Lost 1.17 "In Translation"

Wow, Sun diffused the conflict between Michael and Jin perfectly. She saved Jin’s “honor” AND placed Michael in a position where he couldn’t retaliate.

You know, those two actors are a stunningly beautiful couple, too. wow
Sun knows what Jin does for her father. She tried to warn Michael.

Hurley, “Try a sea urchin. They got more Ping.” :slight_smile:

Sawyer’s booked passage on the raft!

So… that shot of Locke… implying he set the blaze?

This one is!

Was that Hurley on the TV at the Environtmental guy’s house??

YES!!! Getting into a car!!

The abilty that Jin actor has to say things with his face! The “mob style shake down” scene was an eye opener for us. Jin didn’t know, at least, not at the start, that he was being groomed as an enforcer. (If indeed he was.)

I immediately thought the same thing. It seems a little obvious, though (heavy-handed, even - LOOK! Look at Locke! Look at him!), so I think it’ll turn out to be a red herring.

After a couple rewinds, I concur.

So, what’s the Big Guy doing on Korean television?


“Everyone gets a new life on this island, Shannon. Maybe it’s time you started yours.”


We need to freeze-frame it and read the subtitles. Anyone speak Korean here?

Jin has a conscience. He took what he saw as the lesser of two eis to save a man’s life. Does this same attitude hold for the Island Jin?

Sun is out of the closet.

What did Jin and Sun talk about right after the raft fire? The subtitles were covered up by an Amber Alert.

Jin was letting himself get beat up, in an attempt to confirm his suspicions that Sun could speak english.

eis = Korean phonetic spelling of evils.

Does anyone remember from Sun’s flashback, after Jin comes home all bloody, how soon afterwards she decides to book it? I’m betting (possible spoiler for future episodes):

Sun’s little candlelight dinner was when she was going to break the news that she’s pregnant. When she saw what Jin really did for her father, she decided she didn’t want the baby growing up like that.

That shot of Jin walking away from Sun on the beach, the long shot, was so beautiful. An immense wave of sadness hit right then. All because of 12 seconds of film.

Jin’s father is alive!? wtf???

Very nice shot there of Claire’s big preggy tummy… and Hurley sitting in the same position.

Glad the batteries died there… weren’t we saying we’re sick of the musical endings?

TiVo-ers! This ep runs long!
Excellent episode. Plot moves forward.
Locke is a God!

He knew Walt burned the raft. How?

Heart in throat, that last scene. I normally don’t like the song endings, but this one got me. Damn. Ended perfectly, too. wow

Best ending ever!

Great episode, and the batteries running out was just perfect! About 10 seconds earlier, I’d thought “Wow, those are some great batteries in that CD player.”