IMDB had Andrea Gabriel listed for tonight’s episode so I guess it really was Nadia.
Finally I catch something before everyone else! Thanks!
Sawyer = pwned. Easily the best moment of the season.
That episode was a pure adrenaline rush–absolutely brilliant. I’m too excited to think straight…
Maybe they are locking the occupant inside so they know he won’t be crushed by two tons of food falling from the sky. I think it’s possible that Henry triggered the lockdown somehow while he was out.
The symbol in the “southwest” hatch looked like a microscope to me.
It’s better in Wayzata.
Hey, the real Henry Gale was from Wayzata, MN. About 10 minutes from me.
Nothing very notable there. Just a burb of Minneapolis.
And the 815 Walnut Grove Road doesn’t exsist.
Can’t wait, but must wait…Will be back.
I see a squirrel a crab and a snake, but I’ve been wrong before.
Yeah, but 8 and 15 are two of the numbers and “Walnut Grove Road” must be a shoutout to Little House on the Prairie.
Speaking of the numbers, Henry sure memorized them easily, didn’t he? Not a surprise since he already knew them!
Anything interesting on Henry Gale’s ID (Drivers’s licenece?)
He did have the old style MN drivers license. They changed the look a few years ago. This is probably reading waaayy too much into the details, but that might say something about how long the deceased Mr. Gale has been on the island.
If Defcon Penguin is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
That map is going to drive me nuts. It looks like there is all sorts of scribbling all around it too but it’s too faint to make it out. So how long before Locke actually goes back to look at that? We already know he won’t tell anyone else about it because no one tells anyone else about anything important.
Eh, not necessarily. Until I had to renew my license in February I still had the old one. I couldl’ve dropped onto the island in January and still had the old version.
<hijack>Anyone else miss the old credit card licenses?</hijack>
On my computer, at least, that pic is a big disappointment. I can’t make anything out. My kingdom for the first link to a hi-def screen cap.
That cap is from and they’re going to post a HD cap by morning. I wouldn’t expect to make any of the scribbled text around it out, but we might be able to see the hatch symbols more clearly… and who knows what else. Anyway, we won’t be able to make out anything the writers don’t want us to see. They’re always in control. But know this: Apparently there is an upcoming episode entitled…
Prolly available tomorrow at which is where the first cap came from.
Possible spoiler link
Also on that page is another training video. Possible spoilers, though nothing seemed that revealing to me. Given what we know now of course.
I had a good laugh when Kate asked if she should go get a ruler. I don’t think my wife got the joke.
Isn’t the supply drop that Jack and Kate found attached to a parachute, not a balloon?
Any validity to this? It looks like a fan-produced video to me.
But it would only work if the occupant was inside when the doors closed. And the only way to make sure the occupant stayed inside the sealed off area would be to seal off the area with computer and schedule the drop to be during a reset time. And they didn’t do this. If anything, the system they have appears designed to seal the occupant out of the living quarters during a drop.
I’m glad to see Defcon Penguin catching on. It’s gonna be my band name. At least I’ve made one lasting contribution to the board in my 6 years here…
Anyhow. The person/people in the hatch were quarantined there. At least Desmond was. So I think we can probably assume they would be in the hatch. Now, the broadcast that Locke heard was garbled, let’s assume that it is because of a broken antenna or broken receiver. But it sure sounded like a radio broadcast announcing the event to come, complete with a countdown to get inside the blast doors.
Why? Well, I think a probable explanation has to do with the quarantine. We didn’t hear helicopters or airplanes, but maybe Dharma is flying people overhead to do the air drop. Looks like a pallet or something that may have come out of a C-130 or a helicopter. So it may be a preventative measure to prevent cross-contamination between the receivers and the senders of food.
This, I believe, is the first confirmation that the Dharma Initiative is still up and running. It also explains lots and lots of things – where did Bluebeard get gas for the boat/batteries/power/how long can cereal stay good/etc.
It’s better than my scrambled-for screen-grab, but I was amused that it ended up being automatically named “captu108.JPG.” Heh.
I liked Locke’s momentary uncertainty when “Henry Gale” asked if he could get up – and then the quick return to his quasi-mystical mind-over-matter “of course I can.”
Good on the designers of the hatch for including flesh-skewers on the bottoms of those blast doors. Those are important.
“But we only wanted a simple block of flats!”