Lost 11/10 "Confidence Man" - Contains Spoilers!

The stamp was a bicentennial stamp, dating back from about the time “Sawyer” would’ve been a kid. He couldn’t have been conning people and sleeping with women as a youngster. He wrote the letter to the person (the real sawyer) that conned his parents. That’s why he freaked when he saw the kid. His family was the one that self destructed and he couldn’t do it to anyone else.

Cover it?

In re Q #2:

It was the bicentennial stamp that gave it away. !976, see? His family was the victim of a confidence man.

God I hate the spoiler things! Just put the word SPOILER in the title, PLEASE!

I agree that it seems to me that the producers or reading these threads. They discussed Hurley’s lack of obvious weight loss, someone circling the island and even discussed the book Sawyer was reading. I loved tough guy Sawyer saying “it’s about bunnies.”
I was wondering about Locke, too, it does seem he wanted Sayid to go after Sawyer. Locke certainly could of been the one to conk Sayid and wreck the equipment but did Locke know what they were doing to even know to go after him? Locke would be one that probably would not want to get off the island since he may believe that he will lose the ability to walk again and on the island he can be someone important and useful.

If they were I’d hope by now they would ask the director just for me to COOL IT WITH THE SHAKEY CAMERA SCENES!

My apologies to the board for harping on this but am I the only one who finds the shakey camera moments (this week the worst was the Sawyer torture scane) to be a total distraction from the story? A shakey camera DOES NOT convey tesnion. IT only reminds the veiwer that the story is being filmed. Really takes you out of the moment of the plot. As soon as the scene starts shaking around I forget the characters and start thinking about the camera man. Sure doesn’t help.

They didn’t tell all of Sawyer’s story! What happened when he didn’t give the money back to the black guy? Why was he in Australia? Why was he going to LA? Other than that, it was good to see that there was another level to his character. I always suspected it.

That was a pretty good kiss. I’m not sure it was worth being tortured for, though.

I hope there’s a lot of eucalyptus on that island. And why couldn’t Sun go find it herself? Michael wasn’t even sure what he was looking for.

Remember, anything shown tonight does NOT need a spoiler.

The radio said ABT-520 which as far as I can tell not a real radio model.

Locke certainly seems a good candidate for someone who wants to stay on the island. For some reason I doubt it was Sawyer (the whole time delay thing just doesn’t seem his style)


I thought the suggestion/rule was to unbox after the show has aired. ??

Exactly. If anyone is acting like they’ve watched too many war/spy/survival movies, it’s Locke with his pointy stick, weird talk, and Box O’ Knives.

He’s the only person we’ve met so far, besides Sayid, who would know how to rig a fuse like that. As far as we know. Hell, maybe asthma girl is a bomb expert. You can’t take anything for granted on this show!

Thought I had the DVR set, realized it wasn’t, and missed up to the part where Sawyer says to the blonde in the black bra, “You weren’t supposed to see that…” What wasn’t she supposed to see? Why do I have the distinct feeling that she, in fact, was supposed to see it?

Yes, but we really need to put SPOILER in the title.


His briefcase full of cash fell open. Yes, she was meant to see. It was part of the set up for the con.

I don’t think what we saw of Sawyer’s story was really his story. I think it was all his imagining of the set-up to how the con man set up his parents. And then with “Sawyer” walking away from the deal–that’s what he wished would’ve happened in his case.

When he said he himself conned someone, he said he only needed $6,000. What we saw seemed a bit too elaborate for that relatively low amount of money.

I haven’t read a word…Hurry up, 8pm! Get here! I gotta get lost–again!

Of course, due to DVR wonkiness, I also missed the very end of the ep and the previews for next week. It stopped right as Charlie and the pregnant girl were leaving the beach and the song started. What was that song, anyway? The 10 seconds of it I heard sounded cool. Thanks. I promise to resolve the DVR issue so no further glitches occur in the future.

Am I the only one who thought that kiss between Kate and Sawyer was romantic? I mean, think about it-- he didn’t have the inhalers but endured excruciating torture just to get a kiss from her. I don’t care if Sawyer is really as nasty as he seems or not, that would move me. Yeah, he’s a masochist, all right-- he is filled to overflowing with self-loathing and misery, so he wants to be punished, suffer, and die. He asks Kate sarcastically, “Don’t you feel sorry for me?” but he DOES want her to feel something for him (I see a love-triangle forming…). Maybe I’m just a soft-headed girl, but I think he has sincere feelings for her and there is a connection between them-- they’ve both done bad, bad things and consequently seek to alienate themselves any time they get too close to anyone. Not that I’m recommending Kate get involved with him, just that I see something poignant in him.

As for the reason “Sawyer” had to flee, well, if he walked away from his last deal, 'cause the guy he borrowed from was going to do worse than stick bamboo shoots under his fingernails.

Hey, Claire’s back! Hi! Your sudden reappearance shocked Charlie straight out of withdrawal!

Boone’s interaction with Shannon made me raise an eyebrow – anyone who’s had a severe asthmatic in the family for any length of time knows 1) that attacks worsen with stress and anxiety and 2) how to them calm their way through an attack. Spazzing out with “Breathe! Breathe!” is not cool.

If Jin doesn’t realize Sun speaks English after he saw the botany lesson, I’m going to start thinking he suffered some kind of closed-head injury during the crash. Try miming “soothing vapor action,” in your next game of Cranium, I dare you.

Yeah, that was pretty hot. Charlie in his imaginary peanut butter moment was nice, too. And I’m surprised Kate didn’t chase Sayid down the beach at the end there and have a Blue Lagoon moment.

I reported this thread, asking the mods to put “SPOILERS” in the thread title, even though I think it’s an accepted fact among Lost fans that the weekly threads will have unboxed spoilers. Have we all agreed on Juniper’s guidelines?

A) That kiss? Totally hot.

B) The twist? Um, yeah, they got me. I didn’t see that coming.

C) I think Michael and Sun should hook up and vote Jin off the island.

D) Where’s the dog?

E) I bet you a dollar next week’s preview is a flashback.

Argh! Oh pretty please, tell me what the preview was!

Sayid wound up dazed in a room with a lightbulb and another person.

That’s the gist of it, I wasn’t really paying attention.

My boyfriend, who has previously been a huge fan of Lost, is getting bored with all the character driven episodes. He says they better get back to polar bears and French distress calls, pronto!