Lost 1.24/1.25: "Exodus, Part Two"

“Penny farthing bicycle”, I belive this is in reference to the bicycle that made an apperance on Deadwood this season.

That was one cock-sucker of a bicycle, I think it may have come from San Francisco!


Both are rather tongue in cheek references to “The Prisoner”, a 1960’s British television show with somewhat of a cult following. The Pennyfarthing Bicycle was a symbol prominently displayed in The Village, where our hero (No. 6) was imprisoned.

Why was he imprisoned? “Questions are a burden to others. Answers are a prison for oneself.”

Rover (the weather balloon) was the original Security Device, to keep prisoners from escaping.

Cecil addressed it here, although without a fan’s true appreciation IMHO.

best to all,


The mate was a mighty sailing man. The skipper brave and sure…


Arzt: “You know, you’re not the only people on this island doing anything important. I know a clique when I see one.”

See? That’s what you get when you rip on Hurley.

Holy crap! Did Arzt just blow up??!!

“Some of us have actually LOST weight!”

So…, now what? Do we get to see a redo of The Wages of Fear ?

…uh, hey kids, remember some of us aren’t gonna be seeing it for a few hours yet. Maybe try the spoiler thingy?

Locke: “BZZZZZZT!!” :smiley:

I guess Arzt was a redshirt after all. Who said they thought he was supposed to be a regular cast member next season?

Once something has aired, it’s fair game is the rule we’ve played by for the last 20 or so eps, why change now?

But, in interest of fairness…


That should help.

Jin’s character gains depth. Man, how many actor Emmys can we give out? Everyone deserves one!


Now that’s a redshirt…

“You got some… Arzt… on you.”

*dying here… *

Gotta say, I loved that conversation between Arzt and Hurley earlier, about the “clique” thing. Quite funny, the writers poking fun at themselves and how the show has focused only on the small select group. I love this show!

Also that even though one of them is dead, the “Cliquers” still can’t tell the difference between Scott and Steve! Those redshirts all look alike to them…


I sure am glad this is a two hour episode, 'cause I feel like it’s jsut barely started.

Baby gets a name.

Purgatory theory discussed by show characters.

Maybe “The Others” aren’t coming at all. Maybe Danielle set up the plume of black smoke, and she used it to trick them…

Nooooo! Don’t do it, Charlie!

Oh crap – take Charlie to the Beechcraft. BAD idea! (But we knew he would see it at some time, didn’t we?)

Sayid reminds me of Hawkeye during the 50 minute to 1 hour mark. From Last of the Mohicans, not MASH

That period also sees a set up for some Charlie stuff, doesn’t it?

And yes, this so very much like the Wages of Fear for the dyno carriers. Planet of the Apes type music, too!

Seems the creators are hitting on every tpe of action adventure weirdness for this ep.