psychological impacts of environmental design

I want to read up on how various factors in environmental design might have psychological or practical implications on human behavior; for example, how lighting affects the brain and mood, how the use of space might impact a work environment, how color changes mood, use of nature in creating a ‘healthy’ atmosphere, etc. Does anyone have any recommmendations on books that address these sorts of issues?

There was a little bit about this in a book called “Natural Capitalism” (which is an excellent book, by the way), but I want more information and more detail.

I don’t know anything about the subject, but here’s what a quick Google search turned up:

  1. Exerpt from a book that seems to talk about exactly the kind of stuff you mentioned.

  2. Amazon.com search for “environmental psychology” – some of them have samples and reviews.

Not sure how helpful/useless that is, sorry.