Lost 1.24/1.25: "Exodus, Part Two"

“Hope. I think Hope’s inside.”

Another Pandora’s Box reference. It IS Pandora’s hatch.

Crap. Locke actually looked scared. His robot T-Rex pet turned on him…

No matter how far! No matter whether you’ve been taken by the Others! No matter whether you get eaten by the TCM! I will find you!

Okay, that definitely sounded mechanical.

What the hell were those black wisps of smoke looking things?!

1hr 5min mark. WOW

Just… wow…

Anybody else read “Prey” by Michael Crichton? That little cloudy-swarmy thing seemed awfully familiar.

Thank you, thwartme! I’ve been trying to think what seemed so familiar about it.

Yes… yes…
1hr 12 min mark, Sayid and Charlie, OH HOLY SHIT!!!

OUCH. “Pass me the Cauterize Your Own Wound kit…”

The Gunpowder Plot. :smiley:

“Hey Sayid… don’t help next time.” - Charlie

(or at least, it’s what I would have said, if I were Charlie…)

I think that would be The Gunpowder Clot. :wink:

While we’re on break, what caused the raft’s rudder to fall off?


I missed the first 45 minutes! Can anyone give a quick (I mean really quick) recap? I came in right before Locke got grabbed.

Stupid working late night. Gaaa!

42 kph 23 mph

what was hsi room number? Fat guys buy two seats!

the little backstory snippets are filling in a bunch of holes and putting all the regulars together.

They hit a big log or something, wasn’t it?

Hah! Arzt in the security line, whining.

Hurley doing the O.J. Simpson thing in the airport! This is great!

soccor team jerseys! 16 23 42

gate 23!!!

The dynamite is highly unstable. Arzt blew himself up while lecturing the others. Jack, Locke, Kate and Hurley are (carefully) taking some back to the hatch. CFL stole Claire’s baby. We think she’s going to trade it to the Others to get hers back. Claire has a brief flashback to her fighting and scratching CFL.

AAAH! Recording Emergency! Help!

Forgot our PVR is on manual settings because of the stupid extra minute. So it stopped recording at 8:02, and I didn’t realize it until 8:07 or so. I got everything up until Locke is following the monster and the tree blows up behind him and he falls to the ground. I started recording again and Michael/Jin are bonding on the raft and Michael says Jin is lucky, I think about Sun.

Please, please, please tell me I didn’t miss the monster!! What happened?

Dang it all!

TCM drags Locke around (we only see Locke from the ankles up), Jack grabs on just as Locke is being dragged into a hole in the ground. Locke wants Jack to let him go, telling him he’ll be okay. Jack refuses, and tells Kate to get some dynamite - which is in his pack. She throws a stick down the hole, it goes boom, and we see a medium-sized black cloud of. . .something fly out of the ground and fly off.

Oh, I was on time delay, that’s why I missed my minutes.