Lost 2.19: "S.O.S."

That wasn’t Claire’s psychic, was it?



Too many damn commercials. Yeesh.

I don’t think it was the same person. The guy who played the healer looks like a very familiar Aussie actor who I’ve seen in a lot of things but can’t remember one of them right now. I suppose I could go to IMDB but that would require effort.
I was in a panic looking for my lost shaker of salt (actually my debit card) and I forgot to turn on the VCR and missed the first two minutes, I got the rest on tape after that. Did anything important happen in the first couple minutes?
I thought it was cute that Sawyer made a new friend but yes, Vincent’s friends don’t last very long so it probably doesn’t bode well.

I second this. Quit the Invasion promos and get back to the show!
I thought it was a decent filler episode with some good moments–it pretty much confirmed a lot of what we’d already known / guessed. Not spectacular, but a good episode all the same.

Who’s going to start the WAAAAAAAAAAAAALT countoff up again?

I checked Isaac in the IMDB and the only thing I recogized was Tarkin in ROTS.

So, no previous Lost credits.


Also, whoever the actor playing Henry Gale is, he does creepy really, really well. That grin in the hatch when Locke’s pounding on the door sent chills down my spine. :eek:

Well, up there I stuck a link to IMDB - if you’ve ever watched Farscape, he played Scorpius. That actually made my head hurt as now I’m trying to envision how you get one from the other.

I just don’t get the whole island mentality going on here. If everyone is happy staying where they are, why aren’t they building any kind of sturdy shelters and getting more organized?
What are they all doing to keep from going stark raving bonkers? And, if they indeed do want to leave, why was Bernard having so much trouble getting help?

Liked the double meaning in Bernard’s statement, “If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t even be here now.”

All the pairings at the end - Sawyer and dog. Ha!

Anyone remember the first Hurley backstory, where everyone around him kept having bad luck? Remember the electrician changing the light bulb in the lobby (I think in the mental hospital where he was visiting) that he told to get off the ladder?
Someone posted a pic of the guy on the usenet. He looks an AWFUL lot like the faux Henry Gale…

For a second, I thought the Austrailian faith healer dude was being played by Patrick Stewart. I don’t get very good reception.

I was mildly disappointed with this. I think one of the biggest weaknesses with the second season has been the flashbacks, mainly because they revealed all the big surprises in the first season. So now they finally have a chance to come up with a big flashback twist for new characters, and what do they do? They basically recycle Locke’s story and do so so obviously that I predicted the big “twist” the instant Rose said she was dying. Shame.

They seemed to be making a bit of an effort, though, to establish that the general stupidity we see among the characters is an effect of the island rather than just poor writing. We’ll see…

Oh, and…

I happened to flip past that cruise ad that uses the song “Somewhere Beyond the Sea” and it reminded me of Rousseau’s map. Remember that? The one Sayid stole from her and translated with Shannon’s help, only to discover that it just had the lyrics of that song on it? Whatever happened with that? How long has it been since it was even mentioned?

I need to go through the Official Questions thread to remind myself of what other major things they’ve just completely dropped coughpolar bearcough.

I need to go through the Official Questions thread to remind myself of what other major things they’ve just completely dropped coughpolar bearcough.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the “blacklight map” did have some info on the polar bear scribbled on it. I won’t spoil it for you in case you don’t want to know, but go back to the Lockdown thread and look at one of the maps links that had the stuff “decoded” and what not.

I was somewhat disappointed in this episode, and I have generally been more a fan of the character development and expositional aspects of the program than the over-arching mystery.

I think my disappointment ultimately reflects the fact that I just didn’t have much invested in Rose and Bernard prior to this episode. Coming into this episode, all I knew about them as a couple was that they seemed happier apart than together. Their story was cute, but not really moving, and I felt the obvious theme–that it may be better to just accept something than to constantly waste time trying to fix it–was beaten over my head (to be fairm, I did enjoy Bernard’s pathetic attempts at organizing people; I’ve had more than a few managers like that).

To perhaps belabor the point a little more, compare Rose-Bernard to the other tailie hookup between Hurley and tLibby. Here, the lack of knowledge about Libby’s motives (except that she is concealing a big secret), coupled with the deep, well-defined character of Hurley, offers more promising dramatic ideas. In contrast, I can’t see any reason to do another Rose or Bernard story (unless one of them is hit by a meteor, not an impossible thing on this island).

BTW, my wife and I agree, the best scene was when Locke is pounding on the cell door, demanding that Henry tell him whether or not he presed the button, and we pan up to a silent Henry just smirking. Nothing could be a better illustration of Locke’s Walter Mitty complex…

He’s BA-AACK! MICHAEL!!! :eek:

OK, a not so exciting episode. I really wanted to see the fake Henry Gale walk out at the very and say “Hello, Jack.”

I did like the scene where Rose tells Locke that they both know he’s going to heal faster than Jack predicted.

I have a large screen HiDef TV, and my entire group yelled out: Jean-Luc Picard!

Why is Locke keeping the map a big secret?

Whether Henry put in the numbers or not seems irrelevent, since the timer must have ran out either way.

Why doesn’t he just post someone by the computer and let the hatch go into lockdown again. Then they can enter the numbers if needed, or not.

I can’t think of a single reason for Locke to not tell anyone about the map.

There isn’t any indication that the lockdown is caused by the computer. It appears to be related to food drops which, if you believe the diagram, happen every 6-8 months.

S.O.P. for everyone. Why didn’t Locke tell the rest of the crew about the hatch until he had to? I assume that Locke is trying to keep The Island’s secrets to himself.

I fully expect to find out something interesting about Isaac’s bulletin board. I’m sure there are some connections between one or more of the many pictures on that wall to some other “Lost” character or scene. I’m too lazy to do an analysis myself, so I’ll wait for one of the real “Lost” nerds to post the info on the Tailsection or some other site.

Michael Emerson. Great actor. Nice guy. I’d seen him in several Broadway shows and followed his career for a bit. He had a memorable guest starring role as a creepy serial killer on the TV show The Practice several years ago but nothing major since. I was very excited to see him pop up on LOST, and with such an intriguing character!

We covered this in the last thread.

Going from memory - no, he doesn’t. The picture they chose is poorly lit and it would’ve been easy to take a better picture, so most likely they were trying to stir up controversy.

The same reason Kate kept quiet about the medical bunker. It would make too much sense not to.