Looking for good book about Warren Buffet

I’m interested in learning more about Warren Buffet’s investment practices and strategies. There are a plethora of books available on the subject, but I was wondering if any dopers can point me in the direction of any works that you’ve found particularly well-written or useful. Thanks!

Speaking as a Buffett fan and BRKB shareholder, honestly, the Annual Reports are the best reading around. The Chairman’s Letter, at least, is always informative, interesting, and often entertaining. The letters are on the website, as are the full annual reports through 1995. The Berkshire “Owner’s Manual” concisely summarizes his approach to business and should probably be read first.

For books, Ben Graham’s The Intelligent Investor is a must read, being the seminal work influencing WEB’s investment style and an accessible read. I’m not aware of any truly good biographies of the man, but if you can track down Buffett’s numerous appearances on the Charlie Rose show on PBS, those are worth watching. Also, you’d probably find Poor Charlie’s Almanack, a collection of works by WEB’s right-hand man Charlie Munger, insightful.

Aside from that, the Berkshire Hathaway board on Fool.com, which you can read 30 days at a time by getting a free ‘trial account’ at Motley Fool, can be pretty interesting.

Thanks a lot, I’ll check those out.