Aussies drive on the left side of the road, so the steering wheel should be on the right.
I know a lot of people don’t, but I love Charlie and Claire. My problem with the beach episodes is that there’s too much potential for “let’s have a ping-pong tournament and then take a car ride!” episodes (which are okay in their own right, but should be used very sparingly.) whereas the Jack/Others ones tend to have more action and weirdness.
Last week or the week before (psshhhh I can’t remember. the car one.) I thought the “charlie is going to die” storyline was resolved. And I thought that was the stupidest thing ever because, like, why would the universe follow some rule that Hurley just pulled out of the air? So I was glad to see that it wasn’t.
The whole reasoning thing was confusing to me, too. I figure Desmond wanted Charlie to go hunting at the very beginning so he’d never know what Claire was planning on doing. Was the rock where they were laying the trap the same one the birds were on later? I don’t think it was, but maybe…
That security system rocks. Sure you can easily climb over it, but it makes up for that fault with brain frying ability. I don’t blame Locke for pushing the prisoner through it, I would have done the same thing. As soon as I saw the fence I thought to myself “If Russian guy is so sure about the fence being disabled, make the bastard walk through it!” so I’m glad they went there.
Next week: Locke’s Very Special Cripple Episode.
Speculation: Ben is responsible and Locke is out to get some revengin’. Doesn’t make sense then that Locke was kind to Ben when he was a prisoner, but hell, this is Lost.
Our guess was that Claire either (1) wouldn’t have caught anything with the net anyway, or (2) managed to catch something, but it got “partially” away before they could tie a note to it, so Charlie went chasing after it over wet rocks. You know, discounting the fact that it’s virtually impossible to sneak up on a seagull, let alone when you’re a giant lumbering idiot like Charlie.
Did anyone notice that the whole security system thingy may have been there as much to keep people “in” as much as to keep people “out”? Maybe more so. Seems like outside the perimeter there were tons of trees to hack down in order to climb over it, but inside the perimeter it was pretty clear. No trees on the inside in order to climb back out. Which begs the question, how the hell do Kate, Sayid, Locke and CFL plan to get back out? Their tree climbing device looked kind of one way to me.
Broken Wind, they better not get stuck inside, that would be the king stupid act of the season. Clearly, when you traverse the security system, going into an area it completely surrounds, you need to set up a return trip. I can forgive them not detailing the way out that was setup, but I don’t want to see it become a plot point.
Well, presumably the Others have some way of turning the security system off; all of them got back inside somehow anyway. (I suspect there is a tunnel somewhere that goes under it myself.)
And Sawyer is now reading Ayn Rand. It looked like The Fountainhead.
Hobbits don’t ususally have the word ‘giant’ in their description.
It’s obvious that the Others come and go through the security fence as they please. Ethan and (that other Other guy’s name escapes me) made beelines for the beach without even mentioning disabling the perimeter.
You would think that by this time, all Desmond needs to do would be to wink and Charlie and he would go lie low in his bunk until the danger passed. No need for gun shooting, bird scaring hijinks.
Nice shimmying, Kate.
We’re back to the not asking enough questions bit again, though. For all of the questions that got asked and answered during this episode, couldn’t they have pressed Locke for a real answer about the C4. He clearly lied about it, and his lack of knowledge is his explanation for the explosion. Why does he still have all of his fingers and toes with Sayid and CFL around?
All this talk and no mention of the best 2 seconds of the episode?
Right after Locke pushed Mikail through the fence and he… um… exploded inside or whatever, he just looked kind of apathetic, mumbled “Sorry.” And turned around.
I loved the whole episode, but that little exchange cracked me up.
can someone explain the “Charlie died” story line? I recall Desmond stating that it was Charlie who was drowning a few weeks back, but what is the deal with him bashing up against the rocks and dying this week?
Well, true, but he does have a giant stupid head, so does that count for anything? (Sorry, cranky, between the time change and the late broadcast hour, my ass is fully kicked.)
Demond has psychic abilities. He’s trying to keep Charlie alive, even though Charlie is fated to die. A few episodes back we saw Desmond learn that this is merely a temporary measure because fate has a way of course-correcting.
Question for y’all: Is it only my perception, or is Claire a manipulative bitch?
My husband thinks I’m crazy, but it seems to me like every time Charlie doesn’t dance to her little tune and do exactly as she says, she uses the baby (sorry BAY-bay) as a weapon against him. I feckin’ hate that! I’ve lost track of how long they’ve been there, but he has been nothing but a good surrogate daddy to Aaron, and she just jerks him around by his love for that kid (and her.) Bitch.
My husband was shocked when I said that last night, and says that it says more about me than her and that she’s just protecting him from a guy who’s acting weird.
Note: this observation does not include the odd ocean baptism while hallucinating scenario. I get that that was weird and she was right to get the baby back and have Charlie punched a lot. But at some point you either have to trust your baby daddy or not. And it seems they’ve been shacking - uh, lean-toing - up together for quite some time now.
I was coming in here to post the same observation.
And I loved those boots she was wearing in the hospital! Soooo cuuuute!
I thought the same thing last night. I hadn’t really picked up on it as much before.
It may just be because of the way their relationship is structured. She’s not his girlfriend, as far as we can tell. When she shoos him away because he pisses her off, it’s just easier to say get away from my bay-bay than, “you’re acting a bit creepy again. Go sleep with Hurley.” And certainly, she’s gotten help enforcing her orders when she has invoked said bay-bay in the past. Which is to say, she’s getting more manipulative because that’s working for her.
Every time I hear Claire say BAY-bay, I think of Meryl Streep in some movie screaming in some accent “YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT MY BAY-BAY”
Every time I here her say it, I wish someone would put a bullet in her head. Hmm… now that I think about it, any time she’s on the screen I wish someone would put a bullet in her head. I’m ready for her character to die off.
I have to observe, to those of you talking about what a great security system that was, that Mikhail had to stand between the pylons for several seconds before it killed him. And the emitters atop the pylons were stationary, not motorized, so they wouldn’t be able to track trespassers. The only danger zone is the plane between each pylon.
Sayid, Locke, et al. surely could have just dashed through the fence and suffered little to no harm.
This storyline would have been much more credible if they’d cast the conundrum in terms of not alerting the Others that they were entering their compound than in terms of not getting hurt.
According to Claire’s rescue note, they’ve been there 80 days as of last night’s episode.