Lost 1.18 "Numbers"

For those playing the home game of, “Die, Scheduled Over-Run, Die!”:

[li]Hurley tells Charlie he had been having bad luck.[/li][li]Charlie tells Hurley to get over it, it’s not the end of the world, he was snorting heroin in the bathroom when the plane went down.[/li][li]Hurley is goaded into sharing something personal, so he tells Charlie that he’s worth $140-odd million.[/li][li]Charlie doesn’t believe him, stomps off.[/li][li]Zoom in to close up of hatch, where the Cursed Sequence is show on the metal, in raised numbers.[/li][/ul]

A good episode, I thought. Too bad we have to wait so long for the next one!

So Hurley is convinced more than anything in the world that the numbers “4,8,15,16,23,42” are cursed, yet he gets on a plane whose flight number is 815?

I don’t think so.

The hatch Locke and Boone excavated.

I really, really, loved this episode. Loved it.

Hurley’s driven by guilt, just like everyone else, but unlike everyone else, it’s not his fault. He’s just an average guy, caught up in extraordinary circumstances, and trying to get to the bottom of it. He’s right, Jack, Sayid et al are so caught up surviving, that they refuse to rationally approach the completely irrational situation they’re all in.

Also, I’m obese. I’m not quite so big as Hurley, but I’m in the same ballpark. It felt really, really good to see the big guy be the really competent and daring one for once, not just comic relief. Hey, in this episode, Hurley was practically an action hero! I really like that Hurley isn’t treated as a joke (he provides the jokes, he isn’t one himself), or as totally useless.

So much for advancing the plot. As usual, all we really get are more questions. I suppose you could say that’s advancing the plot, but some answers would be nice. Anything more consequential than Hurley’s real name.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m enjoying the ride. I just hope we’re not let down in the end.

Damn. I wonder if this will have significance or if it will be forgotten in a case of Chris-Carteresque amnesia? One thing, it certainly does point more and more to a supernatural explanation of what’s going on The Island.

Technically, we still don’t have confirmation he was on the plane. :slight_smile: We just know he isn’t from the island.

I can see him not noticing it. Who notices their flight numbers? Besides, his bad luck up to that point was random outside of centering around him. And he was just told suicide wa sthe only way out…

I just want to say that I’m really glad my birthday is August 14th.

Dodged a bullet on that one.

Here’s a question (maybe I just missed the answer): how did Hurley know Leonard? Was he a patient?

I wouldn’t start to panic unless a copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy turns up somewhere on that island. Good call, John Mace!

I fly all the time from the USA to Canada. Whenever you go back into Canada, you have to fill out a little customs form. There’s a space on the form for your flight number. I never, ever know my flight number; I always have to look at the ticket. I have never, not once, EVER sat beside someone who didn’t have to dig their ticket up, ask me, or ask the flight attendant what the flight number is. And I have quite often seen them ask the flight attendant, and THEY have to look it up. Nobody checks the flight number.

I think Danielle’s affirmation that he wasn’t crazy meant a lot to Hurley. He’d obviously been in the psych ward before (lottery interview: I’m just coming out of a pretty hard time) and was afraid that his fixation on the numbers meant he was unhinged. Now he can feel ok about believing in the curse, and so maybe it won’t have so much hold over him.

As to this episode being proof of “supernatural” themes, I don’t think it’s crossed that line yet. Let’s say the hatch exists on this island. Some as-yet-unintroduced person on that island transmits the numbers on the hatch for some reason, perhaps because the code designates the location of that particular hatch. This transmission is intercepted by Danielle’s ship and Hurley’s psych ward buddy’s coworker who’s out fishing. Danielle and her crew chase the transmission only to maroon themselves, coworker becomes obsessed enough with the numbers that he passes them along to connect four guy who passes them on to Hurley who once again uses them. The fact that Hurley then ends up on the same island as Danielle is, of course, a HUGE coincidence, but it could still be just that.

That seems to be the modus operandi – reveal a few details and mysteries, and stir up some more. It’s the fact that there are always new intriguing questions (even when we get some info on old ones) that keeps people watching, I suppose.

So what do we know that’s new?

  • Hurley’s past is connected to the island, via the numbers.
  • There’s a radio tower on the island.
  • Danielle’s ship was brought to the island by seeking the numbers transmission.
  • She used the same radio tower to broadcast her distress call.
  • We know it’s at the Black Rock (although I’m sure most of us already guessed that as the “source” of the transmission).
  • The hatch is definitely connected to the original “numbers” transmission on the island.

So I wonder how long before somebody decides to mount an expedition to the Black Rock?

I’d say sometime around the middle of next season.

Thinking out loud here…

So far, 3 of our 6 numbers would seem to have direct significance: the flight number (815, or 8 15), and the number of years since CFL and team were shipwrecked (16).

Start at a point equidistant between 15 and 16 (on a number line) and work in either direction. It’s 8 steps (with each whole number being 1 step) in either direction to arrive at 8 and 23. Probably just a number coincidence, since the ‘matching’ breaks down right after that.

23? Will that be revealed as Claire’s age when she gives birth? They did mention her birthday.

4? The number of folks who can fit on Michael’s raft. Alternately, this could turn out to be Locke and his most devoted followers. (On preview, I remembered: it was 4 years ago that Toomey died…)

42? The number of Lostaways left, excluding Locke’s group, with said split gradually becoming more apparent by season’s end.

42 + 4 = 46. I think we have more survivors than that currently, so perhaps a few real deaths may occur?

Another 4: CFL, Ethan, and the two bodies originally found in the caves. CFL’s team?

Ah, one could attach any meaning to the numbers at this point. I do think that the other numbers will likely gain some significance in the future.

I really enjoyed this episode, and place it solidly in the top 5 thus far, maybe even the top 3. I know we all waited impatiently for Hurley’s flashback, and some of you may have felt it was a letdown, but I felt it painted more of the picture, as cryptic as it seemed.

Awww, Locke! I almost got choked up for a minute there, seriously. So sweet.

I love you, Hurley. I know someone already mentioned it but, “I’m spry!” has got to be the greatest line in TV history. :smiley: And Charlie: “If he can do it!” I loved that look. And Hurley hugging Danielle, ugh, so cute. I love him. Did I say that already?

WTF is up with that hatch, yo?

Ha, I wanted to be the one to point out that obviously at least one of those numbers represents the answer to life, the universe and everything. Maybe what’s in the hatch provides the question. :slight_smile:

42+6 = 48 The original number of survivors.
4 years that Locke had been confined to a wheel chair.

Anyone else find it ironic that Hurley felt reassured he was not crazy by someone who likely is crazy? :smiley:

I know some people are strongly against a supernatural angle to the story, but let me just say that if coincidence has any part in the explanation of the events surrounding these numbers I will feel extremely cheated. I’d rather it turn out to be the combination to a metaphysical lock on Pandora’s Box (Lenny did say Hurley opened the box) and Hugo be the reincarnated Pandora herself than nothing more than happenstance. I think we’re pretty much in for some sort of paranormal/mind-control/destiny explanation to all this.

Actually, Hurley kind of has Pandora’s hairstyle.

I wasn’t let down at all – I really enjoyed this one, too.

Not only did we get a few more little tidbits of info and some intriguing new questions, but with Hurley as the focus of this one, there were plenty of moments of hilarity.