Lost 2.6: "Abandoned"

My sources say that the previously-posted spoilers are wrong.

Here be Spoilers!!! You have been warned!!!

[spoiler]Shannon does indeed die… with a twist. A night of deep passion, a tropical rainstorm, and a beckoning to follow a ghost. Vincent plays a critical role in her death which none will expect. Oh - and our intrepid tail-section leader will not be the killer.

  • Charlie will find religion the hard way, and with dire consequences. His “habit” requires no nun, and this will happen early - within the first 15 minutes.

  • Sawyer, with an infection slowly killing him, falls into a comatose state. His dreams (or to a larger extent… nightmares) will tell us something important about the person he’s been chasing.

  • Our newest hero with a dark secret, Mr. Eko, takes a dreaded shortcut in order to save the fallen Sawyer. What they find on their trek will not be another polar bear, but something else far more sinister.

Most of the time spent will be on Shannon this episode. We will see her father, her previous husband, and her dancing skills.

  • Not much focus will be on the travels of those on a collison course with destiny, but what they see along the path will be near the end, as will be the horrible loss of life.

  • Most of what we see with Charlie, Clair and Locke will be early on. Keep an eye on Locke and what he says to Claire. This is the first domino in a chain of events between the trio

oh, and…WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALT!!! :smiley:

I think it’s an abbreviation for Ana-Lucia, unless somebody named Al snuck in while I wasn’t looking. :slight_smile:

Who are your sources? They seem mighty knowledgeable!!!

Crap–there’s really a new episode tonight?

:goes to change evening plans:

Actually, my source is my wife, who keeps close tabs on all of the Lost spoiler sites. These are the latest up, according to her. In the past, they have been batting 80%+.

One of the local radio morning shows is having a contest called 'Who do you know?" where you try to get the most famous celebrety to call in and you win $5k while the celeberty’s cherity wins $5k if they are found to be the most ‘famous’ celebrety by a phone-in poll.

Well, last week a man called in saying he was Daniel Roebuck from California. One of the hosts then prompted him by saying, ‘Well, where do we know you from?’ to which Mr. Roebuck replied, “I was Arzt, the a-hole who blew himself up on Lost.” That had me laughing for a good minute, especially the way he called his character an ‘a-hole’.

Wow. No East Coast fans checking in while watching. I don’t know if that’s good or bad…

Man… Ana-Lucia is seriously getting on my nerves. I’m starting to hope that the “Others” show up and drag her away, just to shut her the hell up.

Just a little under the weather today, figured I’d wait till others spoke up and I’d chime in.

Oh my GOD!!

Wow. That’s all I can say.

Ow … my head …

man, did she end up having a short, shallow, sucky life.

Holy farkin’…wow.

How long until someone plays Walt backward and we can hear what he was saying?


So who thinks Sayid will end up hooked up with Ana-Lucia by some time next season?

Or is that kind of a long shot…? :smiley:

What is an “extended” episode?

Whenever shows have a double episode, they are never shy about proclaiming “A special two-hour event” or whatever. I found their word choice to be unusual.

I watched the second half of Trading Spouses instead, mostly because last week Dopers said one of the spouses vomited Evil. (She didn’t vomit this week, but I’m glad I watched, because reading about this woman wouldn’t do her justice.)

If anyone feels up to a Lost recap, or an explanation of “Oh my God”, it’d be much appreciated. :slight_smile:

The listing on the DishNetwork guide only shows it to be an hour.

Jeff Probst: This is the first tribal council since the merge. Ana Lucia, you did really badly at the first challenge. Comments?