Lost 1.21 "The Greater Good"

When he laid back after being told he was drugged he really looked drugged! His pupils looked dilated, his eyes looked glassy, and it didn’t just look like he was not focusing–It looked like he couldn’t focus. I wondered at the time if they might not have actually doped him up to make it look real, but I just can’t believe they would take the trouble and the risk.

Still, a lot more realistic than the usual menthol or glycerin in the eyes drunk effect.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I thought it must have taken some serious stones for the producers of a hit prime-time American series to decide, in the current political climate, that it was safe to show a couple of sympathetic Muslims debating the morality of a massively murderous terrorist attack against the U.S. Okay, yeah, the situation was dramatically manipulative on a couple of levels, but having Sayid’s brother saying “I don’t think I can go through with it” as if he thinks that’s a bad thing is, in my opinion, a jaw-dropper for American television.

Great show. Loved every minute of it, comedy and drama.

And for once, I got the sense that they were giving answers to some of our burning questions (who hit Sayid?) without really adding any major mysteries to the pile. This is definitely a good thing. And Sayid’s dialogue at the end — “I’m getting the sense that you’re the key to our survival, but I still don’t trust you” — was a real eye-opener.

(And Walt’s desperately-delivered line in the previews, “Don’t open the thing,” gave me serious chills. What the hell is that about?)

U.S.? When did they say that? I was under the impression that the target was Aussie.

Yes, I think the target was Australian. They were in England first, when they caught Sayid and were telling him what he had to do, and then they went to Sydney to find the explosives and that guy that he “accidentally” bumped into at the mosque.

Yes, Smeg, you were right. :rolleyes:


My parents called me at 7:10 all, “Hi, how are you? We love you!” blahblahblah. Me: “Great, yeah, well Lost is on, so… BYE!”

I had to take the second call. Well, I guess I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. I figured I wouldn’t miss too much and, anyway, that’s what you guys are for. :slight_smile:

My hubby is working a thousand miles away right now, so I called him five minutes before Lost started and warned him that (a) I was going to be watching the show and (b) if I missed even 5 seconds of it I’d probably miss something important. A courteous way of telling him to eff off without getting him upset. Worked, too. :smiley:

Sending your hubby to another city works well for uninterrupted nerd-lusting, too, rockle. By the time commercials come on and we call each other to talk about what happened in the last segment, I’ve got my drooling back under control. I highly recommend it.

How is that any different than “24”? I didn’t see the Muslims as sympathetic. How do you get that?

And was the other guy Sayid’s brother? I thought they were former college roommates or something along those lines.

They were room-mates in college.

Cairo University, to be exact.

Tonight I am trying something they call “Counter Strike Source.” I will let you know how that works out.

Freshmen Residence Hall. 3rd floor.

Nah, just kidding.

I missed the show last night (stoopid VCR didn’t start recording when I hit the button), and I had to contribute something…

I think the bit about her drugging him made it more plausible that Shannon was able to remove the key from his neck while he slept.

But I, too, thought it would’ve been pretty damned ironic if Jack had shrieked that he had a drug allergy after she told him she’d slipped him the mickey…

:smack: That’s what I meant. Confused myself by the reference to American television.

Haven’t watched 24 this season, so I can’t comment on that. But I found rather striking the scene where Sayid, clearly one of our regular protagonists, and his “brother” (not blood brother, sorry about that) were walking in public, and working through their respective concerns (“all these innocent lives” vs “the greater good”). Obviously I don’t find terrorists sympathetic, but the point is that the characters weren’t being shown in the simple-minded capital-T Terrorist Evil Bad Guy way we typically get. (See True Lies, for example.) He was a real guy, with a real life and real worries about the horrible thing he had agreed to do.

And to clarify, the cell organizer, by contrast, the guy who gave them the explosives-laden bomb and their instructions, was absolutely not sympathetic. It’s just that the “brother,” the ostensible terrorist who was asked to deliver the device and commit the actual attack, was presented as a complete character instead of a simplistic villain.

Dunno. Maybe it’s just me.

Hey, look at Hurley! Hurley’s singing and dancing. Funny funny Hurley.


Funniest moment (in my house):

Shannon holding a gun on Locke. My wife breaks out into “Everybody run… the homecoming queen’s got a gun.”

Zev Steinhardt

No, it’s not just you. They did a very good job of establishing a complete character. They had to, for Sayid’s distress to work. We had to feel what Sayid felt when his friend took another way out.

It’s about choices we (and they) make…


Or Sayid was lying to Rousseau.

Now that’s funny!

Maybe Shannon was just trying to scare Locke, not kill him. You know, because she thought those were Ich Luge bullets in the gun… :wink:

Way back in one of the first few ep threads, I said I was getting a feeling that the writers were foreshadowing Walt to be very important. Maybe my impression will finally become true, and then ALL WILL WORSHIP ME!!!

Then again, they could just be setting us up for something else big to happen. Happened before, preview made us think one thing, episode shows something else happening. I like the way they do that to us from time to time.

Nah. When they open up Pandora’s Hatch, we’ll just shove you inside, then lock (Locke?) it quickly. :smiley:

Maybe Walt says “Don’t open it!” to Mike when Mike discovers a present Walt made and wrapped for Locke. :smiley: