To sum it up… She was “burned” by a “hot pickle” and is suing MickeyD’s for $125k.
I’m moving off this planet. The morons can have it.
To sum it up… She was “burned” by a “hot pickle” and is suing MickeyD’s for $125k.
I’m moving off this planet. The morons can have it.
That’s as bad as the woman who stood still in the mall (somewhere around Tampa) and let the blind man’s dog run into her, ‘injuring her foot’. I can’t find the link, but she tried to sue him and the dog’s training school for ‘pain and suffering’. (They ended up dropping the case - lots of outrage from the community and the church where her husband was a pastor - IIRC - he was also suing for ‘loss of companionship’.
Ya know, now that I think of it, I don’t think I’ve gotten any fast-food burger that was ever really hot enough to burn myself. They were always just ‘warm’.
As someone originally from Knoxville, I gotta say that we don’t have a monopoly on the moron segment of the population, just our fair share. It just seems that our fair share is trying harder than a lot of them.
… but was it a man-pickle?
Dang… glad we don’t have any industrious morons down here.
I am only surprised that she doesn’t have burns around her anus. I think that is the best place for her to stuff her next hamburger.
Her husband claims that he was denied the “services and consortium” of his wife because of this? Riiiiiight.
I heard of this too. What the HELL? A pickle is COLD…not hot…
She’s lying…moron!
First, let me say that I think I have actually spoken with this woman or at least a relative of hers. Seriously.
I worked for McDonald’s for several years in East Tennessee–not Knoxville but Johnson City (less than 100 miles away). Anyway, we had a woman raise a huge stink about this exact same thing! Except in that case it was her kid that was burned! The woman actually threw the offending hamburger at my head after I told her that she could go ahead and call the police to charge us with attempted assault because we over-heated a pickle.
Just a note: While it is true that the pickles go onto the buns cold, the burgers are heated in a quick-heating oven and it heats the pickle and the ketchup and mustard. Some of them do get pretty hot. Not second degree burn hot, but they are rather warm. I have actually had them fall on my hand and make a mark that lasted a couple of hours. I should have sued!
“It’s a small world after all…”
That is scary that you might know this person. Tho with a history of stunts like this, contentious litigant might be a nice label to slap on her.