Lost 3.1: "A Tale of Two Cities"

Oh, you know, maybe it was plumber boy? He was certainly a plant to test Sawyer then I guess.

Plumber boy was Ethan.

Plmber guy was Ethan.

This was a fantastic episode. As expected, it opened up so many new possibilities. I love the way it started just like last season’s premier, but with a CD instead of an LP. We think we’re somewhere else, but we’re on the Island in a place we had no idea about.

Jack’s cell is reminescent of the pilot episode of Star Trek TOS, The Menagerie. They wanted him to have a shared life threatening experience with Julliette. Note how he was finally broken.

As for Kate and Sawyer… I can only imagine the experiments they have in mind for them. Maybe whenever Sawyer gets a food reward, Kate gets an electric shock. I can think of so many two-cage experiments with monkeys and chimps. The Others want to test how strong the bond is between them, and they’re going to put them thru hell to find out.

What a top notch episode to start off the season. I give it an A+!!!

One other thing that nags me. Juliet was upset at the start of the episode, and put the CD on to cheer herself up. She’s got a story for sure, and I wonder if she won’t be a weak link that helps our Losties escape.

Then again,

The IMDB site for Lost has her credited for only four episodes, and I’m not sure if that means anything.

And, “It only took the bears 2 hours to figure it out…” (implying it took Sawyer longer, of course).

That was an amusing moment, but overall, I have to agree that this episode didn’t have enough meat to it for a season opener.

It probably doesn’t mean anything, but I got excited when she was pulling the CD out of the case, because it was clearly the inside cover art for Talking Heads’ Speaking in Tongues, then we got Petula Clark(?). I’m just amazed to have found some little detail before anyone else.

I doubt it means anything, because the last one they list her in is the last one they have listed in advance – episode 5 of season 3. I’d say she’ll probably be in more.

I think when Henry Gale said “There may even be survivors,” he didn’t mean survivors of the crash (the rest of his speech presupposes everyone in the group knows there are crash survivors) but rather, “survivors” has some significance to the Others that we the audience haven’t been let in on yet.

“Survivors” of the incident, maybe, who for some reason have been living off the island for a while but are now being brought back? Or “Survivors” of the Hanso-created disease mentioned in the Lost Experience stuff, who the Others are supposed to collect and study? Or “Survivors” as in people who have a better chance at surviving whatever is supposed to cause the end of the world?* (I.e. “good people?”–maybe the Others think they are the “good people” who will survive the end of the world, and they are collecting others they think are “survivors”/“good people” as well?)


*Again, see the Lost Experience stuff.

Huh? Just like last season, this give a whole new prespective on the Island. I thought this was brilliant.

Anyone watching “The Nine”? There’s Audrey, Floxx, and Mama Reyes.

i would like to bring up a point I have never seen in here since I have watched LOST…I have never missed an episode, but I could have missed a dopers thread… OK…I have this problem with Jack’s tattoo’s. We always see it/them on his upper left arm…it looks ALEIN to me…like a sapce ship…and other stuff… well tonight…when he was pulling that chain in the/his cage…you seen STARS tattooed on the under upper arm…I had never seen those before… what do you think?

I think this fits into the theory about Dharma/Hanso following some people on the flight and diverting the flight to the island for the Others.

I ment to say…his (Jack’s) tattoo’s seem important to me

There’s clearly some tension between Juliet and the fake Henry Gale, remember during the book club meeting the pretentious guy was rattling on about how the choice in books was puerile and beneath them ect. and she got REALLY into his face about it saying SHE was now the host and it was her favorite book. I think she was upset because she got word that fake Henry survived his ordeal at the hands of the Lost crew, she’s clearly second in command of the experiment and has some kind of conflict with him. That’s why there was the wry exchange about how he must not be in the book club anymore.

We could see the range of his acting talents.


Yeah, asking him information they knew, something easy to answer that doesn’t seem to be giving much away, is a standard interrogation technique (from what I gather in fiction, but it makes sense). If you get them talking about stuff that seems harmless or known, it establishes a dialogue.

I could easily buy both parts. Imagine the stress of the whole situation, and the WTFness of it all, and you might get stubborn and uncooperative too at some point. As for the flashback stuff - that sort of thing can make you nutty about stuff like that.

I figured it out as soon as they opened with the CD case (within a few seconds of the start). It was the same way they opened season 2.

We learned that they have communication links to the outside world, by how they got information. That’s pretty significant - they’re not just a long forgotten isolated group. Although I suppose the supply drops contradicted that to an extent too, but with the worry of infection and such, it was unclear if there was still communication with the outside world.

No, they said sharks and dolphins. And it was definitely a shark - dolphins move completely differently.

I think she was upset because she got word that fake Henry survived his ordeal at the hands of the Lost crew, she’s clearly second in command of the experiment and has some kind of conflict with him. QUOTE]

I think the book club scene happened before the plane crashed?

If I’m reading you correctly, you’ve got it mixed up. The book club scene and Henry being captured by the Losties were months apart. It wasn’t Henry at the book club, right? Some other guy…

It’s Carrie.

I found the cover that is seen first (just after the old lady talks patronizingly to Mr. Whiny). http://www.fantasfilm.com/image/d-stephenking-carrie.jpg

OK so my question ment nothing…his tattoo’s are everyday stuff…sorry

My wife and I were wondering about this, because we were wondering if it was a contemporary book or an older one like say from the '70s.

I know it seems like they have easy contact with the modern world, but the song she was playing was current in the '70s, the book they were reading was current in the '70s, all much like the stuff in the hatch. That’s a little mysterious, I think.

Are they avoiding post-'70s cultural developments for some reason?

Did they, back in the '70s, somehow have access to information about contemporary times, due to whatever Hanso wierdness they were involved in? Meaning they don’t necessarily now have contact with the outside world?

Did they, rather than having access to information about the future, rather, have access to information about then-contemporary, successful projects to bring certain events about?
