Lost 2.6: "Abandoned"


It seems a bit formulaic to have her die right after the obligatory profession of love and “Yes, Shannon, I do believe you!”

I’m disappointed, to say the least. I figured it’d be Shannon anyway, but they could have done better than that. It was cheap and lazy and predictable; I expected better. I’m not sure why.

Oh well. At least next week we get to see the softer side of Ana-Lucia.

I wonder if Episode 2.7 won’t just open with Sayid blowing Ana Lucia away.

Why? Because Michelle Rodriguez is about as popular with the viewing public as Hitler. Maybe they’re trying to get rid of her.

I was kinda hoping the gun backfired right into Ana-Lucia. That would have been a neat twist. And it would have gotten rid of Michelle Rodriguez. So win-win.

I think Ana-Lucia is going to be around for a while, unfortunately. If nothing more than to give Sayid somebody to continually glare at.

So all that’s left of Boone’s family is his snooty mother now… huh.

So, setting up some new conflict between Locke and Charlie now? Sounds like he’s going to get the wrong idea anyways.

After Sayid and Shannon did it in the beach house, it panned over to a shadowy figure looking on from under a tree. This was before the credits, right at the beginning. Immediately after the scene they cut to the tailaways when Sawyer unfortunately insults Michael right as he returns. Anyone with HD distinguish who this may be? Is it possible it was gasp Boone?

How did Ana Lucia come to shoot Shannon? Doesn’t sound like it was an accident.

I hope ABC repeats this on Saturday. :frowning:

Shannon came over the hill onto the “other”… .during the spooky whispery moment…

Did anyone else shout at the TV … “Don’t you understand what “shhh” means???”

I hope like hell the first thing that happens in the next episode is Sayid shoots AL.

Not becuase she shot shannon, just cause…

ANyone else think just how frackin good a shot AL was? I mean dead center heart shot… no 2 ways about it… apparently that SWAT training came in handy.

Good thing too, they only had 1 bullet.

It’s also confirmed that it was Shannon/Boone’s father that was killed in the wreck of the future former Dr Jack’s Wife.

Nice to not see some of the other main charectors… enough going on that I didnt even notice.

Anyone else shout “uber bitch” at the stepmom… the Dr didn;t ask your relationship with the girl… he assumed it was the DEAD GUYS Daughter!


Is anyone else thinking Shannon might not be dead? You know “True Love” and all that. Seriously, maybe it’s Cindy who’s the “lost forever” character and Shannon lives on.

And while I guess we were supposed to feel sympathetic with Shannon after this flashback, I found her as annoying and self-centered as ever. She went around trying to get money to go to New York but when Boone actually offered to help her, she got all crazy and accused him of not believing in her. Shannon, how are people supposed to give you money without giving it to you? Or doesn’t it count if you get it from your father’s estate? And I don’t care how much I’m in love, if my lover tells me in the middle of the night that Dwight Eisenhower was in our bedroom and insists she wasn’t dreaming and the only way for me to prove our love is to say I believe everything she says, our relationship is in trouble.

Oh, man.

“I Love You! Here, put on this red shirt…”

Count me in as another one who’d like to see Sayid, or anyone for that matter, plug AnaLuciaRambinaBitchita in the next ep. The look on Sayid’s face…

Nice to see Somerhalder again.
I wasn’t too surprised by what happened, although Walt was higher on my list of most-likely-to-go. I would have been screaming if it had been Sawyer.

I don’t mind the hatch scenes, but I’m very much looking forward to next week’s extended ep. about the tail o’ the plane folks and The Others.

:smiley: Good thing I wasn’t taking a drink when I hit this post. :smiley:

Sayid. There’s got to be a more than a little tension between you and Ana Lucia, am I right?

This is crazy. It’s after midnight and this thread is just now getting to page two?

I remember a time when page two came and went before the show had even aired in my time zone.

My roommate skipped Lost in favor of Trading Spouses. When he asked me who died, I told him, “Shannon got shot, Sawyer is on Death’s porch, and some chick from the tail section mysteriously disappeared.”

“Oh. So, again, we don’t really know anything.”

Exactly. Screw you, creators of Lost. Also, :rolleyes:. You guys suck.

To be honest, if Sayid DOESN’T plug her, it’s going to be hard to maintain suspension of disbelief.

I dunno about you guys, but if someone shot my wife right in front of me, and I had a gun, that sumbitch dies. I find it hard to believe Sayid could restrain himself from killing her.

You might want to put the glass down when I tell you about next week’s episode, where Sawyer gives Ana Lucia her new nickname, “Trigger”.

I second this and call the same on Michael, Sawyer and Jin.

I mean: Evil killer types seem to abound on this island. Anyone with brain one would act under the assumption that the person shushing you has your best interest in mind. It’s not that difficult a deduction.

In other news: I place responsibility for Shannon’s death on Walt’s head. He got her attention and walked towards the scene of the crime. Obviously, she’s going to follow, right?

Also, did anybody else notice Jack stride by behind Dr. Sadface in the first flashback?

Yes. Remember the first episode of this season where Jack stablizes his future wife and there is an unlucky man who Jack doesn’t have time to care for and is quickly pronounced dead? Tonight we saw the other side of that story…

Yeah, fiddlesticks, I remember. In fact, I had been wondering when or if Shannon would find out that Jack was the Doc that let her father die in order to save the life of the woman who killed him. This episode answered that question.

As soon as I heard Cindy speak a couple of lines of dialogue, I was trying to figure the size of her red shirt.

I’m glad it’s not Libby. She looks kinda intense and could add to the show.

re: the whole Ana-Lucia-Rambina is uber-bitchy and has to die thing:

My hope is that, having killed an innocent and arrived at the relative sanity of Midplane haven, she will soften, maybe break a bit, and become a much more likable character.

Or not. Then I get pissed off too.

I think Sayid is trying to put the whole violence/cruelty thing in his past, so I see him conflicted between vengence and harmony, and not at all unbelievable. It will be an interesting next few episodes.

And I add my voice to those who say “‘I love you, I will never leave you’: Shannon is dead meat.” It was just too much, too sudden. Poorly written or played out or whatever.