I’m currently using a set of Sonic II hearing protectors, but I’d love some suggestions. I’m looking for hearing protection that doesn’t alter the frequency spectrum. Everything I’ve tried kills the treble.
My experience is that Etymotic makes earplugs that do what you need.
Etymotic earplugs
I would like to second the above opinion. I use the etymotic er-20s whenever I am playing at or listening to a gig. In fact I find most concerts sound better with the plugs in. They are also quite comfortable, provided you don’t have a big wax problem.
Thank you both for the recommendation. It appears they offer a custom fit, too.
(Looking at the pic) Oh god, I’m sorry.The ER20s are MUCH more comfortable. I tried the style you have, it feels like there’s a small rodent struggling to get out of my ear.