Lost 1.17 "In Translation"

Not much more action than last week, but a much better episode (especially in terms of character development).

For TiVoers: Batteries run out on Hurley’s CD player, ending the music we normally hear before the fadout, and he throws the player away in disgust. Previews for next week’s jungle treking, complete with rickety rope bridge, tripwires, and the business end of a rifle.


**he saw him. That’s why the shot of Locke in that scene.

Me too. I had just sent a chat message along those lines to some friends when the batteries went out.

What was the song that died a timely death?

Wow… Best. Show. on TV.

Just as I was thinking, “ending with a song is getting trite”, Hurley’s batteries die. Awesome. Too bad he didn’t say “dude…” in a dejected tone.

And I think it may be safe to say that Sun isn’t pregnant. :eek: Yowza!

Commence three pages of speculation on minutiae… now!

I see I’m not the only one who thought of Hurley’s batteries right away.

He’s probably some ace Starcraft player. :wink:

Locke “Should I be writing this down?” :smiley: Genius.

No big thrilling revelations, but I liked this ep. I was a little surprised at Jin at the end…I thought the flashback with his father would indicate a wish to also start over. Maybe it was more of a pride thing - his ego got rocked pretty hard. I loved the ending, with Sun on the beach standing in the water. Very powerful.

I half suspected that Walt had burned down the raft, but I’ll chalk that up to a lucky guess since I didn’t have any reasoning behind it.

“Son of a bitch.”

I thought you hated spoiler tags? And for something that is clearly covered as being not tagged right in the rules? I thought I knew you, man.


Everything I came here to post has already been covered; yeah, that was Hurley on TV, and yeah, an Amber Alert was covering the subtitles during Jin and Sun’s post-raft burning conversation. A transcript of that courtesy of our TiVOers would be super duper. Thanks bunches!

Not up on the site, but ABC gives lists of music used in some eps. Ex:
Ep 3

I think we got confirmation that Jin does not speak English.

While Hurley and Jack were trying to hold Michael back from kicking Jin’s ass on the beach, they were yelling. We’re hearing them in English, nice and clear… shot goes to close up of Jin, showing a bruise on his face, and his ear. What we hear switches to absolute jibberish. When he’s hearing them speak, it’s just a jumble of sound. It was subtle.

And Hurley’s TV spot looked like a news show, but I don’t know if that helps.

Locke asks Walt: “Are you looking for an opponent.” Significant?

Silver, I do, but not wanting to reveal anything for Left Coasters took control of my keyboard. I blame the flu I got.

Okay, first of all I must tell of the Lost miracle on my TV. I watch and tape on a 13inch TV because I don’t have cable and the reception on my big TV is lousy. I started to pull the table out that the TV was on and realized the cord was pulled tight so I waited until the commercial break and then checked the plug, it was almost all the way out of the wall, yet it still worked! A miracle.

-The song was by Damien Rice, I love that song but I can’t remember the title. I think it’s “delicate”, not positive though. The batteries dying was great, I thought something happened to the sound on my TV for a second.

-I saw a few of the things coming but it was still nice to be right. I figured Walt did it and Locke was sticking in his two cents both to help Jin and Walt. I thought Walt was going to cop to it to his dad at one point.

-I also thought that Jin’s father was probably still alive and I was right.

-Okay, anyone who thinks Jin is just a jerk now is just … dumb. This guy is willing to look like a jerk to his wife so he doesn’t have to tell her what her dad does for a living? Okay, so not starting over with her makes him kind of dumb but he may still feel like he would have to tell her about her father and he won’t do that.

-I still think Jin can understand some English, especially if it’s spoken slowly. Everyone yelling on the beach was jumbled to him but he sure seemed to understand Sun when she said in English that she was going to leave him but changed her mind.

Anyway, I loved this episode. I was getting a bit teary. The two Korean actors are wonderful.

Oh yeah, and Sun is hot!

Yup, great album “O” too.

And loud. Anyone can understand English if you speak it slow and loud. :stuck_out_tongue:

Definately a great ending. I’m also part of the people who were wondering how he was still getting batteries, and then it died. Anyone else instinctively reach for the remote/TV to fix the sound? The writers are awesome for this show.

Otherwise, great ep. I recorded it, I’ll try and get screencaps for you guys for the subtitles in Hurley’s Korean-TV cameo. :slight_smile: Hopefully we can get a translation!


He reacted to what Sun said about leaving him which she said in English. He was walking away from her, why would he turn when she spoke English to him unless he could understand it? I am positive she said this in English.

The whole thing on the beach with us getting to hear what Jin heard could also have been a red herring since he just got whacked over the head by Sawyer he may have been having trouble hearing anything.
And I popped in my CD and it was indeed “delicate” by Damien Rice, first song on the CD so poor Hurley didn’t get to listen to the rest.

After the flashback with his, father, I thought Jin WOULD start over with Sun.
Kinda disapointed, but more Sun in a bikini is certainly welcome…

I think Sayid is good for Shannon. I think she is usesless partly because Boone says she is. If she can get some confidence, she can do well (witness knot tying)

next week, some island mystery development. Maybe some answers (and probably more questions…)

Dammit, Sun! Could you have decided to spill your big secret and admit to speaking English before your husband got the shit thoroughly beaten out of him? Jesus, woman! Don’t get me wrong; I think Sun’s a cool character, but she needs to stop taking so many secret-keeping lessons from Kate. That was just absurd.

And Sawyer’s saying that no one can trust Sun now. Sawyer. Because, you know, he’s so honest and forthright himself. I wish he had gone on the raft. Then we wouldn’t have to put up with him anymore.

They’d better not start shortchanging Sun and Jin again after this. Probably one of the most interesting relationships on the island.

And the dying batteries on the cd player ruled. Hurley’s my hero.

One more thing: I also thought that was Hurley on the TV that the Korean girl was watching, but I watch on such a small TV so I wasn’t sure. I’m glad to see I wasn’t imagining things.