Lost 2.19: "S.O.S."

I don’t know if it hasn’t been mentioned because it’s just sooo obvious it doesn’t bear mentioning, but the scene with Isaac of Uluru closely mirrored Claire’s meeting with Malkin in Raised by Another: Brought unwillingly, relenting and going through with it, yeah, but especially the bit where the guy concentrates, then snaps his eyes open and says “I’m sorry – I can’t help you.” The scene was even blocked the exact same way.

When Rose and Bernard were having the cliche conversation about being lost and needing directions with that beautiful CGI matte of Ayers Rock in the background, I was reminded of this poor schmuck who made the PALATR wires a couple of weeks ago. :smiley:

This is really reaching, but did anyone else think of The Heartbreak Kid when Rose walked up to Locke and said “You’re in my spot.”. Rose isn’t exactly Sybill Shepherd and Locke isn’t exaclty Charles Grodin, but hearing that line on a beach just reminded me of that movie from the 70s.

I showed my wife the picture and said “Remember this guy from the Hurley episode? Who does he look like to you?”
Her reply: “Oh my God, that’s Henry Gale!”
So I guess he DOES.

Kate and Jack roll Michael over…

Mrs. Dewgrrl and I groan but it isn’t too bad, he’s unconscious.

Preview of the next show, the words “my boy” come out of Michael’s mouth…

A thousand knives of pain and agony stab me in the head.

THAT’S where I know him from!!! Man, it’s been buggin’ me to no end, trying to remember where I saw him before. And he was really, really good in that role, too.


Ah hah! I had to stop watching that story line, that guy creeped me out so badly! So I guess the actor is perfect for “Henry.” Although thus far he’s just deliciously creepy, not hide-from-the-monsters-under-my-bed creepy.

For me, Isaac looked like the Great White Hunter that bagged the T-Rex in the last Jurassic Park movie.

That was really nice of Jack to change the dressing on Not Henry’s wound, seeing as it had bled completely through, but as I recall, that’s the exit wound from when he got shot in the back. What about the entry wound? Doesn’t it need a fresh dressing, too?

“I just don’t get the whole island mentality going on here. If everyone is happy staying where they are, why aren’t they building any kind of sturdy shelters and getting more organized?”

You mean, like, a church or a kitchen? Yeah, they should get started on that.

Because it’s HIS map in HIS hatch. Which he’s done with. Only, not. Huh?

I didn’t dislike this episode like so many other people. I thought it was well done with lots of fluff. I saw someone complain that they reused Locke’s storyline for Rose and I disagree. Locke wasn’t on his way to death, he was wheelchair bound. Secondly, it puts out of the option that Locke’s being in a wheelchair was psychosomatic. Assuming Rose is healed.

I don’t know why but one line in the show echoed with me. When Rose was at the healer’s she told him that she was going to tell Bernard that he had “fixed” her. Not that he had healed her. I don’t know why this bothers me so much, but it seemed such the wrong word that it just is stuck in my head.

FauxHenry’s evil grin is truly scary.

Michael’s back. I know some people dislike him, but he’s one of the actors I really like and am glad to finally see his return. Now my questions are is it by chance that he is returning? Did the Others let him go to appease Jack and make him go away? If so, why? Perhaps this is their prisoner exchange?

I don’t know, but it does open a lot of doors.

This was an “eh” episode for me. Rose and Bernard were only ok, and Michael is back, which isn’t. Why couldn’t he have gotten eaten by the polar bear or something? Jack and Kate were fun to watch, and we at least now know it’s a church. I wonder how long it will take for Charlie to either lose his faith, or go completely evangelical.

What’s up with the pantry right there on the beach? Don’t these people realize that it is MONSOON season!

Yeah probably, but where else are they going to put it? Jack, Locke, and Ana are keeping people away from the bunker.

WABBIT season!

Yeah, I was wondering that, too. They really need some kind of permanent shelter, like, say, the two hatches they’ve found, with power and lights and water and doors that lock and stuff like that. Wonder how they’re going to be able to cobble together something like that?

Did anyone else notice that Bernard’s incomplete SOS looks like a sad face? That is two rock piles plus the start of the curve of the first “S”
Like this :frowning:


You know what’s going to really bother me? Michael’s been gone for a while, and next episode, I’ll bet you $100 against a box of donuts that he’ll barely give out any info, and nobody will even grab him by the lapels and smack it out of him.

Michael: “I’ve seen the Others, they have Walt, we can take them!”
Jack: “But who are the Others?”
Michael: “There’s no time to explain, we have to leave now and rush headlong through the jungle without speaking!”
Jack: “Okey dokey then.”

BTW, I’m really liking how Jack is owning Sawyer lately.

Spoiler for an upcoming episode–not what it’s about, but what we can expect to see…

Michael’s next flashback episode will tell us where he’s been.

Michael: “Every moment I spend sitting here telling you about the Others is another moment I’m not out there looking for m’boy!”

Kate: “What was his name again?”


Did anyone else notice that at the “line” when the camera was spinning around Jack that there was a giant black thing in the background that looked like a big honking rock?

A big Black Rock?

I know the pirate ship was named the Black Rock, but could it be named AFTER this rock?

I’m somewhat annoyed because I thought we’d see the map again today. The previews here made it seem like that.

I did like the Rose and Bernard backstory, even if I missed some of it due to answering the phone (slaps hand bad girl)

Yeah, but I’ll bet he won’t tell anyone else, and they won’t ask.

I thought the previews from last week (for the 4-11 episode) showed the timer reading 215.00 or something like that, rather than 108.00.

Did I miss something?
I love that Rose saw Locke before the crash in the wheelchair, so she knew he had been healed.