

Small adult child? - is this a typo?

A mini-me?

Doesn’t look to be a typo, since the words are typed correctly.
Not a misnomer either. Perhaps a text stutter? Not common, but it happens.

Perhaps “small adult child” was intended to signify “teenager”?

I think they meant to say that only a small adult or child could fit through.

Ken was obviously tarting up his work by adding more words. It’s pretty small as it is but …

it looks like he wrote child and when revising added ‘or small adult’, then not seeing the original word ‘child’ added it again.

I think both Ken and Ed Zotti should be taken out the back and severely edited for missing such a significant ‘oops’ as this in such a small piece of writing.

The only way they could have made it smaller would have been to provide the following:

SDSTAFF Ken replies:

Dad = Right.

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