Lost 11/10 "Confidence Man" - Contains Spoilers!

I love these character driven eps! I dig getting the backstory, slowly, on all these folks.
I’m wondering if the preview for next week’s ep isn’t showing Sayid

really seeing someone on the island but is instead showing him hallucinating same.

Does anyone else think that Locke might have knocked out Sayid and sabotaged things because he believes that the island is a miraculous place that cured him?
I hate to think such a thing about Locke because I really like him, but…I just gotta wonder.

The scene with Charlie walking right behind big Hurley is a hoot.

I’m gonna see if I can find out what that song was, because I really liked it too–the one at the end.
Found it! It’s from Ben Harper: http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1024078985535

Are Sun and Michael going to share a kiss? Jin’s gonna find out, you two!

That torture scene gave me the willies. I really felt for Sawyer, especially after the letter was explained.

oops! Don’t click on that link.

Here is the right one:

Sorry! That other one was from a totally different thread and the copy and paste thing didn’t “Forget” it even after I tried the new one.

No, I don’t think it was his imagination. The $6000 was just for his first con. The conversation with his “financier” made it clear that he was an old hand at the game – and that he’d made a specialty of finessing women and their sad-sack husbands.

He left “his” money with them as an act of contrition. (We were given to understand that it would have been unpleasant for him to return it without the additional 50%, anyway-- so what the hell. :D)

After seeing this episode, I’m even more convinced that it was Beacon-woman who poleaxed Sayid. The way he said “I swear I’ll find the man who did this to me,” seemed unecessarily specific – like misdirection. Then he goes off to survey the island.

I liked this one a lot. I wasn’t looking forward to it, because so far Sawyer has been such a shallow character (and poorly portrayed.) Turns out they made a sympathetic character out of him. A miracle! A fecking miracle!

Future speculation about the man:

Sawyer. Freckles. Caves. Why do I suspect that at some point, Sawyer is going to get lost in the caves with Kate, where they’ll finally acknowledge their mutual attraction for each other… maybe while Jack is delerious with fever back at the camp. Maybe Beck-- err, Kate will produce a tiny morsel of “wedding cake” to put under their pillow the way the grown-ups do, fully expecting to expire before the search party reaches them… :smiley: Come on, I can’t be the only one who thought “Shucks, but that’s an awful snug place for orgies,” when they found the caves.

I didn’t hear a question mark there: I heard an order, or a plea: “Don’t you feel sorry for me!” After this episode it’s clear that Kate and Sawyer are fated. That kiss was too hot. (Apart from them both being on the way to being reformed criminals.)

My VCR cut off right at the preview for next week. :smack: Is there a video of this online anywhere? Can someone give me a step by step description of what they showed? I live for this show. Wednesday can’t come soon enough. :smiley:

Err, a description of next week’s preview, that is. I did see the whole show tonight.

Me too.

I was thinking that Locke bopped Sayid on the head, too. In previous episodes, Locke seemed knowledgable and wise and believable, but here he’s trying to tell Sayid that “anyone that watches TV knows how to set a delay on a fuse” and all that. Either it was Locke or Locke knows who it was and is covering for them.

I missed this damn episode. Would some kind soul consider posting a little synopsis.
Kate and Sawyer kissed? Do tell!.

Next weeks preview, boxed just in case:

You see Sayid walking into a rope trap thing – like in cartoons, his foots steps into somehting and it scoops him up so he’s hanging upside down by a rope. Next shots a VERY blurry. You see a lightbulb, what looks like metal mesh like a cage or part of a fence and it seems to be indoors because there are smooth walls. You see Sayid get zapped by some electrode knob-thing. And a voice (female?) ask him a question. Sayid is in a stupor so it’s all blurry, but you see what may be a woman (long, curly hair) mostly in silhouette.

Oh, and it all implies

He found the French woman? Or she found him? She is one tough cookie and is mighty mad about something so she’s torturing him. Or the whole thing could all just be a feversih hallucination.

Either I’m missing a big point, or others are…

The backstory of Sawyer is the story of the “real” Sawyer (the bad guy who conned the parents of the Sawyer we know, where his father killed his mother), not the full story of the Sawyer on the island. The Island-Sawyer is the kid in the backstory. The backstory shown had nothing to do with the $6000 con that the Island-Sawyer did, other than explain his self-hatred – he became the very thing he hated.

This was a great twist. I didn’t see it coming. I figured out Locke in the wheelchair long before the reveal, but I didn’t figure out the Sawyer twist before the reveal. Interesting.

I didn’t get that impression at all. How would he know all of the other details about the Real-Sawyer?

The backstory was Island-Sawyer’s story. When he saw the little boy, he immediately thought about what happened to him as a kid, and backed out. If the little boy had not made his presence known, he would have gone through with it.
Another great episode! Lots of tense scenes.

O, I can’t wait until next week. Sayid, front and center!

Interesting. I totally disagree with this interpretation. I’d be curious about the opinions of others.

It’s possible the writers set this up to be consistent with either interpretation.

I’m with Paisley on the Sawyer interpretation. I think that we saw what actually happened to Island-Sawyer, and the kid just made him drop it all and run.

I also missed the preview for next week (damn ABC and their time-jiggling!), but I thought it was the French Lady from the get-go. I can’t wait to see Sayid’s backstory, though.

And Hurley is my hero. I have a soft spot for men who can make “Dude” mean anything. :slight_smile:

It could have been Scott. Or Steve.

Given that someone had to turn on the limited-life antenna, a fuse just wouldn’t do for all that. I think Locke is suggesting Kid Rock Jr. for some reason of his own.

I thought this was a possibility myself until he said he became “Sawyer”. The $6000 thing seemed to be the start. I think this was a “boomerang” situation where after feeling the pain of the con, he became a con. He started slow and then later used the very scam that was used on his family. I think you could make an argument that the memory is transference of some kind, but I think it actually happened that way. Otherwise, he changed the memory in his mind to make Sawyer walk out and updated it to modern day.

A few other random thoughts:

  • Did Sun hear Jin speaking to Michael in English? That was unclear. He seemed mad, but probably just because she was around Michael.

  • I don’t buy the “time delay” business. The cig method may work, but it could work THAT exactly. Did Sayid set off his flair, Shannon set off hers and THEN Sawyer? Too much room for error there. I think Locke did it. Or the French woman.

  • I love the Charlie and Claire friendship. Absolutely charming.

  • Wasn’t the kiss between Kate and Sawyer a bit long? I think so! There were two times where she could have broken it off and still honored the deal. She went back in hard. Is she secretly into the bad boy type (though Jack torturing Sawyer may perk her up a bit) or is she using her sexuality to manipulate him?

  • I was pleased to see TWICE this episode, that our nitpicks are being answered. We got both a Hurley’s weight answer and a “someone should walk the shore line” bit. For me, the Hurley’s weight is now in the column of “suspension of disbelief”. Even if he never loses weight, the producers attempted to placate us. That’s enough for me. Last week we got Sayid’s “we should have died” and someone referenced the polar bear. As long as they keep this up, I will practice patience.

  • What the heck did Charlie say in the preview. I can’t understand excited Brits! I had to watch the movie Snatch with subtitles! :slight_smile:

I’m with Algernon’s interpetation. Why? Because the oil rig business is pretty dated. Buying a share for $300,000 sounds cheap for such a venture nowadays. Plus, the flashbacks had a retro feel between the clothing and set design.

I can see the confusion about Sawyer’s story. In a way it did seem like he was inserting himself into what happened to him as a kid and how he would have liked it to end. However I think he really did become what he hated, hence why he keeps reminding himself with the letter he wrote as a child and why he seems to be such a masochist and why he even took the name Sawyer. I believe the story he told Kate about running a con at 19 was just the beginning.

As for why he was in Australia, well he could have been on the run from the guy who’s money he lost, or maybe he actually finally went looking for the real Sawyer and traced him to Australia. So I think there’s still a lot more to his story.
I read an article that Jack was originally supposed to die in the first episode but they liked Matthew Fox so much they decided to keep him. So it could be that Kate was originally supposed to be in a triangle with Sayid and Sawyer. But since Jack is still around we have a rectangle. Mmm … a 'tangle with Jack, Sawyer and Sayid. Kate’s a lucky little criminal, yeah, I think I hate her.

Anyone notice that, of all the backstories told so far, only that of Sawyer, Kate and Jack have left important unanswered questions?
I mean, Charlie’s story wrapped up his character from point A to present. Locke’s as well, as did Jin and Sun’s. But Jack’s story left out what he did to disappoint his father, Kate’s left out what her crime was and Sawyer’s left out the reason he was on the plane.
I think this will turn out to be significant.

I suppose it is possible that they could spring this on us later, as a super-suprise-twist. The rational here would be that Island-Sawyer was hallucinating, or imagining, the whole sequence of events that led up him seeing Real-Sawyer in his house.

Jack hallucinating (?) and seeing his father. Sawyer. Sayid hallucinating next week?

The main problem I have with this is that all the other flashbacks have been presented as being “real”. Why would Sawyer’s be any different?

I think we saw island Sawyer’s back story, because of the way it ended. He left the money behind. In the letter, it says, “You stole all my dad’s money away.” We don’t know what happened to the family after Sawyer left, but they still had their money, plus $140K of his (or his partner’s, really).